Now showing 1 - 10 of 33
  • Publication
    Comprehensive technology exploitation using system dynamics and scenario analysis
    ( 2016) ; ;
    Engel, Markus
    Kreutzer, Ramon
    So far, only few research facilities and companies benefit from strategic planning of technology exploitation. Thus, a vast technological as well as economic potential remains untapped. A major reason for the neglect of the exploitation potential is that a situational assessment of exploitation opportunities throughout the entire technology life cycle has not yet been systematically explored. Although individual aspects of the problem were treated, a comprehensive model considering all relevant variables, such as the technology to be exploited, the specific objectives of the research and development project and the relevant factors of the environment of the exploitation situation, has not yet been developed. In addition, the change of these factors should be taken into account throughout the technology life cycle. In order to achieve this goal all relevant variables for the exploitation decision have to be described in sub-models and later combined in a multi-attribute decision model. Based on a first framework presented prior by the authors, the intended contribution of the pre-sent paper is to develop a deeper understanding of the interdependencies between the key influential factors of the exploitation situation as well as the considered sub-models. Thereby the expected developments of the sub-models for the used System Dynamics model and the Scenario Analysis can be modeled.
  • Publication
    Technology capability: Identification and assessment of technology and market specific exploitation options
    ( 2016) ;
    Vogt, Florian
    Diminishing product and technology lifecycles are compelling companies to exploit their technology potential to the full and pursue an appropriate technology exploitation strategy in order to thrive in the current environment. The aim of this paper is to extend the existing decision model for technology exploitation, which takes all relevant factors of the commercialization situation into account. In particular it focuses on the diversification potential of a technology, on how to generate new areas of application out of it and to evaluate these in terms of their market potential. This will give companies an opportunity to evaluate different exploitation options in the context of company-specific objectives and situation-specific factors in order to derive a suitable exploitation option. T he model is validated on the basis of a case study conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology.
  • Publication
    Collaborative technology scanning for potentially disruptive technologies
    ( 2016) ;
    Kabasci, Patrick
    Disruptive technologies continue to topple whole industries. Technology intelligence, which is responsible for finding and evaluating relevant technological information for companies, it often still fails to estimate which technologies will prove disruptive. It is not finding the relevant technologies which poses problems, but correctly evaluating the technologies and permeating the information through the organization. We have analysed existing literature on collaborative activities in corporate foresight and technology intelligence and combined the results with the theory of disruptive technologies to identify how collaborative activities help in forming a clear picture of the potential or threat of a technology. Observing and taking part in consortial studies on digitalization and Indus trie 4.0, we conclude that so far in many companies there is still a communication gap between technology and market experts, and that cross-industry analogies can provide a valuable discussion forum to project the influence of a technology to one's own market.
  • Publication
    Identifying and evaluating disruptive technologies using technology scanning
    ( 2016) ;
    Kabasci, Patrick
    Ryschka, Simon
    Wetterney, Tim
    The identification of disruptive technologies and the evaluation of their impact on the own business is a major challenge for technology intelligence. Technology trends such as additive manufacturing (""3D printing"") and the Internet of Things with its applications such as Industrie 4.0 in production technology are seen by companies as both major opportunities and threats to their business models on an abstract level, yet the identification and especially evaluation of specific technologies impacting a company's business in the future is still difficult. Disruptive technologies threaten market incumbents as these technologies enable addressing new or latent customer requirements or evaluation dimensions in a given market rather than improving on the fulfillment of existing evaluation criteria. When the value customers place on requirements and evaluation criteria (i.e. the evaluation context) changes, this can lead to rapid devaluation of products or services using traditional technologies. Technology Scanning is the technology intelligence sub-discipline responsible for finding weak signals of technological trends, and as we conjecture also for finding signals on technology-driven impeding changes in evaluation contexts in relevant markets. To do so, Technology Scanning uses a toolbox of methods including forecasting, scenario analysis, and trend analysis methods. We have previously stated the need for practitioners to have a framework of design recommendations for technology scanning based on the specific company's strategic goals on the identification of disruptive technologies, and outlined a research agenda on providing such a framework. As part of this research agenda, in this paper we present an overview of requirements for identifying and evaluating disruptive technologies in a company's context, and give an analysis of existing methods and design options (processes, organizations etc.) for technology scanning regarding these requirements. We proceed to outline a method to systematically detect possible changes in evaluation contexts to assist identifying and evaluating disruptive technologies using cross-industry analogies. We find that concepts from technology intelligence need to be complemented with concepts from market intelligence and environmental scanning to properly evaluate upcoming disruptive changes.
