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  • Publication
    Systematic Change of Abrasive Size Distribution
    ( 2021) ; ;
    Herrig, Tim
    Fernolendt, Jan
    Linde, Marco
    The continuous suspension (ConSus) technology is a new coming approach that promises performance advantages over industrially used abrasive waterjet (AWJ) systems in production scenarios. However, it currently lacks practical experience and process parametrization is typically still empirical of either using a 2-phase abrasive suspension jet (ASJ) or a 3-phase injection AWJ tool. A practical comparison of respective AWJ tool characteristics of prior work piece contact is needed for fundamental parametrization. An experimental approach was used to compare the respective AWJ systems. The abrasive material was compared before and after going through either an injection AWJ head or a ConSus ASJ system. Typical abrasive materials and mesh sizes for AWJ machining were systematically investigated. This paper shows that current AWJ cutting systems yield different results when using equal abrasive material. ConSus shows almost no significant effect on abrasive size distribution while commonly used injector systems shifts a tremendous portion of the original abrasive to smaller grain sizes. Therefore, the results enhance process understanding and revision of existing process models for future applications.