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Detecting Mobility Patterns with Stationary Bluetooth Sensors: A real-world Case Study

2015 , Müller, Marc , Schulz, Daniel , Mock, Michael , Hecker, Dirk

A Bluetooth sensor network was built up in the city of Bonn to measure Bluetooth MAC-addresses. The results of the acquired data are separated on a macro level and mobility patterns. We have collected nearly 5 million data points from 14 distinct stationary sensors over a period of 1 month and recognized over 85.000 unique devices. We show that the data is sufficiently dense to detect commuter patterns based on a Fourier analysis. In addition, we discuss limitations found in the dataset and present lessons learned.

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Modeling micro-movement variability in mobility studies

2011 , Hecker, Dirk , Körner, Christine , Stange, Hendrik , Schulz, Daniel , May, Michael

During the past years the interest in the exploitation of mobility information has increased significantly. Along with these interests, new demands on mobility data sets have been posed. One particular demand is the evaluation of movement data on a high level of spatial detail. The high dimensionality of geographic space, however, makes this requirement hard to fulfill. Even large mobility studies cannot guarantee to comprise all movement variation on a high level of detail. In this paper we present an approach to increase the variability of movement data on microscopic scale in order to achieve a better representation of population movement. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we perform a spatial aggregation of trajectory data in order to counteract sparseness and to preserve movement on macroscopic scale. Second, we disaggregate the data in geographic space based on traffic distribution knowledge using repeated simulation. Our approach is applied in a real-world business application for the Ger-man outdoor advertising industry to measure the performance of poster sites.

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Pedestrian flow prediction in extensive road networks using biased observational data

2008 , Scheider, Simon , May, Michael , Rösler, Roberto , Schulz, Daniel , Hecker, Dirk

In this paper, we discuss an application of spatial data mining to predict pedestrian flow in extensive road networks using a large biased sample. Existing out-of-the-box techniques are not able to appropriately deal with its challenges and constraints, in particular with sample selection bias. For this purpose, we introduce s-knn-apriori, an efficient nearest neighbor based spatial mining algorithm that allows prior knowledge and deductive models to be included in a straightforward and easy way.