Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    International Data Spaces. Reference architecture for the digitization of industries
    The International Data Space (IDS) offers an information technology architecture for safeguarding data sovereignty within the corporate ecosystem. It provides a virtual space for data where data remains with the data owner until it is needed by a trusted business partner. When the data is shared, terms of use can be linked to the data itself. Analysis of six use cases from the first phase of the prototype implementation of the IDS architecture shows that the focus lies on the standardized interface, the information model for describing data assets, and the connector component. Further use cases are planned for the next wave of implementation that are based on the broker functionality and require the use of vocabularies for simple data integration. In addition, companies need to standardize the principles that are translated into the terms of use. These principles need to be shaped, described, documented, and implemented in a simple and understandable way. They also need to be understood in the same way by different actors in the corporate ecosystem, thus requiring semantic standardization. Furthermore, the IDS Reference Architecture Model needs to be set in context with respect to related models. In the F3 use case, an OPC UA adapter is used. Additional use cases for integration with the Plattform Industrie 4.0 administration shell and Industrial Internet Reference Architecture are pending. The IDS Architecture is also increasingly being utilized in so-called verticalization initiatives, in healthcare and in the energy sector for example. These kinds of initiatives - like the Materials Data Space - demonstrate the crossdomain applicability of the architectural components and provide information about further development needs. Finally, in anticipation of the future development of the use cases and utilization of the IDS, work on the economic valuation of data and on the settlement and pricing of data transactions must be accelerated.
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    Fraunhofer Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance
    Big data is a management issue across sectors and promises to deliver a competitive advantage via structured knowledge, increased efficiency and value creation. Within companies, there is significant demand for big data skills, individual business models, and technological solutions. Fraunhofer assists companies to identify and mine their valuable data. Experts from Fraunhofers Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance demonstrate how companies can benefit from an intelligent enrichment and analysis of their data.
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    Fraunhofer-Allianz Big Data
    Big Data ist branchenübergreifend ein Management-Thema und verspricht der Wirtschaft Vorsprung durch strukturiertes Wissen, mehr Effizienz und Wertschöpfung. In den Unternehmen gibt es einen hohen Bedarf an Big-Data- Kompetenzen, individuellen Geschäftsmodellen und technischen Lösungen. Fraunhofer unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, ihre Datenschätze zu identifizieren und zu heben. Experten der Fraunhofer-Allianz Big Data zeigen auf, wie Unternehmen von der intelligenten Anreicherung und Analyse ihrer Daten profitieren können.
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    Information and knowledge management
    In recognition of knowledge as a valuable resource, there is a whole spectrum of processes, methods and systems for the generation, identification, representation, distribution and communication of knowledge, which aim to provide targeted support to individuals, organisations and enterprises, particularly in solving knowledge-based tasks. This is known as information management and knowledge management (which we will handle jointly in this article). Making the right knowledge available to the right people at the right time is considered a crucial factor in ensuring the efficiency and competitiveness of modern enterprises.