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Safeguarding Learning-based Control for Smart Energy Systems with Sampling Specifications

2023 , Cheng, Chih-Hong , Gupta, Pragya Kirti , Venkataramanan, Venkatesh Prasad , Hsu, Yun-Fei , Burton, Simon

We study challenges using reinforcement learning in controlling energy systems, where apart from performance requirements, one has additional safety requirements such as avoiding blackouts. We detail how these safety requirements in real-time temporal logic can be strengthened via discretization into linear temporal logic (LTL), such that the satisfaction of the LTL formulae implies the satisfaction of the original safety requirements. The discretization enables advanced engineering methods such as synthesizing shields for safe reinforcement learning as well as formal verification, where for statistical model checking, the probabilistic guarantee acquired by LTL model checking forms a lower bound for the satisfaction of the original real-time safety requirements.

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Butterfly Effect Attack: Tiny and Seemingly Unrelated Perturbations for Object Detection

2023 , Doan, Nguyen Anh Vu , Yüksel, Arda , Cheng, Chih-Hong

This work aims to explore and identify tiny and seemingly unrelated perturbations of images in object detection that will lead to performance degradation. While tininess can naturally be defined using Lp norms, we characterize the degree of "unrelatedness" of an object by the pixel distance between the occurred perturbation and the object. Triggering errors in prediction while satisfying two objectives can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem where we utilize genetic algorithms to guide the search. The result successfully demonstrates that (invisible) perturbations on the right part of the image can drastically change the outcome of object detection on the left. An extensive evaluation reaffirms our conjecture that transformer-based object detection networks are more susceptible to butterfly effects in comparison to single-stage object detection networks such as YOLOv5.

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Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz

2022-12-09 , Adler, Rasmus , Bunte, Andreas , Burton, Simon , Großmann, Jürgen , Jaschke, Alexander , Kleen, Philip , Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam , Ma, Jackie , Markert, Karla , Meeß, Henri , Meyer, Olga , Neuhüttler, Jens , Philipp, Patrick , Poretschkin, Maximilian , Rennoch, Axel , Roscher, Karsten , Sperl, Philip , Usländer, Thomas , Weicken, Eva , Wrobel, Stefan , Zidowitz, Stephan , Ziehn, Jens , Kläs, Michael , Cheng, Chih-Hong , Heinrich, Jana , Knoblauch, Dorian , Heidrich, Jens , Görge, Rebekka , Kolomiichuk, Sergii , Lämmel, Philipp , Plinge, Axel , Rauh, Lukas , Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev , Wahlster, Wolfgang , Winterhalter, Christoph

Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz haben DIN und DKE im Januar 2022 die Arbeiten an der zweiten Ausgabe der Deutschen Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz gestartet. In einem breiten Beteiligungsprozess und unter Mitwirkung von mehr als 570 Fachleuten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, öffentlicher Hand und Zivilgesellschaft wurde damit der strategische Fahrplan für die KI-Normung weiterentwickelt. Koordiniert und begleitet wurden diese Arbeiten von einer hochrangigen Koordinierungsgruppe für KI-Normung und -Konformität. Mit der Normungsroadmap wird eine Maßnahme der KI-Strategie der Bundesregierung umgesetzt und damit ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur "KI - Made in Germany" geleistet. Die Normung ist Teil der KI-Strategie und ein strategisches Instrument zur Stärkung der Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen und europäischen Wirtschaft. Nicht zuletzt deshalb spielt sie im geplanten europäischen Rechtsrahmen für KI, dem Artificial Intelligence Act, eine besondere Rolle. Die vorliegende Normungsroadmap KI zeigt die Erfordernisse in der Normung auf, formuliert konkrete Empfehlungen und schafft so die Basis, um frühzeitig Normungsarbeiten auf nationaler, insbesondere aber auch auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene, anzustoßen. Damit zahlt sie maßgeblich auf den Artificial Intelligence Act der Europäischen Kommission ein und unterstützt dessen Umsetzung.

