Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Quantum Neural Networks under Depolarization Noise: Exploring White-Box Attacks and Defenses
    Leveraging the unique properties of quantum mechanics, Quantum Machine Learning (QML) promises computational breakthroughs and enriched perspectives where traditional systems reach their boundaries. However, similarly to classical machine learning, QML is not immune to adversarial attacks. Quantum adversarial machine learning has become instrumental in highlighting the weak points of QML models when faced with adversarial crafted feature vectors. Diving deep into this domain, our exploration shines light on the interplay between depolarization noise and adversarial robustness. While previous results enhanced robustness from adversarial threats through depolarization noise, our findings paint a different picture. Interestingly, adding depolarization noise discontinued the effect of providing further robustness for a multi-class classification scenario. Consolidating our findings, we conducted experiments with a multi-class classifier adversarially trained on gate-based quantum simulators, further elucidating this unexpected behavior.
  • Publication
    A Comparative Study on Solving Optimization Problems with Exponentially Fewer Qubits
    Variational Quantum optimization algorithms, such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) or the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), are among the most studied quantum algorithms. In our work, we evaluate and improve an algorithm based on VQE, which uses exponentially fewer qubits compared to the QAOA. We highlight the numerical instabilities generated by encoding the problem into the variational ansatz and propose a classical optimization procedure to find the ground-state of the ansatz in less iterations with a better or similar objective. Furthermore, we compare classical optimizers for this variational ansatz on quadratic unconstrained binary optimization and graph partitioning problems.