Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    Bestandsaufnahme Smartphones. Übersicht Modellhistorie und modulare Konzepte
    (Fraunhofer IZM, 2020) ; ; ;
    Krause, Thomas
    Dieser Arbeitsbericht ist Teil des Forschungsprojektes MoDeSt - Produktzirkularität durch modulares Design - Strategien für langlebige Smartphones. Modulare Smartphones haben das Potenzial, sowohl technischen Fortschritt durch Upgrades abzubilden als auch sich wandelnden Konsumbedürfnissen anzupassen und Reparaturen im Schadensfall kosten- und arbeitseffizient umzusetzen. Dadurch wird eine längere Nutzungsdauer ermöglicht, die die Zahl der konsumierten und letztendlich produzierten Geräte und ihre Umweltbeeinträchtigung senkt. Um positive Potenziale des modularen Designs zu entfalten und unerwünschte Folgen zu minimieren, untersucht MoDeSt technische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen und entwickelt Lösungen für Modulkonzepte. Das Projekt hat das Ziel, Potentiale modularer Geräte nutzbar zu machen und mögliche negative Aspekte zu minimieren und betrachtet dabei ganzheitlich die Aspekte Technikentwicklung, Umweltwirkung, Nutzer*innenverhalten und Geschäftsmodelle. Diese deskriptive Bestandsaufnahme für Smartphones und existierende modulare Konzepte dient als Arbeitshilfe für die weiteren Arbeitspakte hinsichtlich Umweltbewertung, Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und Nutzer*innenanalyse. Es wird ein kurzer Einblick in aktuelle Bestands- und Verkaufszahlen von Smartphones gegeben, sowie Zahlen zur aktuellen Nutzungsdauer, Schäden und Reparaturen, sofern diese verfügbar sind (Kapitelt 2). Die Historie der Smartphoneentwicklung wird auf Basis einer breiten Modellübersicht seit Ende der 1990er beschreiben (Kapitel 3), sowie existierende modulare Konzepte genannt (Kapitel 4).
  • Publication
    Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and mining wastes (ProSUM)
    ( 2017)
    Huisman, Jaco
    Leroy, Pascal
    Tertre, François
    Ljunggren Söderman, Maria
    Chancerel, Perrine
    Cassard, D.
    Løvik, Amund N.
    Wäger, P.
    Kushnir, D.
    Rotter, Vera Susanne
    Mählitz, Paul
    Herreras, L.
    Emmerich, Johanna
    Hallberg, A.
    Habib, H.
    Wagner, M.
    Downes, Sarah
    Batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles and mining waste contain both significant amounts and a large variety of raw materials, ranging from base metals to plastics, as well as precious metals and critical raw materials (CRMs). The EU is reliant on imports for many of these raw materials and aims to realise a Circular Economy. Securing responsible sourcing of those materials as well as increasing recycling rates is a complex societal challenge, partly because of the lack of structured data on the quantities, concentrations, trends and final whereabouts in different waste flows of these secondary raw materials in the Urban Mine in Europe. Currently, data on primary and secondary raw materials are available in Europe, but scattered amongst a variety of institutions including government agencies, universities, NGOs and industry. The aim of the ProSUM project was to provide a state of the art knowledge base, using best available data in a harmonised and updateable format, which allows the recycling industry and policymakers to make more informed investment and policy decisions to increase the supply and recycling of secondary raw materials.
  • Publication
    µAFS High Resolution ADB/AFS Solution
    (SAE, 2016)
    Grötsch, S.G.
    Brink, M.
    Fiederling, R.
    Liebetrau, T.
    Möllers, I.
    Moisel, J.
    Oppermann, H.
    Pfeuffer, A.
    A cooperation of several research partners supported by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education proposes a new active matrix LED light source. A multi pixel flip chip LED array is directly mounted to an active driver IC. A total of 1024 pixel can be individually addressed through a serial data bus. Several of these units are integrated in a prototype headlamp to enable advanced light distribution patterns in an evaluation vehicle.
  • Publication
    Entwurfsmethoden für verbesserte robuste Batteriemanagementsysteme. Teilvorhaben
    (Fraunhofer IIS / EAS, 2016)
    Dietrich, Manfred
    Gulbins, Matthias
    Haase, Joachim
  • Publication
    Methodology guidance - energy profiles and carbon footprint data for passive components and connectors
    (Fraunhofer IZM, 2015) ; ;
    Schulz, Gerd
    Husemann, Jürgen
    Trenner, Torger
    Sonnenberg, Thea
    Huck, Walter
    Kelm, Klaus
    Tempel, Norbert
    Wunderlich, Peter
    Dietrich, Marcus
    Requests for environmental component data are passed through the supply chain and component manufacturers face the growing need to serve these inquiries. Whereas the passive components industry learned to handle material declaration requests by developing Umbrella Specifications, the field of CO2 or energy profiles lacks harmonization and clear and credible guidance, how to compile such datasets. There are several thousand different types of passive electronic components and it is neither feasible to compile and maintain datasets for all of them, nor would such level of detail be of much added value for carbon footprint calculations given the general uncertainties of such assessments. An abridged and harmonized model is required and to follow with such a model the approach of the material Umbrella Specifications might lead to an efficient, transparent and manageable solution. The objectives of this guidance document are to reduce the data intensity of environmental assessments for passive components, including connectors.
