Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    Transferability of ANN-generated parameter sets from welding tracks to 3D-geometries in Directed Energy Deposition
    ( 2022-11-04)
    Marko, Angelina
    Bähring, Stefan
    Raute, Maximilian Julius
    Directed energy deposition (DED) has been in industrial use as a coating process for many years. Modern applications include the repair of existing components and additive manufacturing. The main advantages of DED are high deposition rates and low energy input. However, the process is influenced by a variety of parameters affecting the component quality. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) offer the possibility of mapping complex processes such as DED. They can serve as a tool for predicting optimal process parameters and quality characteristics. Previous research only refers to weld beads: a transferability to additively manufactured three-dimensional components has not been investigated. In the context of this work, an ANN is generated based on 86 weld beads. Quality categories (poor, medium, and good) are chosen as target variables to combine several quality features. The applicability of this categorization compared to conventional characteristics is discussed in detail. The ANN predicts the quality category of weld beads with an average accuracy of 81.5%. Two randomly generated parameter sets predicted as “good” by the network are then used to build tracks, coatings, walls, and cubes. It is shown that ANN trained with weld beads are suitable for complex parameter predictions in a limited way.
  • Publication
    Prognose von Qualitätsmerkmalen durch Anwendung von KI-Methoden beim "Directed Energy Deposition"
    ( 2022-10)
    Marko, Angelina
    Bähring, Stefan
    Raute, Maximilian Julius
    Dieser Beitrag enthält die Ergebnisse eines im Rahmen der DVS Forschung entwickelten Ansatzes zur Qualitätssicherung im Directed Energy Deposition. Es basiert auf der Verarbeitung verschiedener während des Prozesses gesammelter Sensordaten unter Anwendung Künstlicher Neuronale Netze (KNN). So ließen sich die Qualitätsmerkmale Härte und Dichte auf der Datenbasis von 50 additiv gefertigten Probenwürfel mit einer Abweichung < 2 % vorhersagen. Des Weiteren wurde die Übertragbarkeit des KNN auf eine Schaufelgeometrie untersucht. Auch hier ließen sich Härte und Dichte hervorragend prognostizieren (Abweichung < 1,5 %), sodass der Ansatz als validiert betrachtet werden kann.
  • Publication
    Laser beam welding of additive manufactured components: Applicability of existing valuation regulations
    ( 2022)
    Jokisch, T.
    Marko, Angelina
    Üstündağ, Ömer
    Gumenyuk, A.
    With additive manufacturing in the powder bed, the component size is limited by the installation space. Joint welding of additively manufactured parts offers a possibility to remove this size limitation. However, due to the specific stress and microstructure state in the additively built material, it is unclear to what extent existing evaluation rules of joint welding are also suitable for welds on additive components. This is investigated using laser beam welding of additively manufactured pipe joints. The welds are evaluated by means of visual inspection, metallographic examinations as well as computed tomography. The types of defects found are comparable to conventional components. This is an indicator that existing evaluation regulations also map the possible defects occurring for weld seams on additive components.
  • Publication
    Untersuchung zum Elektronenstrahlschweißen heißrissgefährdeter Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen mittels statistischer Versuchsplanung
    ( 2020)
    Raute, Julius
    Jokisch, Torsten
    Marko, Angelina
    Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen sind seit vielen Jahren in unterschiedlichen Industrieanwendungen im Einsatz. Aufgrund der großen Heißrissneigung ist das Schweißen dieser Werkstoffe jedoch bei einer Vielzahl von Legierungen problematisch. Neue Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet zeigen, dass entgegen den gängigen Theorien auch reduzierte Schweißgeschwindigkeiten eine Tendenz zur Verringerung der Rissneigung aufweisen. Bisher existieren jedoch kaum Erkenntnisse zum Prozessverhalten in diesem Parameterbereich. In dieser Arbeit wird daher der Einfluss der relevanten Prozessparameter beim Elektronenstrahlschweißen (EBW) auf die Nahtgestalt im Bereich geringer Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten untersucht. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse soll ein Ansatz zum rissfreien Fügen von komplexen Nickelbasis-Superlegierung gebildet werden. Die praktische Umsetzbarkeit wird abschließend anhand einiger Probeschweißungen an einem besonders heißrissgefährdeten Werkstoff demonstriert. Um fehlerfreie Verbindungen zu ermöglichen, wurden zunächst die relevanten Parameter für die Einstellung von Nahtbreite, Einschweißtiefe, Aspektverhältnis und Nahtfläche anhand einer Versuchsreihe mit 17 Blindschweißungen auf einer 12 mm dicken Platte aus Inconel 718 bestimmt. Die genaue Beschreibung des Einflusses der als signifikant identifizierten Faktoren erfolgte über die Anwendung einer Regressions- und Varianzanalyse. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einschweißtiefe, die Nahtbreite, das Aspektverhältnis sowie die Nahtfläche vorrangig über den Strahlstrom, die Fokuslage sowie den Vorschub beeinflusst werden können. Auf Basis der gebildeten statistischen Modelle erfolgte die Vorhersage geeigneter Parameter für eine finale Versuchsreihe. Die abschließenden Demonstratorschweißungen wurden exemplarisch an einer Nickelbasis-Gusslegierung mit besonders hohem Ausscheidungsphasenanteil durchgeführt. Hierfür wurden Schweißungen im I- Stoß an 6,5 mm und 10 mm dicken Blechen ausgeführt. Trotz der mangelnden Schweißeignung und dem hohen Anteil an Ausscheidungsphase des Werkstoffes, zeigten sich nach Optimierung der Prozessparameter keine Heißrisse mehr.
