Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    Leveraging technology assets - Comprehensive expoitation of technologies
    ( 2012) ;
    Schubert, Johannes
    In recent decades, competition has become increasingly technology-based. From an economic perspective, the value deployment of technologies is an essential part of technology management. While most industrial firms focus on the internal application of technologies in their own products and services, the external mode of technology exploitation, i.e. the commercialization of disembodied technological knowledge, has long been neglected. This is due to the fact that companies lack in a systematic approach to evaluate their technologies in terms of all available exploitation opportunities. Different internal and external exploitation strategies such as r&d cooperation, strategic alliance, licensing, joint-venture, spin-off etc. should be included in a comprehensive decision making model . Furthermore, these strategies need to be evaluated considering the different characteristics regarding the technology, the exploiting company, the market where the technology should be exploited and the general objectives of the exploiting company. A thorough analysis of past research confirms this need and shows that the existing literature is highly fragmented. However, while a comprehensive and tailored exploitation model could help firms to achieve higher returns on their R&D expenditures, it may also enhance a firm's competitive position by leading to a more adequate use of its technology assets. Moreover it may contribute to a more effective technology exploitation in an economy in general, which constitutes a major challenge in many industrialized countries. In combination , these facts point to the need for research into technology exploitation decision making models. A comprehensive evaluation of the different exploitation strategies is needed in order to obtain a holistic perspective on how to commercialize technological know how. In addition, the decision making model has to consider different characteristics of the exploitation situation. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to propose a fundamental approach for a decision making model in order to identify the most appropriate exploitation strategy, which considers the internal and external key factors that characterize the commercialization situation. The evaluation of the decision making concept is based on a throughout analysis of the existing literature and on one case that has been a ccomplished by the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. The goal of the case was to identify the appropriate exploitation strategy for a production facility that is capable to automatically produce tissues on demand, which can be used for toxicity and efficacy testing. Based on this fundamental analysis, a decision making model is proposed, in which are considered a comprehensive perspective of the different exploiting strategies and the key interdependencies of the commercialization situation.
  • Publication
    Framework for the valuation of technology established in a manufacturing system
    ( 2012) ;
    Schubert, Johannes
    The valuation of technologies is necessary in many situations. These vary from companies considering to invest in machinery for the manufacturing of a developed product to the selection of a new production technology in order to fulfil customer demands concerning cost-reduction or quality requirements. The valuation is often difficult, not only because the selection of one specific technology affects the whole manufacturing process chain. Additionally, in the evaluation process as a basis for decision making, multidimensional criteria have to be considered. Due to the variety and number of applied technologies, complexity is embedded in the fundamental nature of technology assessment in manufacturing systems. In the field of technology valuation, many methods and approaches (e.g. scenario-, portfolio- or roadmapping-based planning approaches) exist to support technology management in producing companies. Other valuation techniques intended to determine the value of projects have been adopted for technology valuation, such as relative/market valuations, auctions, cost-based valuations, scoring/ranking methods, discounted cash flow or real options models. However, the determination of the value of a technology against the background of its application within a manufacturing system is difficult. Mostly, the existing methods do not relate evaluation criteria to the objectives of the manufacturing systems. Hence, it is not possible to quantify, measure and assess the consequences of the application of a specific technology and its value contribution to the manufacturing system. Manufacturing managers need a framework for the systematic valuation of technologies in this complex environment in order to support decisions concerning the application, the development and implementation of manufacturing technologies. In this paper we present the current version of the developed framework for the valuation of a technology in manufacturing systems.
  • Publication
    Linking strategy and roadmap. Integrative design of technology, product and production
    ( 2012) ; ;
    Schubert, Johannes
    Hacker, Peter
    Meinecke, Matthias
    Schaller, Clemens
    Weber, Peter
    Zeppenfeld, Christoph
    Kitzer, Peter
    Technology, product and production planning is challenging. To face increasing complexity of strategic planning, a stronger, earlier and quicker integration of the planning areas product, technology and production is required. Current approaches hamper a total optimum in planning results. Technology management needs a new quality of integrativity. It cannot be reached with the motto `Everyone does everything together'. Instead, everyone has to define lighthouses, guidelines and references for the future for his own domain. Strategy and roadmap need to be linked in the coordinated process. In this paper we present a new integrative approach, which was developed based on results of the analysis of industry cases and successful practices of five technology-oriented companies. Firstly, clear visions of the future of the own planning area have to be developed in form of lighthouses to define borders of each planning areas solution space. Secondly, guidelines building a framework for specific solutions can be derived. References that are describing each planning area in the future, can be developed afterwards as target states. As a final step, the solution spaces of all planning areas have to be harmonized. In a participative decision making process agreed projects have to be implemented in a technology roadmap.
  • Publication
    Technology roadmapping for production in high-wage countries
    ( 2012) ;
    Jeschke, Sabina
    Aghassi, Susanne
    Arnoscht, Jens
    Bauhoff, Fabian
    Fuchs, S.
    Jooß, Claudia
    Karmann, O.
    Kozielski, Stefan
    Orilski, Simon
    Richert, Anja
    Roderburg, Andreas
    Schiffer, Michael
    Schubert, Johannes
    Stiller, Sebastian
    Tönissen, Stefan
    Welter, Florian
  • Publication
    Wissensschutz in der Produktion
    ( 2012) ; ;
    Kreimeier, Matthias
    Schubert, Johannes
    Während zum Schutz von Produkten in den letzten Jahren viele Maßnahmen entwickelt und auch etabliert werden konnten, besteht weiterhin eine große Gefahr des Abflusses von Wissen in der Produktion. Häufig wird diesen Risiken durch die Unternehmen nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung beigemessen, obwohl dies das eigene fertigungstechnische Know-how betrifft. Das Spektrum von unternehmensspezifischen Schutzmaßnahmen in der Produktion ist sehr vielfältig und kann sowohl bei Produktionsverlagerungen (z. B. nach China) als auch an bestehenden Standorten angewendet werden. Zum wirksamen Schutz bedarf es eines systematischen Vorgehens zur Identifikation von kritischen Schadensszenarien sowie der methodisch unterstützten Entwicklung und Auswahl individueller Schutzmaßnahmen.
