Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
  • Publication
    Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz - ein plattformbasierter Ansatz für Forschung und Industrie
    ( 2023)
    Bosse, Sebastian
    Berns, Karsten
    Bosch, Johannes
    Eichhorn, Frederick Charles
    Fischer, Christoph
    Gassen, Eike
    Gerighausen, Heike
    Heil, Jonathan
    Hirth, Jochen
    Huber, Christopher
    Hussaini, Mortesa
    Kloke, Peter
    Krause-Edler, Hartmut
    Mackle, Lukas
    Magnusson, Jannes
    Möhrle, Felix
    Möller, Markus
    Pickel, Peter
    Rautenberg, Clemens
    Schotten, Hans Dieter
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    Ücdemir, Henrik
    Wania, Annett
    Stein, Anthony
    Digitale Technologien gelten als möglicher Schlüssel zur Verknüpfung von Nachhaltigkeit, Klimaanpassung und wirtschaftlicher Effizienz in der Pflanzenproduktion. Die Heterogenität und Dezentralität des landwirtschaftlichen Systems stellt besondere Anforderungen an den Entwurf datengetriebener Lösungen: Daten entstehen lokal in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben unterschiedlicher Größe; ihre Erhebung und Auswertung erfolgt meist multimodal, dezentral und durch Dritte; landwirtschaftliche Stakeholder stellen als Dateneigentümer hohe Ansprüche an die Datensouveränität. Das Forschungsprojekt "Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz" (NaLamKI) entwickelt einen plattformbasierten Ansatz, um diese Anforderungen zu adressieren und setzt hierzu auf Cloud-Edge Services zur 1) Erhebung divers strukturierter landwirtschaftlicher Daten, 2) KI-gestützte Fusion und Auswertung dieser Daten sowie 3) nutzerorientierte Haltung und Bereitstellung der erzeugten Datenprodukte in einem digitalen Farm-Twin unter Wahrung der Datensouveränität, Schaffung von (Daten-)Interoperabilität sowie GAIA-X-Konformität. Dieser Beitrag leitet die Notwendigkeit dieses Forschungsansatzes her, erläutert dessen zugrunde liegende Konzepte und diskutiert wissenschaftliche Ansatzpunkte und Ergebnisse sowie offene Herausforderungen und Chancen dieses integrierten Ansatzes.
  • Publication
    ( 2022) ;
    Nachtmann, Matthias
    In this book, renowned experts gave us their views on the digital transformation of the agricultural sector from various perspectives. In the following, we summarize the most important insights into the current state of practice and the state of the art that we have gained from each chapter.
  • Publication
    ( 2022) ;
    Nachtmann, Matthias
    Linke, Christian
    Crawford, John
    Ehlers, Knut
    Balzer, Frederike
    Gandorfer, Markus
    Gabriel, Andreas
    Pfeiffer, Johanna
    Spykman, Olivia
    Vinzent, Beat
    Olbrisch, Mathias
    Härtel, Ines
    This chapter describes a motivation for this book, as well as the current challenges, requirements and targets in the agricultural ecosystem when it comes to digital transformation. It begins with a farmer’s perspective and moves through sustainability and environmental perspectives to a description of the state of the practice in the adoption and acceptance of Digital Farming technologies. It provides key requirements and open issues to be addressed when developing or using Digital Farming technologies. Finally, it provides insights how policy makers see the topic of Digital Farming and how the current status of agricultural digital and data law gives a frame for Digital Farming technologies.
  • Publication
    Abschlussbericht Machbarkeitsstudie: Machbarkeitsstudie zu staatlichen digitalen Datenplattformen für die Landwirtschaft
    ( 2021)
    Bartels, Nedo
    Fehrmann, Jens
    Gennen, Klaus
    Groen, Eduard C.
    Härtel, Ines
    Herlitzius, Thomas
    Kunisch, Martin
    Martini, Daniel
    Roßner, Sebastian
    Striller, Benjamin
    Walter, Laura-Sophie
    Nach öffentlicher Ausschreibung durch die Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) - im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) - wurde das Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE in Kaiserslautern zusammen mit seinen Unterauftragnehmern - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL), Technische Universität Dresden, Professur für Agrarsystemtechnik, sowie anfangs die Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), später die Kanzlei Legerlotz Laschet und Partner Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB (LLR) - als neutrale Stelle mit der Durchführung einer Machbarkeitsstudie zu möglichen staatlichen digitalen Datenplattformen für die Landwirtschaft beauftragt. Ziel der Studie ist es, dem BMEL und der BLE wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen und technische Konzepte bereitzustellen, die als Entscheidungsgrundlage für zukünftige Aktivitäten genutzt werden können. Konkret geht es u.a. um die Frage, ob die Landwirtschaft in Deutschland eine staatliche Datenplattform braucht, welche Daten relevant sind und wie die Plattform technisch aufgebaut sein könnte. Die Ergebnisse der Studie sollen dabei helfen, den Bedarf zu verstehen und die passenden Entscheidungen zu treffen, um die Landwirtschaft optimal bei der digitalen Transformation unterstützen zu können. Dieser Abschlussbericht dokumentiert umfassend die Ergebnisse der Machbarkeitstudie. Neben detaillierten Antworten zu den in der Ausschreibung gestellten Fragen berichtet er über die Vorgehensweise im Projekt, fasst die wesentlichen Ergebnisse zusammen und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen für das weitere Vorgehen.
