Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Neue Konzepte für zukünftige E/E-Architekturen
    ( 2016) ;
    Rosenthal, Thorsten
    Zukünftige Fahrzeuge stehen aufgrund der sich rasant wandelnden Mobilität völlig neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Insbesondere die Anforderungen an die kommenden E/E-Architekturen verändern sich ständig. Im EU-geförderten Projekt SafeAdapt haben neun Partner aus sechs Ländern untersucht, inwiefern Adaptivität für flexible und zuverlässige E/E-Architekturen genutzt werden kann.
  • Publication
    Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR
    ( 2013)
    Zeller, Marc
    Prehofer, Christian
    Krefft, Daniel
    In many industrial application domains networked embedded systems realize safety-critical applications. In such systems, adapting the software distribution at runtime can be used to optimize system configurations, to add new features or to handle failure cases. The main objective of this paper is to devise a flexible and efficient solution for runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR, which requires minimal changes to the current architecture. We elaborate the main challenges for extending AUTOSAR and argue that small changes in the architecture and design process are feasible and effective for this purpose. Our work is validated by a proof of concept implementation.
  • Publication
    Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR
    ( 2013)
    Zeller, Marc
    Prehofer, Christian
    Krefft, Daniel
    In many industrial application domains networked embedded systems realize safety-critical applications. In such systems, adapting the software distribution at runtime can be used to optimize system configurations, to add new features or to handle failure cases. The main objective of this paper is to devise a flexible and efficient solution for runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR, which requires minimal changes to the current architecture. We elaborate the main challenges for extending AUTOSAR and argue that small changes in the architecture and design process are feasible and effective for this purpose. Our work is validated by a proof of concept implementation.