Now showing 1 - 10 of 1398
  • Publication
    Incorporating Query Recommendation for Improving In-Car Conversational Search
    ( 2024-03-23)
    Rony, Md. Rashad Al Hasan
    Khan, Abbas Goher
    Friedl, Ken E.
    Sudhi, Viju
    Süß, Christian
    Retrieval-augmented generation has become an effective mechanism for conversational systems in domain-specific settings. Retrieval of a wrong document due to the lack of context from the user utterance may lead to wrong answer generation. Such an issue may reduce the user engagement and thereby the system reliability. In this paper, we propose a context-guided follow-up question recommendation to internally improve the document retrieval in an iterative approach for developing an in-car conversational system. Specifically, a user utterance is first reformulated, given the context of the conversation to facilitate improved understanding to the retriever. In the cases, where the documents retrieved by the retriever are not relevant enough for answering the user utterance, we employ a large language model (LLM) to generate question recommendation which is then utilized to perform a refined retrieval. An empirical evaluation confirms the effectiveness of our proposed approaches in in-car conversations, achieving 48% and 22% improvement in the retrieval and system generated responses, respectively, against baseline approaches.
  • Publication
    Controlled Randomness Improves the Performance of Transformer Models
    ( 2024-03-19) ;
    Zhao, Cong
    Krämer, Wolfgang
    Leonhard, David
    During the pre-training step of natural language models, the main objective is to learn a general representation of the pre-training dataset, usually requiring large amounts of textual data to capture the complexity and diversity of natural language. Contrasting this, in most cases, the size of the data available to solve the specific downstream task is often dwarfed by the aforementioned pre-training dataset, especially in domains where data is scarce. We introduce controlled randomness, i.e. noise, into the training process to improve fine-tuning language models and explore the performance of targeted noise in addition to the parameters of these models. We find that adding such noise can improve the performance in our two downstream tasks of joint named entity recognition and relation extraction and text summarization.
  • Publication
    Extending the Visual Data Exploration Loop towards Trustworthy Machine Learning in the Healthcare Domain
    Integration of machine learning (ML) systems into healthcare settings creates novel opportunities, including pattern recognition in heterogeneous medical datasets, clinical decision support as well as processes automation to save time, advance the quality of care, reduce costs and relieve healthcare staff. Challenges include opaque digital systems, curbed autonomy as well as require- ments on communication, interaction and human-machine decision-making. Obstacles involve the interprofessional gap between data scientists and healthcare professionals (HCPs) during model development as well as the lack of trust into ML models. Visual Analytics (VA) enables versatile interactions between users and ML models via adaptable visualizations and has been success- fully deployed to improve accuracy, identify bias and increase trust. However, specifically supporting HCPs to gain trust into ML models through VA systems is not sufficiently explored. We propose an extended visual data exploration framework towards trustworthy ML in the healthcare domain for multidisciplinary teams of data scientists, VA experts and HCPs. Additionally, we apply our framework to three real-world use cases for policy development, plausibility testing and model optimization.
  • Publication
    Uncovering Inconsistencies and Contradictions in Financial Reports using Large Language Models
    ( 2023-12) ;
    Leonhard, David
    Berger, Armin
    Khaled, Mohamed
    Heiden, Sarah
    Dilmaghani, Tim
    Kliem, Bernd
    Loitz, Rüdiger
    Correct identification and correction of contradictions and inconsistencies within financial reports constitute a fundamental component of the audit process. To streamline and automate this critical task, we introduce a novel approach leveraging large language models and an embedding-based paragraph clustering methodology. This paper assesses our approach across three distinct datasets, including two annotated datasets and one unannotated dataset, all within a zero-shot framework. Our findings reveal highly promising results that significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the auditing process, ultimately reducing the time required for a thorough and reliable financial report audit.
  • Publication
    Study-Buddy: A Knowledge Graph-Powered Learning Companion for School Students
    ( 2023-10-21)
    Martinez, Fernanda
    Calvaresi, Davide
    Arispe, Martin
    Florida, Carla
    Calbimonte, Jean-Paul
    Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to substantially improve educational tools for students. However, they face limitations, including factual accuracy, personalization, and the lack of control over the sources of information. This paper presents Study-Buddy, a prototype of a conversational AI assistant for school students to address the above-mentioned limitations. Study-Buddy embodies an AI assistant based on a knowledge graph, LLMs models, and computational persuasion. It is designed to support educational campaigns as a hybrid AI solution. The demonstrator showcases interactions with Study-Buddy and the crucial role of the Knowledge Graph for the bot to present the appropriate activities to the students. A video demonstrating the main features of Study-Buddy is available at:
  • Publication
    Multi-Dimensional Data Farming: Extending Data Farming for Multi-Scale Decision Support by Integrating Novel AI Techniques
    ( 2023-10-01)
    Åkesson, Bernt M.