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Statistical Property Testing for Generative Models

2023 , Seferis, Emmanouil , Burton, Simon , Cheng, Chih-Hong

Generative models that produce images, text, or other types of data are recently be equipped with more powerful capabilities. Nevertheless, in some use cases of the generated data (e.g., using it for model training), one must ensure that the synthetic data points satisfy some properties that make them suitable for the intended use. Towards this goal, we present a simple framework to statistically check if the data produced by a generative model satisfy some property with a given confidence level. We apply our methodology to standard image and text-to-image generative models.

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Statistical Guarantees for Safe 2D Object Detection Post-processing

2023 , Seferis, Emmanouil , Burton, Simon , Kollias, Stefanos , Cheng, Chih-Hong

Safe and reliable object detection is essential for safetycritical applications of machine learning, such as autonomous driving. However, standard object detection methods cannot guarantee their performance during operation. In this work, we leverage conformal prediction in order to provide statistical guarantees for back-box object detection models. Extending prior work, we present a postprocessing methodology that can cover the entire object detection problem (localization, classification, false negatives, detection in videos, etc.), while offering sound safety guarantees on its error rates. We apply our method on state-of-the-art 2D object detection models and measure its efficacy in practice. Moreover, we investigate what happens as the acceptable error rates are pushed towards high safety levels. Overall, the presented methodology offers a practical approach towards safety-aware object detection, and we hope it can pave the way for further research in this area.

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Intelligent Testing for Autonomous Vehicles - Methods and Tools

2022-09 , Cheng, Chih-Hong

In this talk, I first give a tutorial on some fundamental AI testing methods with their strengths and weaknesses. For testing complex autonomous driving systems, an intelligent combination of basic AI testing techniques makes it possible to generate highly diversified test cases while enabling efficient bug hunting.

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Potential-based Credit Assignment for Cooperative RL-based Testing of Autonomous Vehicles

2023 , Ayvaz, Utku , Cheng, Chih-Hong , Hao, Shen

While autonomous vehicles (AVs) may perform remarkably well in generic real-life cases, their irrational action in some unforeseen cases leads to critical safety concerns. This paper introduces the concept of collaborative reinforcement learning (RL) to generate challenging test cases for AV planning and decision-making module. One of the critical challenges for collaborative RL is the credit assignment problem, where a proper assignment of rewards to multiple agents interacting in the traffic scenario, considering all parameters and timing, turns out to be non-trivial. In order to address this challenge, we propose a novel potential-based reward-shaping approach inspired by counterfactual analysis for solving the credit-assignment problem. The evaluation in a simulated environment demonstrates the superiority of our proposed approach against other methods using local and global rewards.

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Can Conformal Prediction Obtain Meaningful Safety Guarantees for ML Models?

2023 , Seferis, Emmanouil , Burton, Simon , Cheng, Chih-Hong

Conformal Prediction (CP) has been recently proposed as a methodology to calibrate the predictions of Machine Learning (ML) models so that they can output rigorous quantification of their uncertainties. For example, one can calibrate the predictions of an ML model into prediction sets, that guarantee to cover the ground truth class with a probability larger than a specified threshold. In this paper, we study whether CP can provide strong statistical guarantees that would be required in safety-critical applications. Our evaluation on the ImageNet demonstrates that using CP over state-of-the-art models fails to deliver the required guarantees. We corroborate our results by deriving a simple connection between the CP prediction sets and top-k accuracy.

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Selected Challenges in ML Safety for Railway

2022-09 , Cheng, Chih-Hong

Neural networks (NN) have been introduced in safety-critical applications from autonomous driving to train inspection. I argue that to close the demo-to-product gap, we need scientifically-rooted engineering methods that can efficiently improve the quality of NN. In particular, I consider a structural approach (via GSN) to argue the quality of neural networks with NN-specific dependability metrics. A systematic analysis considering the quality of data collection, training, testing, and operation allows us to identify many unsolved research questions: (1) Solve the denominator/edge case problem with synthetic data, with quantifiable argumentation (2) Reach the performance target by combining classical methods and data-based methods in vision (3) Decide the threshold (for OoD or any kind) based on the risk appetite (societally accepted risk).