  • Publication
    Fraunhofer IPT kürt Unternehmen mit exzellentem Einkauf
    ( 2015-10-02) ; ;
    Kreimeier, Matthias
    König, Christina
    Vaterrodt, Matthias
    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT führt mit einem Industriekonsortium ein Bencharking zum Thema Einkauf durch. Ziel dieser europaweiten Studie ist es, Erfolgsfaktoren im Einkauf zu ermitteln. Seit einigen Jahren prägen Begriffe wie "Wertorientierung" oder "Value Sourcing" die Diskussion über die Aufgaben und die Gestaltung des Einkaufs. Ausgangspunkt ist, dass bei gleichbleibendem Kosten- und Qualitätsdruck die Wertschöpfung immer stärker in den Fokus des Einkaufs getreten ist. Zeil sind Erfolgskonzepte, mit denen Einkaufsorganisationen die Weichen für die Zukunft stellen.
  • Publication
    Den Einkauf erfolgreich gestalten
    ( 2015) ; ;
    Kreimeier, Matthias
    König, Christina
    Vaterrodt, Matthias
    Zweiter Teil der Vorstellung der Ergebnisse des Konsortial-Benchmarkings Technologieeinkauf 2014/2015 in Form von fünf der neun Erfolgsfaktoren für den Einkauf.
  • Publication
    Fraunhofer IPT kührt Unternehmen mit exzellentem Einkauf
    ( 2015) ; ;
    Kreimeier, Matthias
    König, Christina
    Vaterrodt, Matthias
    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT führt mit einem Industriekonsortium ein Benchmarking zum Thema Einkauf durch. Ziel dieser europaweiten Studie ist es, Erfolgsfaktoren im Einkauf zu ermitteln. Seit einigen Jahren prägen Begriffe wie ""Wertorientierung"" oder ""Value Sourcing"" die Diskussion über die Aufgaben und die Gestaltung des Einkaufs. Ausgangspunkt ist, dass bei gleichbleibendem Kosten- und Qualitätsdruck die Wertschöpfung immer stärker in den Fokus des Einkaufs getreten ist. Ziel sind Erfolgskonzepte, mit denen Einkauforganisationen die Weichen für die Zukunft stellen.
  • Publication
    Configuration Model for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence
    ( 2015) ;
    Bräkling, Andre
    To operate technology intelligence efficiently access to up-to-date relevant and sufficiently complete information is essential. Indeed availability of information is higher than ever by reason of digitalization. However it also causes the problem of information overload. The available mass of data has to be searched assorted and assessed to identify the actual needed information. In addition the entire information processing has to be continued permanently or to be repeated for each new object of investigation otherwise the validity of the results is not given any more.
  • Publication
    Concept for structuring and derivation of technology fields in the context of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS)
    ( 2015) ;
    Schröder, Stephan
    Schön, Nico
    Kabasci, Patrick
    First cyber-physical-production systems (CPPS) are already in use in factories and their number will increase significantly in the next years. Thereby they are heralding the fourth industrial revolution, denominated »Industrie 4.0« in Germany. The implementation of this proclaimed industrial revolution will come along with crucial technological changes and business model innovations, including enormous opportunities for companies but also serious risks, if critical or disruptive technological changes are not identified early enough and corresponding reactions are not initiated. Thus an efficient and effective technology forecasting is crucial for companies to benefit from »Industrie 4.0«. But companies' business intelligence departments are facing the major difficulty to identify the relevant technological inventions in a new and so far unstructured technological environment. Therefore this paper presents a concept for the identification and structuring of application technologies and the demand-oriented derivation of structured search fields for the technology forecasting process in the context of CPPS. The concept was developed within the research project »Industrie 4.0 - International Benchmark, Future scenarios and recommendations for production research (INBENZHAP)«, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • Publication
    Mit Focused Crawlern gegen die Datenflut?
    ( 2015) ;
    Bräkling, André
    Die Verfügbarkeit von vielen Informationen erleichtert die Wissensarbeit zwar auf den ersten Blick, aber aufgrund der unüberschaubaren Menge und Vielfalt an Informationen ergeben sich aus deren Handhabung neue Herausforderungen. Klassische Crawler-Tools, die das Internet oder konkrete Datenbanken durchlaufen und alle aufgefundenen Inhalte zur Weiterverwertung (z. B. für eine Suchmaschine) verfügbar machen, generieren enorme Datenmengen. Als Lösungsansatz für konkrete Anwendungsfälle bieten sich Focused Crawler an, die zwar ebenso auf alle verfügbaren Quellen zurückgreifen, aber nur relevante Informationen berücksichtigen. Wie naheliegend ist der Einsatz von Focused Crawlern für die Suche nach neuen Technologien und Produkten? Und welche Herausforderungen muss man für einen sinnvollen Einsatz bewältigen?