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  • Publication
    DevOps for Developing Cyber-Physical Systems
    (Fraunhofer IKS, 2021) ; ;
    Rothe, Johannes
    Tenorth, Moritz
    In the age of digitalization, the success or failure of a product depends on bug-free and feature-rich software. Driven by consumer expectations and competition between vendors, software can no longer be delivered as-is but needs to be continuously supported and updated for a period of time. In large and complex projects, this can be a challenging task, which many IT companies are approaching with the state-of-the-art software development process DevOps. For companies manufacturing high-tech products, software is also becoming ever more critical, and companies are struggling with handling the complexity of long-term software support. The adoption of modern development processes such as DevOps is challenging, as the real-world environment in which the systems operate induces challenges and requirements that are unique to each product and company. Once they are addressed, however, DevOps has the potential to deliver more sophisticated products with minimal software errors, thus increasing the value provided to customers and giving the company a considerable competitive advantage.