Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    RE and Society: A Perspective on RE in Times of Smart Cities and Smart Rural Areas
    Our requirements engineering (RE) community has known for decades that the success or failure of RE methods heavily depends on the context in which they are applied. Thus, many experiences have been gained and shared in the community that reflect which RE methods are suitable for a specific context, such as embedded systems development (e.g., automotive or military domain) or information systems development (e.g., banking or flight control domain). Nowadays, in times of smart cities and their counterpart smart rural areas, where newly introduced IT systems have a strong effect on our society, a new and challenging context arises for RE, which opens up new research questions. As a contribution to this situation and to foster discussions in our community about whether our RE methods are appropriate in this new "social context", this perspective paper reflects on the state of the art and on our own experiences in applying RE in the context of smart rural areas. These results might also pertain in the context of smart cities that pose similar challenges to RE. In addition, we present a framework comprising both an initial classification of social contexts, particularly their end users, and a classification for RE methods. Example usage scenarios illustrate how this framework helps to reflect on the suitability of our RE methods, and, if necessary, provides the basis for adapting them or creating new ones. Finally, we outline a roadmap with research questions and related activities with which we want to encourage our community to perform the proposed research activities in order to enrich our body of experiences and adapt our methods to this highly relevant context.
  • Publication
    RE auf dem Land - alles andere als Standard? - Anforderungserhebung in ländlichen Regionen
    Digitalisierung und sich daraus bildende Innovationen beeinflussen unser aller Leben im privaten wie auch im beruflichen Umfeld. Eine zentrale Herausforderung ist die Gestaltung digitaler Innovationen gemeinsam mit ei- ner breiten Zielgruppe, die die entwickelten Lösungen in ihren Alltag integrieren soll. Wie mit dieser Heraus- forderung umgegangen werden kann, zeigen wir am Beispiel des Projektes "Digitale Dörfer". In diesem Projekt gewannen wir in Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgern, Einzelhändlern und der öffentlichen Hand Erkenntnisse, wie durch den Einsatz digitaler Dienste die Attraktivität ländlicher Regionen gesteigert werden kann.
  • Publication
    Elicitation of information needs in precontract requirements engineering
    ( 2015)
    Müller, Christian
    Adam, Sebastian
    The precontract phase of a software project is of high importance for the employer as well as the contractor, because this phase yields the basis for a contract between the parties. The main interest of the contractor is to provide an offer which addresses the requirements of the employer in a convincing way and proposes a solution for a reasonable price. In order to decide about the acceptance of an offer, decision makers of the employer require certain information to be contained in the offer. In this paper the results of a survey about the information needs of decision makers are presented. It yields first indications about the relevance of certain information and where in a document decision makers would like to find it. The paper includes a description of the method that has been used to acquire the knowledge.
  • Publication
    An approach for technology potential analysis in organizations
    ( 2014) ;
    Rombach, H. Dieter
    Adam, Sebastian
    Fast developments and a high degree of innovativeness in industry and research produce a large number of new technologies year by year. Organizations in competitive environments strive after the adoption of recent technologies to gain advantages. In practice it is difficult for an organization to assess which technologies really provide the promised benefits. The differentiation of hyped technologies is critical to avoid misdeterminations. In this thesis a proposal is made to answer the question how the potential of a technology for an organization can be assessed. For that purpose a model describing the elements of a technology and an organization along with their relations to each other is elaborated. This enables to gather the relevant information in a systematic procedure. Firstly the technology is analyzed to identify its actual benefits. Additionally, the organization is analyzed to detect its goals and requirements. The information is used to determine the technology's potential for the organization in a methodical and quantifiable way. Based on the identified potential, an evaluation is carried out to assess the technology's usefulness and ease of use. In the present thesis all the steps of the approach are described in detail along with specification templates and examples. Additionally, the approach has undergone an evaluation to detect its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Publication
    Ergebnisbericht "RE-Kompass 2013"
    ( 2013)
    Adam, Sebastian
    Wünch, Christian
    Mit der Umfrageserie "RE-Kompass" werden jährlich durch das Fraunhofer IESE und die Hood GmbH aussagekräftige Informationen rund um das Thema "Requirements Engineering" (RE) erhoben und analysiert. Ziel hierbei ist es, Erkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, inwiefern RE heute integraler Bestandteil der Prozesse von Wirtschaft und Industrie ist, welchen Stellenwert es vor dem Hintergrund moderner agiler Vorgehensweisen hat, und in welchen Bereichen noch notwendige Handlungsfelder für die Forschung existieren. Der vorliegende Report fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse aus der Befragung "RE-Kompass 2013" zusammen.