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Rationelle Energieverwendung

2020 , Rohde, Clemens , Arens, Marlene , Billerbeck, Anna , Fritz, Markus , Hirzel, Simon , Jochem, Eberhard , Marscheider-Weidemann, Frank , Reuter, Matthias , Schlomann, Barbara , Steinbach, Jan , Lösch, Oliver

In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden ausgewählte Entwicklungen des zurückliegenden Jahres 2019 im Bereich der rationellen Energienutzung dargestellt. Einführend werden die allgemeinen Veränderungen im Bereich Energieproduktivität in Deutschland analysiert. Darauf aufbauend werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Energieeffizienzpolitik in Deutschland und Europa vorgestellt. Anschließend werden aktuelle Entwicklungen für den Bereich der Industrie, Produkte und Geräte und denGebäudebereich vorgestellt. Bei allen Themen werden neben aktuellen Entwicklungen auch längerfristige Trends zur rationellen Energieverwendung vorgestellt.

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Rationelle Energieverwendung. Eine Literaturanalyse des Jahres 2018

2019 , Rohde, Clemens , Reuter, Matthias , Brugger, Heike , Hirzel, Simon , Hettesheimer, Tim , Plötz, Patrick , Fritz, Markus , Thielmann, Axel , Steinbach, Jan

Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ausgewählte Entwicklungen des zurückliegenden Jahres 2018 im Bereich der rationellen Energienutzung dar. Einführend werden die allgemeinen Veränderungen im Bereich der Energieproduktivität in Deutschland analysiert. Darauf aufbauend werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Energieeffizienzpolitik in Deutschland und Europa sowie die aktuelle Entwicklungen für den Bereich der Produkte und Geräte, des Verkehrs und den Gebäudebereich vorgestellt. Im Kontext des Verkehrssektors wird das aktuell stark diskutierte Thema der Batteriefertigung detaillierter betrachtet. Bei allen Themen runden neben aktuellen Entwicklungen auch längerfristige Trends zur rationellen Energieverwendung die Thematik ab.

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Analysing the regional potential and social acceptance of power-to-gas in the context of decentralized co-generation in Baden-Württemberg

2018 , König, Sebastian , Bchini, Quentin , McKenna, Russell , Köppel, Wolfgang , Bachseitz, Michael , Entress, Jörg , Ryba, Meinhard , Michaelis, Manuel , Roser, Annette , Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin

Sustainable but fluctuating renewable energy sources require new storage technologies to ensure a stable energy supply. One long-term storage technology that exploits the existing gas infrastructure is Power-to-Gas (PtG). The techno-economic and social challenges of this technology have been addressed in a large, interdisciplinary research project in Baden-Württemberg (south west Germany), whose results are presented in this paper.

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Regional energy efficiency networks - what factors make them successful?

2016 , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Hirzel, Simon , Mielicke, Ursula , Idrissova, Farikha , Nabitz, Lisa , Mai, Michael

Energy efficiency networks have received increasing attention over the last few years, not only from national governments (Austria, China, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland), but also from utilities, consulting engineers, chambers of commerce, and city councils. This paper examines the factors that contribute to the success of such networks by drawing on unique data from two pilot projects with 34 energy efficiency networks in Germany. The objective is to explain why companies participating in such networks are much faster at reducing their energy costs than the average in similar businesses. Possible explanations for the success of energy efficiency networks include: (1) energy audits make profitable potentials visible; (2) the joint network targets for efficiency and emissions increase the motivation of energy managers, decision-makers and other staff members; (3) the meetings and site visits to the network participants act like an intensive training course. They increase the knowledge of efficient solutions, change decision routines, and lead to trust among the participants, thereby reducing transaction costs. In our data, we find support for the first and the third explanations, i.e. the audits make profitable potentials visible and networks function as a training course to increase knowledge. The impact of network goals, on the other hand, appears to have both up- and downsides. We conclude with the need for further research in order to capture these mechanisms in more detail.

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Integrating methods and empirical findings from social and behavioural sciences into energy system models - motivation and possible approaches

2020 , Senkpiel, Charlotte , Dobbins, Audrey , Kockel, Christina , Steinbach, Jan , Fahl, Ulrich , Wille, Farina , Globisch, Joachim , Wassermann, Sandra , Droste-Franke, Bert , Hauser, Wolfgang , Hofer, Claudia , Nolting, Lars , Bernath, Christiane

The transformation of the energy system is a highly complex process involving many dimensions. Energy system models help to understand the process and to define either target systems or policy measures. Insights derived from the social sciences are not sufficiently represented in energy system models, but address crucial aspects of the transformation process. It is, therefore, necessary to develop approaches to integrate results from social science studies into energy system models. Hence, as a result of an interdisciplinary discourse among energy system modellers, social scientists, psychologists, economists and political scientists, this article explains which aspects should be considered in the models, how the respective results can be collected and which aspects of integration into energy system models are conceivable to provide an overview for other modellers. As a result of the discourse, five facets are examined: Investment behaviour (market acceptance), user behaviour, local acceptance, technology innovation and socio-political acceptance. Finally, an approach is presented that introduces a compound of energy system models (with a focus on the macro and micro-perspective) as well as submodels on technology genesis and socio-political acceptance, which serves to gain a more fundamental knowledge of the transformation process.

