Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    ACGT: Advancing Clinico-genomic trials on cancer-Four years of experience
    ( 2011)
    Martin, L.
    Anguita, A.
    Graf, N.
    Tsiknakis, M.
    Brochhausen, M.
    Bucur, A.
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Sengstag, T.
    Buffa, F.
    Stenzhorn, H.
    The challenges regarding seamless integration of distributed, heterogeneous and multilevel data arising in the context of contemporary, post-genomic clinical trials cannot be effectively addressed with current methodologies. An urgent need exists to access data in a uniform manner, to share information among different clinical and research centers, and to store data in secure repositories assuring the privacy of patients. Advancing Clinico-Genomic Trials (ACGT) was a European Commission funded Integrated Project that aimed at providing tools and methods to enhance the efficiency of clinical trials in the-omics era. The project, now completed after four years of work, involved the development of both a set of methodological approaches as well as tools and services and its testing in the context of real-world clinico-genomic scenarios. This paper describes the main experiences using the ACGT platform and its tools within one such scenario and highlights the very promising results obtained.
  • Publication
    Workflows for intelligent monitoring using proxy services
    ( 2009) ; ;
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Sengstag, T.
    Grid technologies have proven to be very successful in the area of eScience, and in particular in healthcare applications. But while the applicability of workflow enacting tools for biomedical research has long since been proven, the practical adoption into regular clinical research has some additional challenges in grid context. In this paper, we investigate the case of data monitoring, and how to seamlessly implement the step between a one-time proof-of-concept workflow and high-performance on-line monitoring of data streams, as exemplified by the case of long-running clinical trials. We will present an approach based on proxy services that allows executing single-run workflows repeatedly with little overhead.
  • Publication
    Building a system for advancing clinico-genomic trials on cancer
    ( 2009)
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Graf, N.
    Hoppe, A.
    ; ;
    Koumakis, L.
    The analysis of clinico-genomic data poses complex computa- tional problems. In the project ACGT, a grid-based software system to sup- port clinicians and bio-statisticians in their daily work is being developed. Starting with a detailed user requirements analysis, and with the continu- ous integration of usability analysis in the development process, the project strives to develop an architecture that will substantially improve the way clinico-genomic trials are conducted today. In this paper, results of the ini- tial requirements analysis and approaches to address these requirements are presented. We also discuss the importance of appropriate metadata to tailor the system to the needs of the users.
  • Publication
    Supporting parallel R code in clinical trials: A grid-based approach
    ( 2008) ;
    Sengstag, T.
    Sfakianakis, S.
    In this paper, we describe an extension to the ACGT GridR environment which allows the parallelization of loops in R scripts in view of their distributed execution on a computational grid. The ACGT GridR service is extended by a component that uses a set of preprocessor-like directives to organize and distribute calculations. The use of parallelization directives as special R comments provides users with the potential to accelerate lengthy calculations with changes to preexisting code. The GridR service and its extension are developed as components of the ACGT platform, one aim of which is to facilitate the data mining of clinical trials involving large datasets. In ACGT, GridR scripts are executed in the framework of a specifically developed workflow environment, which is also briefly outlined in the present article.
  • Publication
    A semantic grid services architecture in support of efficient knowledge discovery from multilevel clinical and genomic datasets
    ( 2008)
    Tsiknakis, M.
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Trelles, O.
    Siestang, T.
    Claerhout, B.
    Virvilis, V.
    This paper presents the architectural considerations of the Advancing Clinico-Genomic Trials on Cancer (ACGT) project aiming at delivering a European Biomedical Grid in support of efficient knowledge discovery in the context of post-genomic clinical trials on cancer. Our main research challenge in ACGT is the requirement to develop an infrastructure able to produce, use, and deploy knowledge as a basic element of advanced applications, which will mainly constitute a Biomedical Knowledge Grid. Our approach to offer semantic modelling of available services and data sources to support high level services and dynamic services for discovery and composition will be presented. In particular, ontologies and metadata are the basic elements through which Grid intelligence services can be developed, and the current achievements of the project in this domain will be discussed.
  • Publication
    Knowledge discovery scientific workflows in clinico-genomics
    ( 2007)
    Potamias, G.
    Koumakis, L.
    Kanterakis, A.
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Analyti, A.
    Moustakis, V.
    Kafetzopoulos, D.
    Tsiknakis, M.
    With the completion of the human genome and the entrance into the post-genomic era, translational research rises as a major need. In this paper, we present a Knowledge Discovery workflow (KDw) and its utilization in the context of clinico-genomic trials. KDw aims towards the discovery of 'evidential' correlations between patients' genomic and clinical profiles. Application of KDw on a real-world clinico-genomic (breast cancer) study demonstrates the reliability, efficacy, and efficiency of the approach.
  • Publication
    Extending workflow management for knowledge discovery in clinico-genomic data
    ( 2007) ;
    Sfakianakis, S.
    Tsinakis, M.
    Recent advances in research methods and technologies have resulted in an explosion of information and knowledge about cancers and their treatment. Knowledge Discovery (KD) is a key technique for dealing with this massive amount of data and the challenges of managing the steadily growing amount of available knowledge. In this paper, we present the ACGT integrated project, which is to contribute to the resolution of these problems by developing semantic grid services in support of multi-centric, post-genomic clinical trials. In particular, we describe the challenges of KD in clinico-genomic data in a collaborative Grid framework, and present our approach to overcome these difficulties by improving workflow management, construction and managing workflow results and provenance information. Our approach combines several techniques into a framework that is suitable to address the problems of interactivity and multiple dependencies between workflows, services, and data.