  • Publication
    Enabling Users to Specify Correct Privacy Requirements
    ( 2019)
    Rudolph, Manuel
    Privacy becomes more and more important for users of digital services. Recent studies show that users are concerned about having too little control over their personal data. However, if users get more possibilities for self-determining the privacy effecting their personal data, it must be guaranteed that the resulting privacy requirements are correct. This means, they reflect the user's actual privacy demands. There exist multiple approaches for specifying privacy requirements as an end user, which we call specification paradigms. We assume that a matching of specification paradigms to users based on empirical data can positively influence the objective and perceived correctness. We use the user type model by Dupree, which categorizes users by their motivation and knowledge. We experimentally determined the best match of user types and paradigms. We show that participants with less knowledge and motivation make more mistakes and that a strong limitation of selection options increases objective and perceived correctness of the specified privacy requirements.
  • Publication
    Reprogramming Low-end IoT Devices from the Cloud
    ( 2019)
    Baccelli, Emmanuel
    Jallouli, Ons
    Kikuchi, Shinji
    Padilla, Francisco Acosta
    Schleiser, Kaspar
    Thomas, Ian
    The Internet of Things (IoT) consists in a variety of smart connected objects, among which a category of low-end devices based on micro-controllers. The orchestration of low-end IoT devices is not straightforward because of the lack of generic and holistic solutions articulating cloud-based tools on one hand, and low-end IoT device software on the other hand. In this paper, we describe such a solution, combining a cloud-based IDE, graphical programming, and automatic JavaScript generation. Scripts are pushed over the Internet and over-the-air for the last hop, updating runtime containers hosted on heterogeneous low-end IoT devices running RIOT. We demonstrate a prototype working on common off-the-shelf low-end IoT hardware with as little as 32kB of memory.
  • Publication
    Scouting the Autonomous Agricultural Machinery Market
    ( 2019) ;
    Fairclough, Bob
    Jahic, Jasmin
    Kersting, Stefan
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    Scholten-Buschhoff, Friederike
    The development and introduction of machines ranging from highly automated to driverless will have a strong impact on global agriculture - there is no doubt about this. Today, fully autonomous tractors or combine harvesters are no longer prototypes, but are already in use in preliminary stages. This inevitably raises the question of how fast and to what extent the new technologies will determine the market in the future. To examine this question, Fraunhofer IESE in cooperation with the Kleffmann Group conducted this study, which deals with the state of the art as well as the future development of the autonomous agricultural machinery market. Several parallel paths were taken in the study: (1) The first task was to identify and classify the influencing factors related to the market. This is linked to the determination of changes in agricultural work processes within the framework of autonomous agricultural machinery development. (2) These influencing factors in combination with corresponding expert assessments as well as market data on tractor sales were then used within the framework of an empirical modeling approach to develop possible future scenarios up to the year 2045.
  • Publication
    Requirements Engineering for Innovative Software Ecosystems: A Research Preview
    ( 2019)
    Villela, Karina
    Kedlaya, Shashank
    [Context and motivation] In order to stay competitive in the Digital Transformation era, many organizations are engaging in innovative software ecosystems (SES). However, there is a lack of specific methods for tackling SES engineering challenges. [Question/problem] This paper presents a Requirements Engineering (RE) decision framework and a process for guiding key SES partners in the process of shaping their SES. [Principal ideas/results] Both the framework and the process build upon the results of a literature review and interviews with practitioners, and have undergone a preliminary qualitative evaluation. [Contribution] The systematic approach for shaping SES together with an explicit and clear definition of its application context will enable practitioners and researchers to apply it and/or translate it to other application contexts.
  • Publication
    Towards Ubiquitous Requirements Engineering
    ( 2019)
    Villela, Karina
    Hess, Anne
    Falcão, Rodrigo
    Groen, Eduard C.
    Valero, Carol
    Ebert, Achim
    We have perceived barriers that prevent requirements engineers from contributing properly to the development of the software systems that underpin the digital transformation. We have also realized that breaking down each of these barriers would contribute to requirements engineering (RE) becoming ubiquitous in certain dimensions. In this paper, we point out the transformation that is required to break down each barrier and briefly discuss each dimension of ubiquity. Our goal is to raise the interest of the research community in providing approaches to address the barriers and move towards ubiquitous RE.
  • Publication
    Orchestration of IoT Device and Business Workflow Engine on Cloud
    ( 2019)
    Kikuchi, Shinji
    Thomas, Ian
    Jallouli, Ons
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    Baccelli, Emmanuel
    Schleiser, Kaspar
    Along with increasing demands for IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for business digitalization, the capability of easy and quick installation of IoT service is highly demanded. To achieve this, we developed a prototype of cloud-IoT orchestration framework providing capabilities of registration of IoT device, business workflow editor and deployment of workflows to IoT device through wireless network. In this paper, we explain the architecture of our framework and demonstrate its capability through a use case scenario of intrusion detection.