Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Feature processing as Kernel for integrated CAE systems
    ( 1994)
    Krause, F.-L.
    Rieger, E.
    Ulbrich, A.
    For the integration of the tasks to be mastered within the product development process it is necessary to take account of non-geometrical information, from design to manufacturing process, alongside geometrical design shape. The introduction of objects as carriers of semantic information leads to the use of features. In the present contribution, a concept and its realization are described that facilitate a flexible definition and computer-internal representation as well as the interpretation of features as semantically endowed objects. Based on the feature model, basic functionalitites for feature processing are introduced, which serve as a common kernel for integrated CAE-Systems.
  • Publication
    Konzeption und Implementierung von Prozeßketten. Informationstechnische Integration von CA-Anwendungen
    ( 1993)
    Ulbrich, A.
    Die Situation der Rechnerunterstützung vieler Industriebetriebe ist durch Insellösungen und partiell gekoppelte Systeme gekennzeichnet. Medienbrüche zwischen den einzelnen Systemen verhindern eine durchgängige Informationsverarbeitung. Dadurch werden Qualität und Geschwindigkeit negativ beeinflußt. Um durchgängige Informationsflüsse zu realisieren, muß häufig der Grad der Rechnerunterstützung erhöht werden. Mit zunehmender Rechnerunterstützung erhöht sich jedoch der Kommunikationsbedarf der eingesetzten Systeme. Eine Realisierung des Informationsaustauschs auf der Basis von Kopplungslösungen stößt schnell an ihre Grenzen, da die Anzahl der notwendigen Kopplungsbausteine überproportional wächst, Informationen aus verscheidenen Systemen nicht immer überführbar sind und die Pflege bzw. Gewährleistung der Konsistenz einer Vielzahl zum Teil redundanter Datenbasen zunehmend schwieriger wird. Diese Situation soll durch die Einführung von Prozeßketten überwunden werden.
  • Publication
    Rechnerunterstützte Bereitstellung von Montageprozeßwissen für die Konstruktion
    ( 1992)
    Krüger, S.
    Neu, S.
    The paper presents a software tool that supports design for assembly in an early design stage. It integrates a 3D solid modeller, an expert system shell and an object-oriented data base, thus providing parallel knowledge-based support in DFA through a CAD-system. At first, the paper describes an integrated information model which serves as a basis for the system development. It is structured into data models for product, process, assembly equipment and order, which has been described using the STEP-EXPRESS language. The data models have been implemented in the expert system object base. Assembly process knowledge is represented within the knowledge base in form of frames, constraints and IF-THEN-rules. Subsequent to the description of the system's architecture four application examples which are concerned with the assembly of mobile telephones are presented. These examples are optimizing of drilling hole coordinates for automated assembly of printed circuit board and telephone housing, optimizing the groove profile for automated pressing-in of a flexible gasket, the selection of standardized endeffectors and the precalculation of assembly costs.
  • Publication
    System architecture for flexible integration of product gestaltung
    ( 1990)
    Major, F.
    Bienert, M.
    Jansen, H.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Product gestaltung is a complex task which is dependent on the product and related processes. An increasing need for dedicated application systems can be recognized in industry in order to enable the computer integration of the factory. The paper describes three approaches for system architectures to fulfill the demand for flexible integration.
  • Publication
    Advanced geometric modelling for engineering applications
    ( 1990)
    Jansen, H.
    Krause, F.-L.
    Future generations of CAD systems are expected to offer powerful support for the functional, geometrical and technological description of products. New intelligent simulation techniques, as well as comprehensive information access capabilties will open novel and comfortabel possibilities for product modelling. Subsequently, the result will be a real chance for direct cooperation of human creativity and discernment with artificial abilities of information processing systems to draft analyze technical products. Owing to the availability of novel resources the scope of computer supported actions will increase. Integration of design and technological planning will be possible in future.