  • Publication
    Entwicklung des IKT-bedingten Strombedarfs in Deutschland
    (Fraunhofer IZM, 2015) ; ;
    Zedel, Hannes
    Hintemann, Ralph
    Clausen, Jens
    Beucker, Severin
    Der jährliche Energiebedarf der IKT in Deutschland ist im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2015 um 15 Prozent, also 8 TWh, gesunken. Perspektivisch wird sich dieser abnehmende Trend bis 2020 weiter fortsetzen, bis 2025 wird ein leichter Anstieg von 45 TWh auf 46 TWh in 2025 erwartet. Maßgeblich für den Rückgang des Stromverbrauchs ist der sinkende Energiebedarf der IKT in Haushalten und an Arbeitsplätzen, der sich in den kommenden Jahren von 2015 bis 2025 weiter sukzessive um gut ein Drittel verringern wird. Wesentliche Treiber sind die technische Optimierung von IKT-Endgeräten wie Fernsehern sowie eine intensivere Nutzung energiesparenderer mobiler Produkte wie Smartphones, Tablets und Notebooks. Die Effizienzsteigerungen wurden durch Verbraucherinformation und Standardsetzung über das europäische Energielabel und die Ökodesign-Richtlinie forciert. Demgegenüber zeichnet sich in den Bereichen der Telekommunikation und Rechenzentren ein gegenläufiger Trend ab: Trotz der Ausschöpfung erheblicher Verbesserungspotentiale wird der IKT-bedingte Energiebedarf von Rechenzentren und Telekommunikationsnetzen 2015 bis 2025 leicht zunehmen und von 18 TWh im Jahr 2015 auf 25 TWh im Jahr 2025 ansteigen.
  • Publication
    Disassembly analysis of slates: Design for repair and recycling evaluation. Final report
    (Fraunhofer IZM, 2014) ; ; ;
    Scheiber, Sascha
    Oerter, Markus
    Nowak, Torsten
    Schlösser, Alexander
    Riedel, Hannes
    Nissen, Nils F.
    This project was initiated by Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, to investigate the current status of slate designs with respect to repair and recycling. Following the Energy Star definition, slate computing devices are defined as a type of computer lacking a physical keyboard, relying solely on touchscreen input, having solely a wireless network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi, 3G), and primarily powered from an internal battery (with connection to the mains for charging, not primary powering of the device). EPEAT supported this project. An overarching objective upon request by EPEAT is to create an independent evidence base for future stakeholder discussions on EPEAT criteria for slates. It is not the objective of this study to propose such criteria, nor did the study take into account all facets to def ine such criteria. Definitely, additional aspects and arguments need to be considered thoroughly in the course of the upcoming stakeholder process.
  • Publication
    Towards an overall measurement methodology of the carbon and energy footprints of the ICT sector
    (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2013)
    The objective of this study is to better understand the existing landscape of methodologies and initiatives for measuring and reporting GHG emissions (i.e. carbon footprint) and energy footprint for the ICT sector, in a perspective of a possible policy implementation. The report is structured in three main parts. Firstly, in the context of Key Action 12 of the Digital Agenda for Europe5, the study provides a panorama and analysis of these methodologies and initiatives in regards to several assessment criteria. Secondly, it looks at the implications of applying these methodologies to carry out GHG emissions reporting at company level and assesses generic risks and benefits. Finally, building on these two aspects, the study provides a preliminary discussion of different policy scenarios (either mandatory or voluntary) for the implementation of GHG emissions reporting at the company level. In particular, the most appropriate methodological frameworks are presented for these scenarios. The scenarios discussion focuses on the ICT sector but scenarios also consider a wider policy implementation for GHG emissions reporting.
  • Publication
    Disassembly analysis of slates: Design for repair and recycling evaluation. Final report
    (Fraunhofer IZM, 2013) ; ;
    Scheiber, Sascha
    Oerter, Markus
    Nowak, Torsten
    Schlösser, Alexander
    Riedel, Hannes
    Nissen, Nils F.
    This project was initiated by Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, to investigate the current status of slate designs with respect to repair and recycling. Following the Energy Star definition, slate computing devices are defined as a type of computer lacking a physical keyboard, relying solely on touchscreen input, having solely a wireless network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi, 3G), and primarily powered from an internal battery (with connection to the mains for charging, not primary powering of the device). EPEAT supported this project. An overarching objective upon request by EPEAT is to create an independent evidence base for future stakeholder discussions on EPEAT criteria for slates. It is not the objective of this study to propose such criteria, nor did the study take into account all facets to def ine such criteria. Definitely, additional aspects and arguments need to be considered thoroughly in the course of the upcoming stakeholder process.
  • Publication
    Selbstorganisierende Produktion - SOPRO
    ( 2012)
    Hohwieler, Eckhard
    Eggers, Achim
    Schallock, Burkhard
    Kraft, Manfred
    Urban, Kamilla
    Niedermayer, Michael
    Schrank, Kai
    Patzlaff, Marcel
    Erdene-Ochir, Tuguldur
    Chemnitz, Moritz