Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Empirical software engineering experts on the use of students and professionals in experiments
    ( 2018)
    Falessi, Davide
    Juristo, Natalia
    Wohlin, Claes
    Turhan, Burak
    Münch, Jürgen
    Oivo, Markku
    [Context] Controlled experiments are an important empirical method to generate and validate theories. Many software engineering experiments are conducted with students. It is often claimed that the use of students as participants in experiments comes at the cost of low external validity while using professionals does not. [Objective] We believe a deeper understanding is needed on the external validity of software engineering experiments conducted with students or with professionals. We aim to gain insight about the pros and cons of using students and professionals in experiments. [Method] We performed an unconventional, focus group approach and a follow-up survey. First, during a session at ISERN 2014, 65 empirical researchers, including the seven authors, argued and discussed the use of students in experiments with an open mind. Afterwards, we revisited the topic and elicited experts' opinions to foster discussions. Then we derived 14 statements and asked the ISERN attendees excluding the authors, to provide their level of agreement with the statements. Finally, we analyzed the researchers' opinions and used the findings to further discuss the statements. [Results] Our survey results showed that, in general, the respondents disagreed with us about the drawbacks of professionals. We, on the contrary, strongly believe that no population (students, professionals, or others) can be deemed better than another in absolute terms. [Conclusion] Using students as participants remains a valid simplification of reality needed in laboratory contexts. It is an effective way to advance software engineering theories and technologies but, like any other aspect of study settings, should be carefully considered during the design, execution, interpretation, and reporting of an experiment. The key is to understand which developer population portion is being represented by the participants in an experiment. Thus, a proposal for describing experimental participants is put forward.
  • Publication
    Four commentaries on the use of students and professionals in empirical software engineering experiments
    ( 2018)
    Feldt, Robert
    Zimmermann, Thomas
    Bergersen, Gunnar R.
    Falessi, Davide
    Juristo, Natalia
    Münch, Jürgen
    Oivo, Markku
    Runeson, Per
    Shepperd, Martin
    Sjøberg, Dag I.K.
    Turhan, Burak
    The relative pros and cons of using students or practitioners in experiments in empirical software engineering have been discussed for a long time and continue to be an important topic. Following the recent publication of ""Empirical software engineering experts on the use of students and professionals in experiments"" by Falessi, Juristo, Wohlin, Turhan, Münch, Jedlitschka, and Oivo (EMSE, February 2018) we received a commentary by Sjøberg and Bergersen. Given that the topic is of great methodological interest to the community and requires nuanced treatment, we invited two editorial board members, Martin Shepperd and Per Runeson, respectively, to provide additional views. Finally, we asked the authors of the original paper to respond to the three commentaries. Below you will find the result. Even though we are under no illusion that these views settle the issue we hope you find them interesting and illuminating, and that they can help the empirical software engineering community navigate some of the subtleties involved when selecting representable samples of human subjects.
  • Publication
    How can quality awareness support rapid software development? - A research preview
    ( 2017)
    Guzman, Liliana
    Oriol, Marc
    Rodríguez, Pilar
    Franch, Xavier
    Oivo, Markku
    Context and Motivation: Rapid software development (RSD) refers to the organizational capability to develop, release, and learn from software in rapid cycles without compromising its quality. To achieve RSD, it is essential to understand and manage software quality along the software lifecycle. Question/Problem: Despite the numerous information sources related to product quality, there is a lack of mechanisms for supporting continuous quality management throughout the whole RSD process. Principal ideas/Results: We propose Q-Rapids, a data-driven, quality-aware RSD framework in which quality and functional requirements are managed together. Quality requirements are incrementally elicited and refined based on data gathered at both development time and runtime. Project, development, and runtime data is aggregated into quality-related indicators to support decision makers in steering future development cycles. Contributions: Q-Rapids aims to increase software quality through continuous data gathering and analysis, as well as continuous management of quality requirements.
  • Publication
    Data-driven requirements engineering in agile projects: The Q-rapids approach
    ( 2017)
    Franch, Xavier
    Ayala, Claudia P.
    López, Lidia
    Martínez-Fernández, Silverio
    Rodríguez, Pilar
    Gómez, Cristina
    Oivo, Markku
    Partanen, Jari
    Räty, Timo
    Rytivaara, Veikko
    Requirements identification, specification and management are key activities in the software development process. In the last years, many approaches to these activities have emerged, based on the exploitation of huge amounts of data gathered from software repositories and system usage. The Q-Rapids project proposes the collection and analysis of such data and its consolidation into a set of strategic indicators as product quality, time to market and team productivity. These indicators are visualized through a dashboard designed to support decision-makers. In this paper, we present the ongoing research undertaken in this project. We use the concept of blocking situation to exemplify the Q-Rapids approach.
  • Publication
    Data-driven requirements engineering in agile projects: The Q-rapids approach
    ( 2017)
    Franch, Xavier
    Ayala, Claudia P.
    López, Lidia
    Martínez-Fernández, Silverio
    Rodríguez, Pilar
    Gómez, Cristina
    Oivo, Markku
    Partanen, Jari
    Räty, Timo
    Rytivaara, Veikko
    Requirements identification, specification and management are key activities in the software development process. In the last years, many approaches to these activities have emerged, based on the exploitation of huge amounts of data gathered from software repositories and system usage. The Q-Rapids project proposes the collection and analysis of such data and its consolidation into a set of strategic indicators as product quality, time to market and team productivity. These indicators are visualized through a dashboard designed to support decision-makers. In this paper, we present the ongoing research undertaken in this project. We use the concept of blocking situation to exemplify the Q-Rapids approach.