Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Mixture of Experts of Neural Networks and Kalman Filters for Optical Belt Sorting
    ( 2022)
    Thumm, Jakob
    Reith-Braun, Marcel
    Pfaff, Florian
    Hanebeck, Uwe D.
    Flitter, Merle
    ; ; ;
    Bauer, Albert
    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    In optical sorting of bulk material, the composition of particles may frequently change. State-of-the-art sorting approaches rely on tuning physical models of the particle motion. The aim of this work is to increase the prediction accuracy in complex, fast-changing sorting scenarios with data-driven approaches. We propose two neural network (NN) experts for accurate prediction of a priori known particle types. To handle the large variety of particle types that can occur in real-world sorting scenarios, we introduce a simple but effective mixture of experts approach that combines NNs with hand-crafted motion models. Our new method not only improves the prediction accuracy for bulk material consisting of many particle classes, but also proves to be very adaptive and robust to new particle types.
  • Publication
    From Visual Spectrum to Millimeter Wave: A Broad Spectrum of Solutions for Food Inspection
    The consequences of food adulteration can be far reaching. In the past, inexpensive adulterants were used to inflate different products, leading to severe health issues. Contamination of food has many causes and can be physical(plant stems in tea), chemical (melamine in infant formula), or biological (bacterial contamination). Employing suitable sensor systems along the production process is a requirement for food safety. In this article, different approaches to food inspection are illustrated, and exemplary scenarios outline the potential of different sensor systems along the spectrum.