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Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz

2020 , Adler, R. , Kolomiichuk, Sergii , Hecker, Dirk , Lämmel, Philipp , Ma, Jackie , Marko, Angelina , Mock, Michael , Nagel, Tobias , Poretschkin, Maximilian , Rennoch, Axel , Röhler, Marcus , Ruf, Miriam , Schönhof, Raoul , Schneider, Martin A. , Tcholtchev, Nikolay , Ziehn, Jens , Böttinger, Konstantin , Jedlitschka, Andreas , Oala, Luis , Sperl, Philip , Wenzel, Markus , et al.

Die deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verfolgt das Ziel, für die Normung Handlungsempfehlungen rund um KI zu geben, denn sie gilt in Deutschland und Europa in fast allen Branchen als eine der Schlüsseltechnologien für künftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Die EU geht davon aus, dass die Wirtschaft in den kommenden Jahren mit Hilfe von KI stark wachsen wird. Umso wichtiger sind die Empfehlungen der Normungsroadmap, die die deutsche Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im internationalen KI-Wettbewerb stärken, innovationsfreundliche Bedingungen schaffen und Vertrauen in die Technologie aufbauen sollen.

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Controlling zur Einführung und zum Betrieb eines Geschäftsprozessmanagementsystems

2014 , Knothe, Thomas , Jaekel, Frank-Walter

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Play ball! Robot detection system in the soccer domain

2010 , Ruiz-del-Solar, J. , Verschae, R. , Arenas, M. , Loncomilla, P.

The automatic detection and identification of robots, as well as the recognition of their behavioral patterns, is of increasing importance in multirobot scenarios. Multirobot systems are becoming relevant as a result of the increasing number of industrial, service, and exploration robots in current use. Thus, collaborative robot behaviors will be of high importance in scientific and industrial application areas such as ground, space, and underwater exploration; entertainment; surveillance; human assistance; manipulation and assembly of objects in industrial environments; and autonomous rescue operations. In addition, individual robots (robots not belonging to a given team) will need to interact and, in some cases, collaborate with other robots while performing different tasks in a common environment, more and more frequently.

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Establishing the synchronous enterprise

2003 , Mertins, K.

The synchronous enterprise aims for the effective and efficient combination of people, processes, knowledge and technology. For the realisation within a specific enterprise an individual business process model has to be developed, based on suitable reference models. This model describes the structure of the business process as well as the concurrence of orders, products and resources. It is the base for improving organisation and technology. Changeable and process oriented management systems that are based on performance indicators support this improvement process. The goal-oriented generation, storage, distribution and usage of knowledge is a critical success factor. A method for knowledge management based on the individual business processes model supports this task, significantly. Management strategies; business process models; simulation; knowledge management; benchmarking; synchronous processes; integrated enterprise model.

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Intuitive Roboterprogrammierung per Fingerzeig

2018 , Heimann, Oliver , Hügle, Johannes

Automatisierte Produktionsabläufe werden zunehmend wichtiger. Dennoch ist der Mensch nach wie vor ein unerlässlicher Faktor, da die künstliche Intelligenz von Robotern noch nicht ausreicht. Das Fraunhofer IPK hat nun ein System entwickelt, das eine gestenbasierte, intuitive Programmierung von Robotern für Schweißanwendungen mit hoher Präzision ermöglicht.

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Spatial programming for industrial robots through task demonstration

2013 , Lambrecht, J. , Kleinsorge, M. , Rosenstrauch, M. , Krüger, J.

We present an intuitive system for the programming of industrial robots using markerless gesture recognition and mobile augmented reality in terms of programming by demonstration. The approach covers gesture-based task definition and adaption by human demonstration, as well as task evaluation through augmented reality. A 3D motion tracking system and a handheld device establish the basis for the presented spatial programming system. In this publication, we present a prototype toward the programming of an assembly sequence consisting of several pick-and-place tasks. A scene reconstruction provides pose estimation of known objects with the help of the 2D camera of the handheld. Therefore, the programmer is able to define the program through natural bare-hand manipulation of these objects with the help of direct visual feedback in the augmented reality application. The program can be adapted by gestures and transmitted subsequently to an arbitrary industrial robot controll er using a unified interface. Finally, we discuss an application of the presented spatial programming approach toward robot-based welding tasks.

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Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin

2010 , Schauer, T. , Schmidt, H. , Riener, R.

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Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot

2018 , Brunete, A. , Gambao, E. , Koskinen, J. , Heikkilä, T. , Kaldestad, K.B. , Tyapin, I. , Hovland, G. , Surdilovic, D. , Hernando, M. , Bottero, A. , Anton, S.

Hard materials can be cost effectively machined with standard industrial robots by enhancing current state-of-the-art technologies. It is demonstrated that even hard metals with specific robotics-optimised novel hard-metal tools can be machined by standard industrial robots with an improved position-control approach and enhanced compliance-control functions. It also shows that the novel strategies to compensate for elastic robot errors, based on models and advanced control, as well as the utilisation of new affordable sensors and human-machine interfaces, can considerably improve the robot performance and applicability of robots in machining tasks. In conjunction with the development of safe robots for human-robot collaboration and cooperation, the results of this paper provide a solid background for establishing industrial robots for industrial-machining applications in both small- and medium-size enterprises and large industry. The planned short-term and long-term exploitation of the results should significantly increase the future robot usage in the machining operations.

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Intuitive Interaktion mit Strukturdaten aus einem PLM-System

2012 , Schulze, Ernst-Eckart , Wolter, Lars , Hayka, Haygazun , Röhlig, Martin

Die Tätigkeit des Ingenieurs im Bereich der virtuellen Produktentwicklung betrifft neben dem Entwurf und der Absicherung einer dreidimensionalen Produktgeometrie auch die Erstellung, Analyse und Veränderung von strukturierten Produktinformationen. Dabei handelt es sich in erster Linie um Anforderungs-, Funktions- oder Produktstrukturen, welche innerhalb unterschiedlicher Phasen des Produktentstehungsprozesses in einem PLM-System verwaltet werden. Die Produktstruktur nimmt häufig einen zentralen Stellenwert ein, da sie als digitales Grundgerüst und Referenzstruktur innerhalb der Produktentwicklung gilt. Die Anzahl der strukturell organisierten Einzelteile und Dokumente für ein Produkt können je nach Sparte bis über 1.000.000 Elemente einnehmen (Carneo 2010), welche in mehreren Baugruppen über verschiedene Hierarchiestufen zusammengehalten werden. In der Produktstruktur werden zu dem unterschiedliche Varianten des Produktes über Konfigurationsregeln organisiert. Unter dem zusätzlichen Aspekt der zeitlichen Dynamik bei den Iterationszyklen des Entwicklungsprozesses kann für der Produktstruktur von einem komplexen Informationsgebilde gesprochen werden.

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Cooperation of human and machines in assembly lines

2009 , Krüger, Jörg , Lien, Terje K. , Verl, Alexander

Flexibility and changeability of assembly processes require a close cooperation between the worker and the automated assembly system. The interaction between human and robots improves the efficiency of individual complex assembly processes, particularly when a robot serves as an intelligent assistant. The paper gives a survey about forms of human-machine cooperation in assembly and available technologies that support the cooperation. Organizational and economic aspects of cooperative assembly including efficient component supply and logistics are also discussed.