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City lab Saltillo, Mexico. City profile summary report

2021 , Ordonez, Jose Antonio , Diaz Barrera, Ange Catalina , García, Xanin , Villareal, Carmina , Santillán, E. , Reyes, R. , Beckett, Marc , Cruz, M. , Fernandez, T. , Huertas, José I. , Stöffler, Sonja , Castaneda, Roberto , Mogro, Antonio , Serrano, O. , Garcia, J.C. , Henao, J.J. , Pudlik, Martin , Müller, Viktor Paul , Valle del Bosque, G. de , Mejia, M.J.G. , Mok, S. , Vivas, A.M. , Baez, M.

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C/sells - das Energiesystem der Zukunft im Solarbogen Süddeutschlands

2021 , Reuter, Albrecht , Langniß, Ole , Haller, Birgit , Spengler, Nicolas , Bär, Christian , Bekk, Anke , Dreher, Alexander , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Gölz, Sebastian , Habbishaw, Katharina , et al. , Hoppe, Jens , Klausmann, Florian , Kohrs, Robert , Kühnbach, Matthias , Wesche, Julius , Liebehentze, Sven , Klobasa, Marian , Müller, Tobias , Nestle, David , Pelka, Sabine , Schütt, Jonathan , Stute, Judith , Lutz, Alexander , Wiemer, Martin , Wittwer, Christof , Marten, Frank

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Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Entwicklung von Kommunen und Landkreisen in Deutschland

2021 , Ottendörfer, Eva , Bieker, Susanne , Kaiser, Urban , Frieling, Hendrik , Gölz, Sebastian , Neumann, Marcel , Guckenbiehl, Pascal , Henze-Sakowsky, Annika , Schmitt, Anna , Richter, Christine , Pollmer, Uta

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Foresight Fraunhofer

2019 , Ganz, Walter , Hermann, Sibylle , Ardilio, Antonino , Keicher, Lukas , Schletz, Alexander , Schirrmeister, Elna , Meissner, Svetlana , Maloca, Spomenka , Moller, Björn , Jovanovic, Milos , Schulte, Anna Julia , Grüne, Matthias , Bantes, René , Welz, Juliane , Riemer, Annamaria , Döbel, Inga

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Disruptive demand side technologies: Market shares and impact on flexibility in a decentralized world

2021 , Heitel, Stephanie , Klingler, Anna-Lena , Herbst, Andrea , Fermi, Francesca

Electricity demand is expected to increase strongly as electrification and the use of hydrogen are promising decarbonization options for the demand side sectors transport and industry. In a decentralized system with volatile renewable energy sources, flexibility potentials will play an important role for secure and cost-efficient electricity supply. On the demand side, decentralized PV-battery systems and electric vehicles as well as hydrogen production by electrolyzers could provide the necessary flexibility. Energy demand over time is calculated based on assumed and simulated market shares of these and other low-emission technologies. Impacts on the system and residual load are analyzed, with a focus on the contribution of load shifting as a demand-side measure. Results indicate that load shifting can contribute significantly to integrate RES electricity.

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Future energy demand developments and demand side flexibility in a decarbonized centralized energy system

2021 , Herbst, Andrea , Klingler, Anna-Lena , Heitel, Stephanie , Manz, Pia , Fleiter, Tobias , Rehfeldt, Matthias , Fermi, Francesca , Fiorello, Davide , Martino, Angelo , Reiter, Ulrich

European final energy consumption mainly stems from five sectors: transport, households, industry, residential, and agriculture using fossil fuels as dominant energy carriers. In order to achieve the climate targets, emissions in the demand sectors must be drastically reduced. Due to different characteristics and challenges each sector needs its own strategy how to achieve such decarbonization until 2050. In the following chapter, the impacts of an ambitious mitigation scenario on future energy demand and CO2 emissions for transport, industry, residential, and tertiary are analyzed discussing sector specific decarbonization strategies and mitigation options. Implications of such strategies for demand-side flexibility and its future need are analyzed.

