Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Publication
    Phenomenological investigation of the cytotoxic activity of fucoidan isolated from Fucus vesiculosus
    ( 2019)
    Zayed, Ahmed
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    Krämer, Roland
    Ulber, Roland
    The development of natural-based anti-tumor medicaments has acquired a great interest especially in the last few decades. Hence, cytotoxic activity of different fractions of fucoidan was evaluated. The fractions, produced from the total crude extract of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus and purified by the recently-developed immobilized cationic dyes at different conditions, had different physicochemical properties and named fucoidan_1, fucoidan_6 and fucoidan_PDD. The activity of these fractions was studied in vitro against different kinds of cancerous mammalian cell lines including MCF-7 and Caco-2 and compared to their effects against skin primary fibroblasts. The results indicated a potent cytotoxic activity with regard to MCF-7 cells, while negligible (>1500 mg mL −1 ) towards primary fibroblasts. Moreover, higher general toxicity of crude fucoidan indicated that purification process succeeded to remove extraneous, co-extracted, cytotoxic compounds (e.g., polyphenols), which has a strong activity and possible interference in previously-published studies. Furthermore, a correlation was made between the cytotoxic activity and physico-chemical properties of fucoidan fractions, such as the sulfation degree and molecular weight. These findings reflected a real picture and expected low side effects regarding the cytotoxic activity of fucoidan purified by affinity chromatography.
  • Publication
    Computationally designed bispecific MD2/CD14 binding peptides show TLR4 agonist activity
    ( 2018)
    Michaeli, Amit
    Mezan, Shaul
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    Elias, Maayan
    Zatsepin, Maria
    Reed, Steven G.
    Duthie, Malcolm S.
    Lerner, Immanuel
    Toll-like receptor 4 plays an important role in the regulation of the innate and adaptive immune response. The majority of TLR4 activators currently in clinical use are derivatives of its prototypic ligand LPS. The discovery of innovative TLR4 activators has the potential of providing new therapeutic immunomodulators and adjuvants. We used computational design methods to predict and optimize a total of 53 cyclic and linear peptides targeting myeloid differentiation 2 (MD2) and cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14), both coreceptors of human TLR4. Activity of the designed peptides was first assessed using NF-kB reporter cell lines expressing either TLR4/MD2 or TLR4/CD14 receptors, then binding to CD14 and MD2 confirmed and quantified using MicroScale Thermophoresis. Finally, we incubated select peptides in human whole blood and observed their ability to induce cytokine production, either alone or in synergy with LPS. Our data demonstrate the advantage of computational design for the discovery of new TLR4 peptide activators with little structural resemblance to known ligands and indicate an efficient strategy with which to identify TLR4 targeting peptides that could be used as easy-to-produce alternatives to LPS-derived molecules in a variety of settings.
  • Publication
    Central role for dermal fibroblasts in skin model protection against Candida albicans
    The fungal pathogen Candida albicans colonizes basically all human epithelial surfaces, including the skin. Under certain conditions, such as immunosuppression, invasion of the epithelia occurs. Not much is known about defense mechanisms against C. albicans in subepithelial layers such as the dermis. Using immune cell-supplemented 3D skin models we defined a new role for fibroblasts in the dermis and identified a minimal set of cell types for skin protection against C. albicans invasion. Dual RNA sequencing of individual host cell populations and C. albicans revealed that dermal invasion is directly impeded by dermal fibroblasts. They are able to integrate signals from the pathogen and CD4+ T cells and shift toward an antimicrobial phenotype with broad specificity that is dependent on Toll-like receptor 2 and interleukin 1β. These results highlight a central function of dermal fibroblasts for skin protection, opening new possibilities for treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Publication
    Computational discovery and experimental confirmation of TLR9 receptor antagonist leads
    ( 2016)
    Zatsepin, Maria
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    Basu, Arijit
    Goldblum, Amriam
    Toll-like receptors (TLR) are receptors of innate immunity that recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns. They play a critical role in many pathological states, in acute and chronic inflammatory processes. TLR9 is a promising target for drug discovery, since it has been implicated in several pathologies, including defense against viral infections and psoriasis. Immune-modulators are promising molecules for therapeutic intervention in these indications. TLR9 is located in the endosome and activated by dsDNA with CpG motives encountered in microbial DNA. Here we report on a combined approach to discover new TLR9 antagonists by computational chemistry and cell based assays. We used our in-house iterative stochastic elimination (ISE) algorithm to create models that distinguish between TLR9 antagonists ("actives") and other molecules ("inactives"), based on molecular physicochemical properties.
