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  • Publication
    Energy and Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing
    ( 2023-05-05) ;
    Barth, Sebastian
    Beckers, Alexander
    Dehmer, Alexander
    Grünert, Golsalves
    Koch, Anna
    Prinz, Sebastian
    Röttger, Jannik
    Stauder, Lars
    The compatibility of economic and ecological sustainability is increasingly determining the strategies of manufacturing companies. The focus of ecological sustainability is primarily on energy and material efficiency in the company's own production. However, many possibilities that could already be used in the company's own production to re-duce energy consumption and increase material efficiency remain unused. In the me-dium to long term, for an economy in a sustainable society, moreover, cross-company activities will increasingly have to be initiated and become effective. This requires close, product-specific cooperation from all participants along the respective value chains as well as the development and implementation of new sustainability approaches. There-fore, this paper presents current best practices for increasing energy and material effi-ciency in manufacturing. With a view to the potentials of tomorrow as well as the future challenges, promising possibilities and examples for realising the urgently needed cir-cular economy will continue to be highlighted, taking into account different R-cycles based on the digital twin of product and manufacturing.
  • Publication
    Knowledge-Based Process Design Optimization in Blisk Manufacturing
    The manufacturing process of blade-integrated disks (blisks) represents one of the most challenging tasks in turbomachinery manufacturing. The requirement is to machine complex, thin-walled blade geometries with high aspect ratios made of difficult-to-cut materials. In addition, extremely tight tolerances are required, since the smallest deviations can lead to a reduction in efficiency of the blisk in the later use. Nowadays, the ramp-up phase for the manufacturing of a new blisk is time and cost-intensive. To find a suitable manufacturing process that meets the required tolerances of the blisk, many experimental tests with different process parameters and strategies are necessary. The used approach is often trial and error, which offers limited testing opportunities, is time-consuming and waste of resources. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to develop a knowledge-based process design optimization in blisk manufacturing. For this purpose, this paper picks up the results from our previous work. Based on these results, an experimental validation of the two process design tasks “number of blocks” and “block transition” is conducted. As part of the validation, the results of machining tests on a demonstrator blisk made of Inconel 718 are presented and discussed.