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Innovation and Covid-19: Food for Thought on the Future of Innovation

2021 , Bauer, Wilhelm , Edler, Jakob , Lauster, Michael , Martin, Alexander , Morszeck, Thomas , Posselt, Thorsten , Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. , Grill, Bernhard , Heuberger, Albert , Riedel, Oliver , Spath, Dieter , Schimpf, Sven , Bantes, René , Herrmann, Florian , Growitsch, Christian , Klages, Tina , Kroll, Henning , Pflaum, Alexander , Worms, Diana

Virtually all areas of life were plunged into crisis when the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. While innovation offers paths out of the crisis, many aspects of innovation are themselves feeling the effects of it. Against this backdrop, the question is how the Covid-19 pandemic will impact the future of innovation. In the following section, we will examine this by reviewing the ""Understanding Change, Shaping the Future. Impulses for the Future of Innovation"" paper in a pandemic context. Starting with the relevant trends for innovation systems identified in 2018, and the theses developed on this basis, we would once again like to take you forward in time to 2030. From this vantage point we will look back on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on innovation systems and examine the resulting opportunities and risks in more detail. Among the trends considered relevant for innovation systems were the digital transformation, the growing complexity of innovation systems, the continuously expanding stakeholder base, a more frequent use of Open Science approaches, and a trend towards the development of holistic and systemic solutions.

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Innovation und COVID-19: Impulse für die Zukunft der Innovation

2021 , Bauer, Wilhelm , Edler, Jakob , Lauster, Michael , Martin, Alexander , Morszeck, Thomas , Posselt, Thorsten , Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. , Grill, Bernhard , Heuberger, Albert , Riedel, Oliver , Spath, Dieter , Schimpf, Sven , Bantes, René , Herrmann, Florian , Klages, Tina , Kroll, Henning , Pflaum, Alexander , Worms, Diana

Im Impulspapier »Wandel verstehen, Zukunft gestalten« aus dem Jahr 2018 wurden Thesen für Innovationen im Jahr 2030 dargestellt und darauf basierend Aufgaben für Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft abgeleitet, um auch in Zukunft in Innovationssystemen wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Das Update der Impulse für die Zukunft der Innovation wirft nun einen Blick darauf, wie die Covid-19 Pandemie die 2018 prognostizierten Entwicklungen beeinflusst. Auf dieser Basis werden die Thesen hinterfragt und weiterentwickelt. Darüber hinaus werden Chancen und Risiken der Pandemie für Innovationssysteme diskutiert. Unter den Einflussfaktoren wird beispielsweise die Digitalisierung durch die Covid-19 Pandemie beschleunigt. Entsprechend wird der Einsatz von digitalen Lösungen und KI in Innovationsprozessen im Jahr 2030 weiterentwickelt sein, als im ursprünglichen Impulspapier angenommen. Daneben ändert sich die Art und Weise der Öffnung und der globalen Zusammenarbeit in Innovationssystemen. Des Weiteren wird die Bedeutung des digitalen europäischen Ökosystems mit Hinblick auf Datensicherheit und -souveränität einen Aufschwung erfahren. Das Impulspapier dient als Grundlage für die Reflexion eigener Innovationssysteme und insbesondere der strategischen und wettbewerbsorientierten Aufstellung für die Zukunft.

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Impacts of avalanche effects of price-optimized electric vehicle charging - Does demand response make it worse?

2021 , Kühnbach, Matthias , Stute, Judith , Klingler, Anna-Lena

Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to provide substantial potential for demand response (DR) and, thus, the integration of renewable electricity sources in the future energy system. However, DR can also have noticeable negative consequences, so-called avalanche effects. We systematically assess under which circumstances avalanche effects occur and what impact they have on the electricity system and cost savings for EV owners. Our results show that DR can provoke unwanted avalanche effects, which are particularly strong beyond 2030, when the leverage of EV charging will have increased to a significant level. It is possible to avoid avalanche effects by using a dynamically updated DR signal. If this is used, our findings confirm that shifting charging load from peaks to hours of low or negative residual load reduces the peak and variance of residual load and facilitates the integration of renewables.

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Measuring gender in R&I - theories, methods, and experience

2019 , Palmen, Rachel , Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia , Striebing, Clemens , Reidl, Sybille , Bührer, Susanne , Groó, Dora

This article provides an overview of the theoretical assumptions, methods, and key results from the Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation (EFFORTI) project, which was funded by the European Commission. The purpose of EFFORTI was to analyse the impact of interventions to promote gender equality in research and innovation (R&I), and to establish criteria for more responsible and responsive research and innovation (RRI) systems in Europe. This article provides an overview of the project's main results and the lessons learnt from the empirical analysis of R&I systems in several European countries and a comparison of 19 gender equality intervention measures.