Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Digital Twins within the Circular Economy: Literature Review and Concept Presentation
    ( 2024-03-26)
    Mügge, Janine
    Seegrün, Anne
    Hoyer, Tessa-Katharina
    Digital twins offer a promising approach to sustainable value creation by providing specific life cycle data and enabling the monitoring and implementation of circular economy strategies throughout the product’s life cycle. By analyzing product, component, and material data, as well as process data, it is possible to create transparency throughout a product’s life cycle, build a data-driven product ecosystem, and establish new business and value creation models, from SMEs to large enterprises. This paper identifies application scenarios, their technological readiness level, and the challenges of digital twins for the circular economy in the manufacturing industry based on a systematic literature review. Gaps such as ensuring a continuous flow of information and taking into account the different levels of digitalization of companies are identified. As a main result, a holistic concept for the scoping of a digital twin for the circular economy is presented. One specific use case for end-of-life decision-making is elaborated upon. It is shown that the circular economy can be supported by digital twin data, especially for the optimal decision on end-of-life vehicles.
  • Publication
    Sustainable product lifecycle management with Digital Twins: A systematic literature review
    ( 2023-07)
    Seegrün, Anne
    Kruschke, Thomas
    Mügge, Janine
    Hardinghaus, Louis
    Knauf, Tobias
    A Digital Twin (DT) is a virtual replica of a product or product-service system, which can be used to provide transparency of a product's sustainability and to positively influence the ecological impact throughout its lifecycle by means of intelligent data analytics. This paper identifies current sustainability-focused application scenarios of DTs in the manufacturing industry and outlines the results of a systematic literature review (SLR). The identification of the state-of-the-art and the assessment of current DT concepts with regard to the addressed product lifecycle phases, technological maturity and sustainability scope point towards key directions to guide future research.
  • Publication
    Digital Twin for Circular Economy
    ( 2023-05)
    Mügge, Janine
    Digital twins offer a promising approach to sustainable value creation by providing a specific data base for the monitoring and execution of circular economy strategies. By analyzing product, component and material as well as process data, it is possible to create transparency throughout a products lifecycle and address current challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity. The concept of a digital twin for circular economy enables to build a data-driven ecosystem and supports new business and value creation models from SMEs to large enterprises. This paper identifies application scenarios, their technological readiness level and challenges of digital twins for circular economy in the manufacturing industry based on a systematic literature review. As a second result, a generic concept of a digital twin for circular economy is presented.
  • Publication
    End-of-life decision support to enable circular economy in the automotive industry based on digital twin data
    ( 2023)
    Mügge, Janine
    Hahn, Inka Rebekka
    Chatzis, Johannes
    Boes, Joachim
    With the EU Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Developments Goals, the vision of a greenhouse gas-neutral and resource-efficient economy is already firmly anchored in world politics. In this context, the automotive industry faces many challenges including the increasing scarcity of natural resources, a rising demand in terms of sustainable vehicle design, production and materials sourcing. Due to all this, end-of-life decisions regarding dismantling have become increasingly important. A high proportion of secondary materials will be required in the vehicles of the future. To response to these challenges, companies have turned their focus towards the circular economy as a central approach to close material loops. In the German research project “Catena-X” a new data ecosystem with digital twins is one enabler that is being developed. The digital twins represent a promising approach to the circular economy by ensuring transparent, product-specific and end-to-end data exchange throughout the entire product lifecycle, from the material sourcing to the eventual dismantling and recycling. As one particular and unique solution, a decision framework that facilitates the best circular strategy at the end of a vehicle's life is developed and presented in this paper. The underlying data-driven decision support framework is based on circular economy KPIs. This includes material, components and specific vehicle KPIs to best identify the most suitable circular strategy. The framework was methodologically developed by an interdisciplinary team of partners, who are stakeholders throughout the value chain and participants in the Catena-X project. An integrated approach of user-centered design, an adapted version of the V-model and the Scaled Agile Framework were used for the methodology in the development of the solution. The paper presents the concept of a digital twin for a decision support system, that includes a central decision logic that also includes the relevant KPIs and a survey for evaluating the decision logic utilised with a chosen dismantling company.
  • Publication
    Digital Twins for Sustainability in the Context of Biological Transformation
    ( 2023)
    Seegrün, Anne
    Mügge, Janine
    Applying biological principles that are similar to those found in nature to product engineering and manufacturing offers new approaches to product and production systems and might lead to a significant contribution towards sustainability. By transferring materials, structures, and processes of natural to digital ecosystems industrial value creation can be optimized. A promising approach to establish a networked, self-regulating digital ecosystem represents a digital twin. The potential of digital twins within the context of biological transformation has not been researched yet. This paper attempts to provide a first entry into the research topic by identifying biological principles within the concept of a digital twin and analyzing its potential for biological transformation in the industry. As a main result, the paper presents a list of relevant principles of biological transformation based on a structured taxonomy. These are specified within the concept of a digital twin.
  • Publication
    Empowering End-of-Life Vehicle Decision Making with Cross-Company Data Exchange and Data Sovereignty via Catena-X
    ( 2023)
    Mügge, Janine
    Große Erdmann, Julian
    Manoury, Marvin Michael
    Smolka, Sophie Odette
    Wichmann, Sabine
    The mobility sector is the world’s second-largest producer of energy-related CO2 emissions, and it is facing a global resource shortage. The demand for circular products, the use of secondary materials in future vehicles, and the need for sustainable business models in the mobility sector is increasing. However, a transparent and end-to-end data exchange throughout the entire value network is missing, which is hindering an efficient circular economy. Relevant information on the vehicle, its components, and materials at the end of the product life cycle are often missing. In this context, this paper presents a decision support system based on Digital Twin data for a circular economy solution as a software application. It was developed within the German research project Catena-X following an integrated approach of user-centered design, the V-model, and within the Scaled Agile Framework. By combining these methodological approaches, customer-oriented solutions were developed and continuously improved at each stage of development to shorten the time-to-market. Catena-X is based on Gaia-X principles. In Gaia-X, necessary core services are developed, and contraction negotiation for data exchange and usage policies is enabled and implemented. The decision support system provides important information about the exact composition and condition of the vehicle, its components, and its materials. Thus, it helps to improve efficiency, sustainability, and the implementation of the circular economy. The decision support system was tested and validated with a use case that provided Digital Twin data on the end-of-life vehicle.
  • Publication
    Digital Twins for Circular Economy - Enabling Decision Support for R-Strategies
    ( 2022)
    Mügge, Janine
    Hahn, Inka Rebekka
    Chatzis, Johannes
    Als Teil des digitalen Datenökosystems bieten Digitale Zwillinge (DT) für die Kreislaufwirtschaft (CE) einen vielversprechenden Ansatz für eine nachhaltigere Wertschöpfung. Durch die Analyse und Aufbereitung von produkt-, bauteil- und materialspezifischen Daten entlang des Lebenszyklus ist es möglich, aktuelle Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel und Ressourcenknappheit zu adressieren. Im deutschen Forschungsprojekt Catena-X werden auf Basis dieser unternehmensübergreifend ausgetauschten Daten und Informationen konkrete Lösungen entwickelt. In diesem Rahmen wird der „R-Strategie Assistent" vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Anwendung, die auf Basis von DT-Daten die beste CE-Strategie am Ende des Lebenszyklus eines Fahrzeugs ermittelt.