  • Publication
    Influence of electron beam welding parameters on the weld seam geometry of Inconel 718 at low feed rates
    ( 2020)
    Raute, Julius
    Jokisch, Torsten
    Marko, Angelina
    Ni-based superalloys are well established in various industrial applications, because of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Despite the high development stage and a common industrial use of these alloys, hot cracking remains a major challenge limiting the weldability of the materials. As commonly known, the hot cracking susceptibility during welding increases with the amount of precipitation phases. Hence, a large amount of highstrength Ni-Alloys is rated as non-weldable. A new approach based on electron beam welding at low feed rates shows great potential for reducing the hot cracking tendency of precipitation-hardened alloys. However, geometry and properties of the weld seam differ significantly in comparison to the common process range for practical uses. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of welding parameters on the seam geometry at low feed rates between 1 mm/s and 10 mm/s. For this purpose, 25 bead on plate welds on a 12 mm thick sheet made of Inconel 718 are carried out. First, the relevant parameters are identified by performing a screening. Then the effects discovered are further studied by using a central composite design. The results show a significant difference between the analyzed weld seam geometry in comparison to the well-known appearance of electron beam welded seams.
  • Publication
    Laser Welding of SLM-Manufactured Tubes Made of IN625 and IN718
    ( 2019)
    Jokisch, Torsten
    Marko, Angelina
    Üstündag, Ömer
    The advantage of selective laser melting (SLM) is its high accuracy and geometrical flexibility. Because the maximum size of the components is limited by the process chamber, possibilities must be found to combine several parts manufactured by SLM. An application where this is necessary, is, for example, the components of gas turbines, such as burners or oil return pipes, and inserts, which can be joined by circumferential welds. However, only a few investigations to date have been carried out for the welding of components produced by SLM. The object of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the feasibility of laser beam welding for joining SLM tube connections made of nickel-based alloys. For this purpose, SLM-manufactured Inconel 625 and Inconel 718 tubes were welded with a Yb:YAG disk laser and subsequently examined for residual stresses and defects. The results showed that the welds had no significant influence on the residual stresses. A good weld quality could be achieved in the seam circumference. However, pores and pore nests were found in the final overlap area, which meant that no continuous good welding quality could be accomplished. Pore formation was presumably caused by capillary instabilities when the laser power was ramped out.
  • Publication
    Finite element analysis of in-situ distortion and bulging for an arbitrarily curved additive manufacturing directed energy deposition geometry
    ( 2018) ;
    Marko, Angelina
    Graf, Benjamin
    With the recent rise in the demand for additive manufacturing (AM), the need for reliable simulation tools to support experimental efforts grows steadily. Computational welding mechanics approaches can simulate the AM processes but are generally not validated for AM-specific effects originating from multiple heating and cooling cycles. To increase confidence in the outcomes and to use numerical simulation reliably, the result quality needs to be validated against experiments for in-situ and post process cases. In this article, a validation is demonstrated for a structural thermomechanical simulation model on an arbitrarily curved Directed Energy Deposition (DED) part: at first, the validity of the heat input is ensured and subsequently, the model's predictive quality for in-situ deformation and the bulging behaviour is investigated. For the in-situ deformations, 3D-Digital Image Correlation measurements are conducted that quantify periodic expansion and shrinkage as they occur. The results show a strong dependency of the local stiffness of the surrounding geometry. The numerical simulation model is set up in accordance with the experiment and can reproduce the measured 3 dimensional in-situ displacements. Furthermore, the deformations due to removal from the substrate are quantified via 3D scanning, exhibiting considerable distortions due to stress relaxation. Finally, the prediction of the deformed shape is discussed in regards to bulging simulation: to improve the accuracy of the calculated final shape, a novel extension of the model relying on the modified stiffness of inactive upper layers is proposed and the experimentally observed bulging could be reproduced in the finite element model.
