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SafeSens - Uncertainty Quantification of Complex Perception Systems

2023 , Kurzidem, Iwo , Burton, Simon , Schleiß, Philipp

Safety testing and validation of complex autonomous systems requires a comprehensive and reliable analysis of performance and uncertainty. Especially uncertainty quantification plays a vital part in perception systems operating in open context environments that are neither foreseeable nor deterministic. Therefore, safety assurance based on field tests or corner cases alone is not a feasible option as effort and potential risks are high. Simulations offer a way out. They allow, for example, simulation of potentially hazardous situations, without any real danger, by systematically computing a variety of different (input) parameters quickly. In order to do so, simulations need accurate models to represent the complex system and in particular include uncertainty as inherent property to accurately reflect the interdependence between system components and the environment. We present an approach to creating perception architectures via suitable meta-models to enable a holistic safety analysis to quantify the uncertainties within the system. The models include aleatoric or epistemic uncertainty, dependent on the nature of the approximated component. A showcase of the proposed method highlights, how validation under uncertainty can be used for a camera-based object detection.

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Safety Assessment: From Black-Box to White-Box

2022 , Kurzidem, Iwo , Misik, Adam , Schleiß, Philipp , Burton, Simon

Safety assurance for Machine-Learning (ML) based applications such as object detection is a challenging task due to the black-box nature of many ML methods and the associated uncertainties of its output. To increase evidence in the safe behavior of such ML algorithms an explainable and/or interpretable introspective model can help to investigate the black-box prediction quality. For safety assessment this explainable model should be of reduced complexity and humanly comprehensible, so that any decision regarding safety can be traced back to known and comprehensible factors. We present an approach to create an explainable, introspective model (i.e., white-box) for a deep neural network (i.e., black-box) to determine how safety-relevant input features influence the prediction performance, in particular, for confidence and Bounding Box (BBox) regression. For this, Random Forest (RF) models are trained to predict a YOLOv5 object detector output, for specifically selected safety-relevant input features from the open context environment. The RF predicts the YOLOv5 output reliability for three safety related target variables, namely: softmax score, BBox center shift and BBox size shift. The results indicate that the RF prediction for softmax score are only reliable within certain constrains, while the RF prediction for BBox center/size shift are only reliable for small offsets.