  • Publication
    Designing technology management in SMEs
    ( 2012)
    Schulte-Gehrmann, Anna-Lena
    Schubert, Johannes
    Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in technology-intensive industries contribute significantly to the overall economic performance of European countries. The identification, assessment, planning and implementation of new technologies has become an important management task in SMEs in order to keep up with technological progress and to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Still, empirical findings imply that many SMEs have not established a systematic explicit technology management so far. This deficit often roots in a lacking adaption of technology management organisation concepts to the specific demands of SMEs. In this paper, we present a design concept for technology management in SMEs. All elements of the concept are explained and resulting implications for organizing technology management in SMEs are discussed. The underlying work is based on a qualitative research process for applied sciences containing elements from systems and model theory and from organization theory. Explanatory concepts which have been elaborated deductively based on practical cases and problems are included in the overall method. As a basis for deriving design recommendations for technology management in SMEs, typical attributes of SMEs are identified. We discuss the interrelations between the general attributes and the resulting tasks to be carried out in technology management as well as recommendations on favourable organisational options. In this context, typical intrinsic strengths and weaknesses of SMEs referring to the ability to perform technology management are pointed out and considered in the design recommendations. The focus is put on general cross-functional aspects of technology management and on the process of technology intelligence. Besides these general attributes valid for any technological-oriented SME, special situational factors have to be considered. This aspect is briefly explained in this paper. The proposed concept not only focuses on design recommendations, but derives them deductively in a systematic manner from the typical attributes of SMEs and other situational factors. Therefore, the concept pursues a holistic approach to explain the specialties of SMEs to be addressed in organizing technology management. For this reason, the benefit of the concept is twofold: On the one hand, it contributes to technology man agement theory and on the other hand, it assists practitioners from SMEs in establishing a systematic technology management in their company.
  • Publication
    Model for the valuation of a technology established in a manufacturing system
    ( 2012) ;
    Schubert, Johannes
    The valuation of technologies is necessary in many situations. These vary from investments in machinery to manufacture developed products to the selection of new production technologies to fulfil customer demands. In this paper we present the current version of the developed model for the valuation of a technology in a manufacturing system. The model focuses on technology-related objectives of the manufacturing system and the link to relevant characteristics of manufacturing technologies. The valuation model of this on-going research allows to quantify, measure and assess consequences of the application of a specific technology and its value contribution to the manufacturing system.
  • Publication
    Towards more effective supply market analyses
    ( 2012)
    Kreysa, Jennifer
    Schubert, Johannes
    Reducing the level of vertical integration has been an ongoing trend in manufacturing businesses for a number of decades. With in-house depths of production averaging about 30% and more and more technologically complex parts being outsourced to suppliers, strategic technology management must inherently be accompanied by effective supply and purchasing management concepts suited to todays challenges. A fundamental strategic purchasing task is the performance of systematic supply market analyses. Such analyses aim to capture the characteristics of the supply markets relevant for all different purchased goods and to integrate the market perspective into the development of supply strategies. With value-add ratios continuing to shift towards the supply side and increasing product variety, the number of different supply markets relevant for an individual company is increasing. Furthermore, as an effect of shorter product life cycles, more variant-rich and technologically complex products and highly fragmented global supply chains, also the dynamics of supply markets have risen. Facing more complex and in transparent supply markets, there is a need for comprehensive methods to assess supply markets in strategic purchasing. In this paper, an overview and an assessment of theses approaches is given. Besides approaches and methods presented in literature on purchasing and supply management, approaches from related management disciplines such as technology management and strategic management are integrated into the analysis. The different approaches are assessed in view of their capability to increase the efficiency and effectiveness in creating supply market transparency and developing supply strategies. The analysis reveals that profound methodological support well-suited to todays challenges is yet lacking. The majority of methods have been developed from a sales/distribution perspective and have not sufficiently been adapted to supply-side boundary conditions. They furthermore do not provide adequate support in mapping the complex supply market structure and in deducing strategic recommendations for purchasing. In addition, too little attention is payed to the purchase of technologically complex parts. Aiming to contribute to the development of more effective methodological support, this paper concludes by deriving requirements for more enhanced and comprehensive concepts for analyzing supply markets.
  • Publication
    Integrative Production Technology for High-wage Countries
    ( 2012) ;
    Jeschke, Sabina
    Aghassi, Susanne
    Arnoscht, Jens
    Bauhoff, Fabian
    Fuchs, Sascha
    Jooß, Claudia
    Karmann, Wilhelm Oliver
    Kozielski, Stefan
    Orilski, Simon
    Richert, Anja
    Roderburg, Andreas
    Schiffer, Michael
    Schubert, Johannes
    Stiller, Sebastian
    Tönissen, Stefan
    Welter, Florian
  • Publication
    Integrative Produktionstechnik für Hochlohnländer
    ( 2011) ;
    Jeschke, Sabina
    Aghassi, Susanne
    Arnoscht, Jens
    Bauhoff, Fabian
    Fuchs, S.
    Jooß, Claudia
    Karmann, W.
    Kozielski, Stefan
    Orilski, Simon
    Richert, Anja
    Roderburg, Andreas
    Schiffer, Michael
    Schubert, Johannes
    Stiller, Sebastian
    Tönissen, Stefan
    Welter, Florian