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Optimizing hyperparameters using the geometric difference

2023 , Egginger, Sebastian , Sakhnenko, Alona , Runge, Xiomara , Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam

Quantum kernel methods (QKM) are a promising method in Quantum machine learning (QML) thanks to the guarantees connected to them. Their accessibility for analytic considerations also opens up the possibility of prescreening datasets based on their potential for a quantum advantage. To do so, earlier works developed the geometric difference, which can be understood as a closeness measure between two kernel-based ML approaches, most importantly between a quantum kernel and classical kernel. This metric links the quantum and classical model complexities. Therefore, it raises the question of whether the geometric difference, based on its relation to model complexity, can be a useful tool in evaluations other than the potential for quantum advantage.

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The Effect of Noise on the Performance of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver

2022 , Oliv, Marita , Matic, Andrea , Messerer, Thomas , Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam

Quantum computers are expected to be highly beneficial for chemistry simulations, promising significant improvements in accuracy and speed. The most prominent algorithm for chemistry simulations on NISQ devices is the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). It is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm which calculates the ground state energy of a Hamiltonian based on parametrized quantum circuits, while a classical optimizer is used to find optimal parameter values. However, quantum hardware is affected by noise, and it needs to be understood to which extent it can degrade the performance of the VQE algorithm. In this paper, we study the impact of noise on the example of the hydrogen molecule. First, we compare the VQE performance for a set of various optimizers, from which we find NFT to be the most suitable one. Next, we quantify the effect of different noise sources by systematically increasing their strength. The noise intensity is varied around values common to superconducting devices of IBM Q, and curve fitting is used to model the relationship between the obtained energy values and the noise magnitude. Since the amount of noise in a circuit highly depends on its architecture, we perform our studies for different ansatzes, including both hardware-efficient and chemistry-inspired ones.