  • Publication
    Physicochemical and biological characterization of fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus purified by dye affinity chromatography
    ( 2016)
    Zayed, Ahmed
    Muffler, Kai
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    Ulber, Roland
    A comparative study concerning the physicochemical, monomeric composition and biological characters among different fucoidan fractions is presented. Common purification techniques for fucoidan usually involve many steps. During these steps, the important structural features might be affected and consequently alter its biological activities. Three purified fractions were derived from Fucus vesiculosus water extract which, afterwards, were purified by a recently-developed dye affinity chromatography protocol. This protocol is based on dye-sulfated polysaccharide interactions. The first two fractions were obtained from crude precipitated fucoidan at different pH values of the adsorption phase: pH 1 and 6. This procedure resulted in fucoidan_1 and 6 fractions. The other, third, fraction: fucoidan_M, however, was obtained from a buffered crude extract at pH 1, eliminating the ethanol precipitation step. All of the three fractions were then further evaluated. Results revealed that fucoidan_M showed the highest sulfur content (S%), 12.11%, with the lowest average molecular weight, 48 kDa. Fucose, galactose, and uronic acid/glucose dimers were detected in all fractions, although, xylose was only detected in fucoidan_1 and 6. In a concentration of 10 µg·mL−1, Fucoidan_6 showed the highest heparin-like anticoagulant activity and could prolong the APTT and TT significantly to 66.03 ± 2.93 and 75.36 ± 1.37 s, respectively. In addition, fucoidan_M demonstrated the highest potency against HSV-1 with an IC50 of 2.41 µg·mL−1. The technique proved to be a candidate for fucoidan purifaction from its crude extract removing the precipitation step from common purification protocols and produced different fucoidan qualities resulted from the different incubation conditions with the immobilized thiazine toluidine blue O dye.
  • Publication
    An in vitro HSV-1 reactivation model containing quiescently infected PC12 cells
    Advances in the understanding of the infection and reactivation process of herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) are generally gained by monolayer cultures or extensive and cost-intensive animal models. So far, no reliable in vitro skin model exists either to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in controlling latency and virus reactivation or to test pharmaceuticals. Here we demonstrate the first in vitro HSV-1 reactivation model generated by using the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT grown on a collagen substrate containing primary human fibroblasts. We integrated the unique feature of a quiescently infected neuronal cell line, the rat pheochromocytoma line PC12, within the dermal layer of the three-dimensional skin equivalent. Transmission electron microscopy, a cell-based TCID50 assay, and polymerase chain reaction analysis were used to verify cell latency. Thereby viral DNA could be detected, whereas extracellular as well as intracellular virus activity could not be found. Further, the infected PC12 cells show no spontaneous reactivation within the in vitro skin equivalent. In order to simulate a physiologically comparable HSV-1 infection, we achieved a specific and pointed reactivation of quiescently HSV-1 infected PC12 cells by UVB irradiation at 1000 mJ/cm2.
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  • Publication
    A screening assay based on host-pathogen interaction models identifies a set of novel antifungal benzimidazole derivatives
    ( 2011) ; ;
    Keller, P.
    Bauer, J.
    Eickhoff, H.
    Kleymann, G.
    Rayyan, W.A.
    Singh, A.
    Schröppel, K.
    Wiesmüller, K.-H.
    Fungal infections are a serious health problem in clinics, especially in the immune-compromised patient. Disease ranges from widespread superficial infections like vulvovaginal infections to life-threatening systemic candidiasis. Especially for systemic mycoses, only a limited arsenal of antifungals is available. The most commonly used classes of antifungal compounds used include azoles, polyenes, and echinocandins. Due to emerging resistance to standard therapy, significant side effects, and high costs for several antifungals, there is a medical need for new antifungals in the clinic and general practice. In order to expand the arsenal of compounds with antifungal activities, we screened a compound library including more than 35,000 individual compounds derived from organic synthesis as well as combinatorial compound collections representing mixtures of compounds for antimycotic activity. In total, more than 100,000 compounds were screened using a new type of activity- selectivity assay, analyzing both the antifungal activity and the compatibility with human cells at the same time. One promising hit, an (S)-2-aminoalkyl benzimidazole derivative, was developed among a series of lead compounds showing potent antifungal activity. (S)-2-(1-Aminoisobutyl)-1-(3- chlorobenzyl) benzimidazole showed the highest antifungal activity and the best compatibility with human cells in several cell culture models and against a number of clinical isolates of several species of pathogenic Candida yeasts. Transcriptional profiling indicates that the newly discovered compound is a potential inhibitor of the ergosterol pathway, in contrast to other benzimidazole derivatives, which target microtubules.
  • Publication
    A new class of antimycotic (S)-2-aminoalkyl benzimidazoles exhibits potent antifungal activity against clinically relevant and against fluconazole resistant strains of Candida spp
    ( 2011)
    Bauer, J.
    Kinast, S.
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    Kleymann, G.
    Abu Rayyan, W.
    Schroppel, K.
    Singh, A.
    Spohn, R.
    Jung, G.
    Wiesmüller, K.-H.
    Eickhoff, H.