Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Generative Machine Learning for Resource-Aware 5G and IoT Systems
    Extrapolations predict that the sheer number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices will exceed 40 billion in the next five years. Hand-crafting specialized energy models and monitoring sub-systems for each type of device is error prone, costly, and sometimes infeasible. In order to detect abnormal or faulty behavior as well as inefficient resource usage autonomously, it is of tremendous importance to endow upcoming IoT and 5G devices with sufficient intelligence to deduce an energy model from their own resource usage data. Such models can in-turn be applied to predict upcoming resource consumption and to detect system behavior that deviates from normal states. To this end, we investigate a special class of undirected probabilistic graphical model, the so-called integer Markov random fields (IntMRF). On the one hand, this model learns a full generative probability distribution over all possible states of the system-allowing us to predict system states and to measure the probability of observed states. On the other hand, IntMRFs are themselves designed to consume as less resources as possible-e.g., faithful modelling of systems with an exponentially large number of states, by using only 8-bit unsigned integer arithmetic and less than 16KB memory. We explain how IntMRFs can be applied to model the resource consumption and the system behavior of an IoT device and a 5G core network component, both under various workloads. Our results suggest, that the machine learning model can represent important characteristics of our two test systems and deliver reasonable predictions of the power consumption.
  • Publication
    Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
    Die deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verfolgt das Ziel, für die Normung Handlungsempfehlungen rund um KI zu geben, denn sie gilt in Deutschland und Europa in fast allen Branchen als eine der Schlüsseltechnologien für künftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Die EU geht davon aus, dass die Wirtschaft in den kommenden Jahren mit Hilfe von KI stark wachsen wird. Umso wichtiger sind die Empfehlungen der Normungsroadmap, die die deutsche Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im internationalen KI-Wettbewerb stärken, innovationsfreundliche Bedingungen schaffen und Vertrauen in die Technologie aufbauen sollen.
  • Publication
    Reference Architecture Model. Version 3.0
    (International Data Spaces Association, 2019) ;
    Steinbuss, Sebastian
    Teuscher, Andreas
    Lohmann, Steffen
    Birnstil, P.
    Böhmer, M.
    Brost, G.
    Cirullies, J.
    Eitel, A.
    Ernst, T.
    Geisler, S.
    Gelhaar, J.
    Gude, R.
    Haas, C.
    Huber, M.
    Jung, C.
    Jürjens, J.
    Lange, C.
    Lis, D.
    Mader, C.
    Menz, N.
    Nagel, R.
    Patzer, F.
    Pettenpohl, H.
    Pullmann, J.
    Quix, C.
    Schulz, D.
    Schütte, J.
    et al.
  • Publication
    IDS Reference Architecture Model. Industrial Data Space. Version 2.0
    (International Data Spaces Association, 2018) ;
    Lohmann, Steffen
    Steinbuss, Sebastian
    Teuscher, Andreas
    Auer, Soeren
    Boehmer, Martin
    Bohn, Juergen
    ; ;
    Ciureanu, Constantin
    Corsi, Eva
    Danielsen, Soeren
    ; ; ; ;
    Gude, Roland
    Heiles, Juergen
    Hierro, Juanjo
    Hoernle, Joachim
    Huber, Manuel
    Juerjens, Jan
    Kasprzik, Anna
    Ketterl, Markus
    Koetzsch, Judith
    Koehler, Jacob
    Lange, Christoph
    Langer, Dorothea
    Langkau, Joerg
    Loeffler, Sven
    Loewen, Ulrich
    Mader, Christian
    Mueller, Andreas
    Mueller, Bernhard
    Nagel, Lars
    Nieminen, Harri
    Reitelbach, Thomas
    Resetko, Aleksei
    Pakkala, Daniel
    ; ;
    Pietzsch, Rene
    Pullmann, Jaroslav
    Punter, Matthijs
    Rohrmus, Dominik
    Romer, Lena
    Sandloehken, Joerg
    Schoewe, Patrick
    Schuette, Julian
    Schweichhart, Karsten
    Sol, Egbert-Jan
    Sorowka, Peter
    Spiegelberg, Gernot
    Spohn, Christian
    Stoehr, Gerrit
    Thess, Michael
    Tramp, Sebastian
    Wappler, Mona
    Weiergraeber, Ann-Christin
    Wenzel, Sven
    Wolff, Oliver
    Woerner, Heike
  • Publication
    Interaktionsmodell für Industrie 4.0 Komponenten
    ( 2017)
    Diedrich, Christian
    Bieliaiev, Alexander
    Bock, Jürgen
    Gössling, Andreas
    Hänisch, Rolf
    Kraft, Andreas
    Pethig, Florian
    Niggemann, Oliver
    Reich, Johannes
    Vollmar, Friedrich
    Wende, Jörg
    Verwaltungsschalen bilden zusammen mit den Assets der digitalen Fabrik I4.0-Komponenten. Interaktionen zwischen den Verwaltungsschalen sind wichtige Bestandteile der Wertschöpfungsketten in den I4.0-Systemen. Dafür benötigen die Verwaltungsschalen eine gemeinsame Sprache. Auf der Basis der Festlegungen der DIN SPEC 91345, d. h. des RAMIs und der Struktur der Verwaltungsschale, wird hier das Interaktionskonzept beschrieben.
  • Publication
    Interaktionsmodell für Industrie 4.0-Komponenten
    (BMWI, 2016)
    Bock, Jürgen
    Diedrich, Christian
    Gössling, Andreas
    Hänisch, Rolf
    Kraft, Andreas
    Niggemann, Oliver
    Reich, Johannes
    Vollmar, Friedrich
  • Publication
    OpenIoT: Open source Internet-of-Things in the cloud
    ( 2015)
    Soldatos, J.
    Kefalakis, N.
    Hauswirth, M.
    Serrano, M.
    Calbimonte, J.-P.
    Riahi, M.
    Aberer, K.
    Jayaraman, P.P.
    Zaslavsky, A.
    Zarko, I.
    Skorin-Kapov, L.
    Despite the proliferation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) platforms for building and deploying IoT applications in the cloud, there is still no easy way to integrate heterogeneous geographically and administratively dispersed sensors and IoT services in a semantically interoperable fashion. In this paper we provide an overview of the OpenIoT project, which has developed and provided a first-of-kind open source IoT platform enabling the semantic interoperability of IoT services in the cloud. At the heart of OpenIoT lies the W3C Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN) ontology, which provides a common standards-based model for representing physical and virtual sensors. OpenIoT includes also sensor middleware that eases the collection of data from virtually any sensor, while at the same time ensuring their proper semantic annotation. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of visual tools that enable the development and deployment of IoT applications with almost zero programming. Another key feature of OpenIoT is its ability to handle mobile sensors, thereby enabling the emerging wave of mobile crowd sensing applications. OpenIoT is currently supported by an active community of IoT researchers, while being extensively used for the development of IoT applications in areas where semantic interoperability is a major concern.