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Can you trust your Agent? The Effect of Out-of-Distribution Detection on the Safety of Reinforcement Learning Systems

2024 , Haider, Tom , Roscher, Karsten , Herd, Benjamin , Schmoeller da Roza, Felippe , Burton, Simon

Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has the potential to revolutionize the automation of complex sequential decision-making problems. Although it has been successfully applied to a wide range of tasks, deployment to real-world settings remains challenging and is often limited. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of safety guarantees for conventional RL algorithms, especially in situations that substantially differ from the learning environment. In such situations, state-of-the-art systems will fail silently, producing action sequences without signalizing any uncertainty regarding the current input. Recent works have suggested Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection as an additional reliability measure when deploying RL in the real world. How these mechanisms benefit the safety of the entire system, however, is not yet fully understood. In this work, we study how OOD detection contributes to the safety of RL systems by describing the challenges involved with detecting unknown situations. We derive several definitions for unknown events and explore potential avenues for a successful safety argumentation, building on recent work for safety assurance of Machine Learning components. In a series of experiments, we compare different OOD detectors and show how difficult it is to distinguish harmless from potentially unsafe OOD events in practice, and how standard evaluation schemes can lead to deceptive conclusions, depending on which definition of unknown is applied.

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Out-of-Distribution Detection for Reinforcement Learning Agents with Probabilistic Dynamics Models

2023 , Haider, Tom , Roscher, Karsten , Schmoeller da Roza, Felippe , Günnemann, Stephan

Reliability of reinforcement learning (RL) agents is a largely unsolved problem. Especially in situations that substantially differ from their training environment, RL agents often exhibit unpredictable behavior, potentially leading to performance loss, safety violations or catastrophic failure. Reliable decision making agents should therefore be able to cast an alert whenever they encounter situations they have never seen before and do not know how to handle. While the problem, also known as out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, has received considerable attention in other domains such as image classification or sensory data analysis, it is less frequently studied in the context of RL. In fact, there is not even a common understanding of what OOD actually means in RL. In this work, we want to bridge this gap and approach the topic of OOD in RL from a general perspective. For this, we formulate OOD in RL as severe perturbations of the Markov decision process (MDP). To detect such perturbations, we introduce a predictive algorithm utilizing probabilistic dynamics models and bootstrapped ensembles. Since existing benchmarks are sparse and limited in their complexity, we also propose a set of evaluation scenarios with OOD occurrences. A detailed analysis of our approach shows superior detection performance compared to existing baselines from related fields.

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Towards Probabilistic Safety Guarantees for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

2023 , Schmoeller da Roza, Felippe , Roscher, Karsten , Günneman, Stephan

Improving safety in model-free Reinforcement Learning is necessary if we expect to deploy such systems in safety-critical scenarios. However, most of the existing constrained Reinforcement Learning methods have no formal guarantees for their constraint satisfaction properties. In this paper, we show the theoretical formulation for a safety layer that encapsulates model epistemic uncertainty over a distribution of constraint model approximations and can provide probabilistic guarantees of constraint satisfaction.