Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Situation adapted field service support using business process models and ICT based human-machine-interaction
    ( 2016)
    Uhlmann, E.
    Geisert, C.
    Raue, N.
    Gabriel, C.
    The use of conventional service manuals is still common among service technicians during on-site support. If problems occur during the service process, service technicians have to analyze the situation and react accordingly. Problem analysis is subject to uncertainty in time, because the optimal course of action strongly depends on the current situation. Therefore, intelligent situation adapted support is needed to replace static guidance. This article describes a concept for the generation of interactive and situation adapted service instructions that are dynamically derived from a service process model. After a brief introduction to on-site service support, the article describes in detail how service processes can be modelled by using the method of Integrated Enterprise Modeling (IEM). Subsequently, it shows how and in which phases automated test routines can be used to support the service process, followed by a critical discussion of possible information and communication technology (ICT) architectures to implement human-machine-interaction. The concept includes an ICT-based approach for human-machine-interaction to trigger test routines on the machine to receive information about the condition of the machine. For Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2), the presented approach offers several benefits compared to existing approaches. These include the ability of tracking and influencing service processes as well as the simple adaption of new IPS2 modules in case of changing business models or customer requirements. The article concludes giving a specific scenario and an outlook on future research to be done.
  • Publication
    Situationsangepasste Unterstützung von Dienstleistungsprozessen
    ( 2015)
    Uhlmann, E.
    Geisert, C.
    Raue, N.
    Gabriel, C.
    Die Verwendung konventioneller Servicehandbücher ist für die Unterstützung operativer Serviceaktivitäten im technischen Kundendienst immer noch weit verbreitet. Treten im Rahmen des Serviceeinsatzes Probleme auf, muss der Techniker diese im Kontext der Gesamtsituation analysieren und entsprechende Maßnahmen einleiten. Dabei unterliegt insbesondere die Diagnosephase einer starken Unsicherheit bzgl. des Zeitaufwands, da die optimale Vorgehensweise meist stark situationsabhängig ist. Um die Nachteile statischer Servicehandbücher zu beseitigen, wird im vorliegenden Beitrag ein Konzept zur intelligenten Generierung situationsabhängiger Handlungsanweisungen, welche dynamisch von einem Prozessmodell abgeleitet werden, vorgestellt. Das Konzept beinhaltet des Weiteren einen auf modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK) basierenden Ansatz zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zur Unterstützung des Serviceeinsatzes an der Maschine.