Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Evaluation of traffic control systems as ITS infrastructure for automated driving
    ( 2017)
    Franze, Juliane
    Seydel, Dominique
    Haspel, Ulrich
    Vehicles with automated driving systems require more sensor information about their environment than non-automated vehicles. Detection with camera, lidar or other sensors is already state of the art in newer vehicles. As of today though, they only work in close proximity and lack the incorporation of existing traffic information from local authorities. In this paper, we present a novel way of providing traffic management information to vehicles, sent directly from Road Authorities. We use existing ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) infrastructure and assess how information on traffic control and reroutes, displayed on variable message signs, can be used as sensory input for vehicles. We examine real world data from a South German Road Authority. The evaluation of latency, reliability and integrity of traffic information has been conducted end-to-end as well as between the six stations that are involved. We show the general feasibility of our proposal and discuss which obstacles need to be overcome for a wider use in other road systems.
  • Publication
    Absicherung vernetzter IoT-Funktionen mit selbstlernenden Modellen
    Mit dem Internet-of-Things (IoT) wird die Verknüpfung diverser Systeme von eingebetteten Steuerungen über Cloud-Services und diverse Frameworks sowie Plattformen möglich. Für den Nachrichtenaustausch der beteiligten Komponenten existiert bereits heute eine Vielzahl von grundlegenden Kommunikationsprotokollen. Die darauf aufbauenden Anwendungsprotokolle sind jedoch in der Regel spezifisch für einzelne Applikationen definiert und umgesetzt. Um auch das korrekte Funktionieren einer vernetzten Anwendung sicherzustellen, muss deren Interaktion mit anderen Komponenten abgesichert und verifiziert werden. Damit dies effizient möglich ist, sind neue Verfahren zur automatisierten Absicherung notwendig, so dass die korrekte Interaktion solcher verteilter Anwendungen sichergestellt werden kann. Hierfür wird ein modellgetriebenes Verfahren vorgestellt, welches es erlaubt Fehler automatisiert anhand des Kommunikationsverhaltens festzustellen. Um den Aufwand hierfür gering zu halten und auch neue, zunächst unbekannte Anwendungen absichern zu können, wird ein selbstlernendes Verfahren eingesetzt. Das kann teilautomatisiert Modelle aus Anwendungsprotokollen erzeugen, die dann wiederum überprüft und weiterverwendet werden können. So können diese Modelle auch wieder zur automatisierten Absicherung der Anwendungen genutzt werden. Das Verfahren wurde in verschiedenen Projekten und Anwendungsszenarios, wie am Beispiel einer Modell-Produktionsanlage, bereits erfolgreich erprobt.
  • Publication
    Fail-operational in-vehicle E/E-architectures - dependable basis for automated driving
    ( 2016) ;
    Klein, Cornel
    The presentation explains challenges and solutions for future adaptive e/e-architectures, generic enhanced software-driven dependability and flexibility for future vehicles, methods and architectures for fail-operational in-vehicle safety as well as a supplier independent solution through exploitation of AUTOSAR standard allowing for incorporating heterogeneous platforms.
  • Publication
    Challenges of a safe adaptation architecture for vehicles
    The promising advent of fully electric vehicles and automated driving also means a shift towards fully electrical control of the existing and new vehicle functions. In particular, critical X-by-wire functions require sophisticated redundancy solutions. As a result, the overall Electric/Electronic (E/E) architecture of a vehicle is becoming even more complex and costly. The talk introduces the challenges of future vehicle software architectures. In the course of the SafeAdapt project novel architecture concepts are developed which base on adaptation to address the needs of a new E/E architecture for FEVs regarding safety, reliability and cost-efficiency. This will reduce the complexity of the system and the interactions by generic, system-wide fault and adaptation handling. It also enables extended reliability despite failures, improvements of active safety, and optimized resources.
  • Publication
    SafeAdapt - safe adaptive software for fully electric vehicles
    The promising advent of Fully Electric Vehicles (FEVs) also induces a shift towards fully electronic control of existing and new vehicle functions. Hereby, critical functions, such as Brake- and Steer-by-Wire, require sophisticated redundancy solutions to ensure safety. As a result, the overall electric/electronic (E/E) architecture of a vehicle is becoming even more complex and costly. To address the need for safety, reliability and cost efficiency in future FEVs, the development of a novel adaptive architecture to manage complexity through generic, adaptive, and system-wide fault handling is essential. Moreover, to enable this transition, design simplicity, cost efficiency, and energy consumption are especially important elements. Consequently, the SafeAdapt project seeks a holistic approach by comprising the methods, tools, and building blocks needed to design, develop and certify such safety-critical systems for the e-vehicle domain. In detail, a platform core encapsulating the basic adaptation mechanisms for relocating and updating functionalities is developed on basis of AUTOSAR. It serves as foundation for an interoperable and standardised solution for adaptation and fault handling in upcoming automotive networked control systems. In particular, emphasis is laid on functional safety with respect to the ISO26262 standard, wherefore an integrated approach ranging from tool chain support, reference architectures, modelling of system design and networking, up to early validation and verification is derived. To realistically validate these adaptation and redundancy concepts, an e-vehicle prototype with different and partly redundant applications is being developed. Moreover, the presented work outlines the motivation and challenges of future E/E architectures and contributes a technical strategy to overcome those hindrances.
  • Publication
    Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR
    ( 2013)
    Zeller, Marc
    Prehofer, Christian
    Krefft, Daniel
    In many industrial application domains networked embedded systems realize safety-critical applications. In such systems, adapting the software distribution at runtime can be used to optimize system configurations, to add new features or to handle failure cases. The main objective of this paper is to devise a flexible and efficient solution for runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR, which requires minimal changes to the current architecture. We elaborate the main challenges for extending AUTOSAR and argue that small changes in the architecture and design process are feasible and effective for this purpose. Our work is validated by a proof of concept implementation.
  • Publication
    Modellbasierte Validierung von Infotainment-Funktionen im Auto
    ( 2012)
    Paulic, A.
    Zeller, Marc
    Bei der Kaufentscheidung für ein Auto werden Infotainment- und Multimedia-Anwendungen immer wichtiger. Die Netzwektechnologie Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) ist derzeit Standard für automobile Infotainment-Systeme und ermöglicht anspruchsvolles Infotainment im Auto. Die zunehmende Komplexität und Interaktion dieser Funktionen ist eine große Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung. Die Qualität der Systeme muss bei stetig zunehmender Funktionalität gewährleistet sein, zudem soll die Entwicklung immer günstiger werden. Hierzu wird modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. In dieser Arbeit haben wir neue Konzepte zur modellbasierten Validierung von Infotainment-Funktionen entwickelt und umgesetzt. Dabei wurden sog. Referenzmodelle als ausführbare Spezifikationen eingeführt und zur Validierung wiederverwendet.