Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Safety Assurance of Machine Learning for Chassis Control Functions
    ( 2021) ; ; ; ;
    Unterreiner, Michael
    Graeber, Torben
    Becker, Philipp
    This paper describes the application of machine learning techniques and an associated assurance case for a safety-relevant chassis control system. The method applied during the assurance process is described including the sources of evidence and deviations from previous ISO 26262 based approaches. The paper highlights how the choice of machine learning approach supports the assurance case, especially regarding the inherent explainability of the algorithm and its robustness to minor input changes. In addition, the challenges that arise if applying more complex machine learning technique, for example in the domain of automated driving, are also discussed. The main contribution of the paper is the demonstration of an assurance approach for machine learning for a comparatively simple function. This allowed the authors to develop a convincing assurance case, whilst identifying pragmatic considerations in the application of machine learning for safety-relevant functions.
  • Publication
    Machine Learning in sicherheitskritischen Systemen
    Der Einsatz von Machine Learning (ML), insbesondere von Deep Learning, ermöglicht erst viele hochkomplexe Anwendungen, beispielsweise in der Medizintechnik oder bei autonomen Systemen. Derzeit gibt es beim Einsatz in solchen sicherheitskritischen Systemen jedoch noch einige Herausforderungen. Drei dieser Probleme und Möglichkeiten, wie diese in Zukunft gehandhabt werden können, sollen im Nachfolgenden am Beispiel des autonomen Fahrens vorgestellt werden.