    Amyot-Bourgeois, Maude
    Gill, Andrew
    Lappi, Esa
    Rolfs, Chris
    Nguyen, Bao
    Seichter, Stephan
    Slyusar, Vadym
    Serré, Lynne
    Vaghi, Alessio
    Zimmermann, Alexander
    Traditional Data Farming (DF) consists of a toolbox of established analysis techniques that are available for an analyst-led study of a particular military operation in support of a single decision-maker. Multi-Dimensional Data Farming (MDDF) is a new and automated analytical process that provides accelerated support to military decision-making at multiple scales. At the strategic level, MDDF can inform decision-makers in planning long timescale campaigns, while at the tactical level, MDDF allows investigation of emerging technologies in shorter timescale operations. More importantly, MDDF explicitly addresses the interplay between a long timescale campaign and embedded short timescale operations, which is rarely tackled in the literature. MDDF extends DF by integrating novel AI techniques (Automated Machine Learning, eXplainable AI) and eXtended Reality visualization in an AI agent which automatically investigates the multi-dimensional parameter landscape and efficiently provides decision-makers with insight into the best, worst and most promising Courses of Action. We illustrate our new MDDF approach through a hybrid warfare scenario consisting of a Border Operation (interdiction of illegal migrants) embedded within a multi-faction (Blue, Red and Green forces) hybrid war campaign. Combining AI techniques exploring operations at multiple scales (domain, level, time) and boosting strategic and tactical understanding, MDDF innovates multi-scale decision-making.
  • Publication
    Symmetry-Aware Siamese Network: Exploiting Pathological Asymmetry for Chest X-Ray Analysis
    ( 2023-09-22)
    Schneider, Helen
    Yildiz, Elif Cansu
    Layer, Yannik C.
    Wulff, Benjamin
    Nowak, Sebastian
    Theis, Maike
    Sprinkart, Alois M.
    Attenberger, Ulrike I.
    The human body shows elements of bilateral symmetry for various body parts, including the lung. This symmetry can be disturbed by a variety of diseases or abnormalities, e.g. by lung diseases such as pneumonia. While radiologists use lung field symmetry information in their radiological examinations to analyze chest X-rays, it is still underutilized in the field of computer vision. To investigate the potential of pathologically induced asymmetry of the lung field for the automatic detection of healthy and diseased patients, we implement a symmetry-aware architecture. The model is based on a Siamese network with a DenseNet backbone and a symmetry-aware contrastive loss function. Two different processing pipelines are investigated: first, the scan is processed as a whole image, and second, the left and right lung fields are separated. This enables an independent determination of the most important features of each lung field. Compared to state-of-the-art baseline models (DenseNet, Mask R-CNN), symmetry-aware training can improve the AUROC score by up to 10%. Furthermore, the findings indicate that, by integrating the bilateral symmetry of the lung field, the interpretability of the models increases. The generated probability maps show a stronger focus on lung field and disease features compared to state-of-the-art algorithms like Grad-Cam++ for heat map generation or Mask R-CNN for object detection.
  • Publication
    sustain.AI: a Recommender System to analyze Sustainability Reports
    ( 2023-09-07) ; ;
    Leonhard, David
    Dilmaghani, Tim
    Kliem, Bernd
    Loitz, Rüdiger
    Morad, Milad
    Temath, Christian
    Bell Felix de Oliveira, Thiago
    Stenzel, Marc Robin
    We present sustain.AI, an intelligent, context-aware recommender system that assists auditors and financial investors as well as the general public to efficiently analyze companies’ sustainability reports. The tool leverages an end-to-end trainable architecture that couples a BERT-based encoding module with a multi-label classification head to match relevant text passages from sustainability reports to their respective law regulations from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. We evaluate our model on two novel German sustainability reporting data sets and consistently achieve a significantly higher recommendation performance compared to multiple strong baselines. Furthermore, sustain.AI is publicly available for everyone at
  • Publication
    Investigation of Drift Detection for Clinical Text Classification
    ( 2023-09-02)
    Abdelwahab, Hammam
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    Today, machine learning models are applied in various healthcare applications in productive use. The availability of extensive patient information in electronic formats makes it possible to utilize them and develop machine learning-based models for data analysis. However, the performance of an operational model is continuously subject to degradation due to unforeseen changes in the input data flow. Therefore, monitoring data drift becomes essential to maintain the desired performance of the trained models. In the context of monitoring and drift detection, statistical hypothesis testing enables us to examine whether incoming data deviate from training data. Recent studies show that Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy (KMMD) and Kolmogorov--Smirnov (KS) can reliably measure the distance between multivariate distributions, hence drift detection. In this work, we conduct a case study on drift detection based on textual data from drug reviews and propose the sub-sampling method to stabilize drift detection. The results of our experiments show that both KMMD and KS detect changes in the text reviews with a limited number of these reviews in both the reference and test data.