  • Publication
    Porosity of LMD manufactured parts analyzed by Archmimedes method and CT
    ( 2018)
    Marko, Angelina
    Raute, Julius
    Linaschke, Dorit
    Graf, Benjamin
    Pores in additive manufactured metal parts occur due to different reasons and affect the part quality negatively. Few investigations on the origins of porosity are available, especially for Ni-based super alloys. This paper presents a new study to examine the influence of common processing parameters on the formation of pores in parts built by laser metal deposition using Inconel 718 powder. Further, a comparison between the computed tomography (CT) and the Archimedes method was made. The investigation shows that CT is able to identify different kinds of pores and to give further information about their distribution. The identification of some pores as well as their shape can be dependent on the parameter setting of the analysis tool. Due to limited measurement resolution, CT is not able to identify correctly pores with diameters smaller than 0.1 mm, which leads to a false decrease in overall porosity. The applied Archimedes method is unable to differentiate between gas porosity and other kinds of holes like internal cracks or lack of fusion, but it delivered a proper value for overall porosity. The method was able to provide suitable data for the statistical evaluation with design of experiments, which revealed significant parameters on the formation of pores in LMD.
  • Publication
    3D laser metal deposition: Process steps for additive manufacturing
    ( 2018)
    Graf, Benjamin
    Marko, Angelina
    Petrat, Torsten
    Laser metal deposition (LMD) is an established technology for two-dimensional surface coatings. It offers high deposition rates, high material flexibility, and the possibility to deposit material on existing components. Due to these features, LMD has been increasingly applied for additive manufacturing of 3D structures in recent years. Compared to previous coating applications, additive manufacturing of 3D structures leads to new challenges regarding LMD process knowledge. In this paper, the process steps for LMD as additive manufacturing technology are described. The experiments are conducted using titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718. Only the LMD nozzle is used to create a shielding gas atmosphere. This ensures the high geometric flexibility needed for additive manufacturing, although issues with the restricted size and quality of the shielding gas atmosphere arise. In the first step, the influence of process parameters on the geometric dimensions of single weld beads is analyzed based on design of experiments. In the second step, a 3D build-up strategy for cylindrical specimen with high dimensional accuracy is described. Process parameters, travel paths, and cooling periods between layers are adjusted. Tensile tests show that mechanical properties in the as-deposited condition are close to wrought material. As practical example, the fir-tree root profile of a turbine blade is manufactured. The feasibility of LMD as additive technology is evaluated based on this component.
  • Publication
    Statistische Analyse der Schweißraupengeometrie von Ti6Al4V beim Laserbeschichten
    ( 2017)
    Marko, Angelina
    Graf, Benjamin
    Die Bedeutung des Laser-Pulver-Auftragsschweiß-Prozesses hat in den letzten Jahren enorm zugenommen, da er vielfältig eingesetzt werden kann. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Reparatur von Turbinenschaufeln. Um eine hohe Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit hierbei zu gewährleisten, ist eine Anpassung der Schweißraupengeometrie an die jeweilige Reparaturaufgabe notwendig. Die Schweißraupengeometrie beeinflusst die metallurgische Verbindung und den Grad der Aufmischung sowie eventuelle Anbindungsfehler. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, die Effekte der unterschiedlichen Parameter auf die Spurgeometrie zu kennen. Ein bewährtes Werkzeug hierfür ist die statistische Versuchsplanung (DoE). Hierbei kann der Nutzer jedoch zwischen einer Vielzahl von Versuchsplänen wählen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass bei größeren Versuchsräumen ein höherer Informationsgewinn erfolgt. Aus diesem Grund wird in dieser Arbeit ein vollfaktorieller Versuchsplan, der in fünf Stufen variiert wird, mit einem zentral zusammengesetzten Versuchsplan (CCD) verglichen. Außerdem werden Grenzen des Prozesses aufgezeigt und der Versuchsraum entsprechend durch Eingrenzungen angepasst. Die Ergbnisse zeigen, dass sowohl der vollfaktorielle Versuchsplan als auch der zentral zusammengesetzte Versuchsplan die wichtigsten Effekte aufzeigt. Lediglich die Effektstärke kann durch den CCD-Versuchsplan nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden. Für den industriellen Einsatz wird daher unter Berücksichtigung der Kosteneffizienz der Einsatz eines CCD-Versuchsplanes empfohlen.