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  • Publication
    Smart City District Simulator - How we made a Virtual Smart City District Come Alive
    More and more cities are striving to becoming more digital, offering their citizens, for instance, digital services aimed at supporting their daily lives. Another urgent trend that cities have to address is climate friendliness. In the EnStadt:Pfaff research project, we are developing a climate-neutral city district. One aspect is to examine how digital services might support climate topics. As the district is currently under construction, resulting in the challenge that only a very limited number of future citizens and further stakeholders are currently known, we have to find new ways of evaluating new ideas for digital services. As we assume that the foundation of digital services will be a future digital ecosystem - which, however, currently does not exist yet, we need an alternative mechanism to mock such a digital environment. We do this via a mock platform that supports fast evaluation of new ideas for digital services. In order to be able to evaluate connected and environmentally sensitive services, in particular, we developed a simulator that is able to simulate several different actors and sensors. This enables us to check how concrete digital services behave when, for example, citizens, cars, or other objects run inside the district. In this paper, we provide concepts regarding the simulator and describe how we realized an initial version of it, followed by a discussion on the benefits of our solution.