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Verifying & validating non-functional properties of automotive software architectures in early design stages

2013 , Stante, Alexander , Kamphausen, Benjamin , Zeller, Marc , Weiß, Gereon

An increasing number of functions in modern automobiles are software-based. A modern automotive architecture contains up to 100 electronic control units (ECU) that communicate with one another to ensure proper vehicle functionality. The requirements and the set of provided functionalities of automotive embedded systems are growing, the complexity of these systems is continuously increasing as well. Early verification of automotive software architectures is necessary to prevent failures and to save costs during the design. Considering solely functional properties of the software for networked embedded systems is insufficient to satisfy the quality requirements in the automotive domain. To produce robust software-based embedded systems in a cost-efficient way, an early verification of non-functional properties is inevitable. Based on a specific simulation framework, written in SystemC, the open tool-chain framework ERNEST provides flexible mechanisms to verify non-functional properties of component-based software systems in early design stages. ERNEST can be integrated easily into a model-based design flow and is based on the open-source development platform Eclipse. Thus, it states an extensible tool platform for verifying non-functional properties, which can easily be enhanced by various analysis techniques.

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A multi-layered control architecture for self-management in adaptive automotive systems

2009 , Zeller, Marc , Weiß, Gereon , Eilers, Dirk , Knorr, Rudi

In this paper we discuss the need of a novel control architecture for managing the growing complexity in modern vehicles and outline a multi-layered approach for self-management in adaptive automotive systems. With this multi-layered control architecture it is possible to react in an adequate and quick way to changes in the supervised technical system. Especially for complex distributed real-time systems with various different requirements and system objectives, like vehicles, this approach provides the necessary degree of flexibility and dependability. In a first evaluation of this control architecture in a realistic automotive scenario we show the advantages of the multi-layered approach compared to a traditional central control architecture.

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Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR

2013 , Zeller, Marc , Prehofer, Christian , Krefft, Daniel , Weiß, Gereon

In many industrial application domains networked embedded systems realize safety-critical applications. In such systems, adapting the software distribution at runtime can be used to optimize system configurations, to add new features or to handle failure cases. The main objective of this paper is to devise a flexible and efficient solution for runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR, which requires minimal changes to the current architecture. We elaborate the main challenges for extending AUTOSAR and argue that small changes in the architecture and design process are feasible and effective for this purpose. Our work is validated by a proof of concept implementation.

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Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR

2013 , Zeller, Marc , Prehofer, Christian , Krefft, Daniel , Weiß, Gereon

In many industrial application domains networked embedded systems realize safety-critical applications. In such systems, adapting the software distribution at runtime can be used to optimize system configurations, to add new features or to handle failure cases. The main objective of this paper is to devise a flexible and efficient solution for runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR, which requires minimal changes to the current architecture. We elaborate the main challenges for extending AUTOSAR and argue that small changes in the architecture and design process are feasible and effective for this purpose. Our work is validated by a proof of concept implementation.