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A bottom-up estimation of the heating and cooling demand in European industry

2018 , Rehfeldt, Matthias , Fleiter, Tobias , Toro, Felipe

Energy balances are usually aggregated at the level of subsector and energy carrier. While heating and cooling accounts for half the energy demand of the European Union's 28 member states plus Norway, Switzerland and Iceland (EU28 + 3), currently, there are no end-use balances that match Eurostat's energy balance for the industrial sector. Here, we present a methodology to disaggregate Eurostat's energy balance for the industrial sector. Doing so, we add the dimensions of temperature level and end-use. The results show that, although a similar distribution of energy use by temperature level can be observed, there are considerable differences among individual countries. These differences are mainly caused by the countries' heterogeneous economic structures, highlighting that approaches on a process level yield more differentiated results than those based on subsectors only. We calculate the final heating demand of the EU28 + 3 for industrial processes in 2012 to be 1035, 706 and 228 TWh at the respective temperature levels > 500 °C (e.g. iron and steel production), 100-500 °C (e.g. steam use in chemical industry) and < 100 °C (e.g. food industry); 346 TWh is needed for space heating. In addition, 86 TWh is calculated for the industrial process cooling demand for electricity in EU28 + 3. We estimate additional 12 TWh of electricity demand for industrial space cooling. The results presented here have contributed to policy discussions in the EU (European Commision 2016), and we expect the additional level of detail to be relevant when designing policies regarding fuel dependency, fuel switching and specific technologies (e.g. low-temperature heat applications).

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Energy efficiency networks: Lessons learned from Germany

2018 , Durand, Antoine , Jochem, Eberhard , Chassein, Edith , Roser, Annette , Joest, Steffen , Quezada, Akamitl

The energy efficiency network (EEN) concept was first developed in Switzerland in the late 1980s and was adopted in Germany in 2002. During a long pilot phase between 2002 and 2013, the lessons from 40 Learning EENs (LEENs) in Germany led to a certain format for regional EENs for SMEs and larger companies. By the end of 2014, the Energy Efficiency Network Initiative (IEEN) was launched as a voluntary agreement between the German government and currently 22 industrial and economic associations, to support the creation of 500 new EENs until the end of 2020. This paper reports on two aspects of EENs of companies in Germany: The results of ongoing evaluations regarding German EENs following different operational formats in terms of duration, number of participants, network energy saving target, etc. The evaluations regard challenges and means to improve EEN-related work as well as first results of a rough assessment of the IEEN impacts regarding energy savings and emission reductions. The long-term impacts on energy use, innovative activities and changed decision routines in participating companies of regional LEENs. This evaluation gives deep insights into achieved energy cost savings within an investment period, into the diffusion of efficiency-related knowledge into subsidiary companies within groups and into the reaction of machinery manufacturers and plant planners to the demand of more efficient solutions by network participant Finally, this paper concludes with an analysis of the lessons learned from German EENs including barriers and challenges to initiate EENs as well as suggestions to improve EENs' promotion. The main finding is that EENs are not only a successful concept in terms of energy efficiency but it also offers multiple benefits to the participants such as innovative ideas for energy efficient solutions. However, a major challenge is to convince companies to join EENs.

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How to get green steel into the market?

2019 , Lösch, Oliver , Vogl, Valentin , Arens, Marlene

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Energy efficiency networks - what are the processes that make them work?

2018 , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Hirzel, Simon , Idrissova, Farikha , Mai, Michael , Mielicke, Ursula , Nabitz, Lisa

Energy efficiency networks have received increasing attention over the last few years, not only from national governments (Austria, China, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland) but also from utilities, consulting engineers, chambers of commerce, and city councils. This paper examines the factors that contribute to the success of such networks by drawing on unique data from two pilot projects involving 34 energy efficiency networks in Germany. The objective is to explain why the companies participating in such networks are much faster at reducing their energy costs than the average in similar businesses. Possible explanations for the success of energy efficiency networks include the following: (1) energy audits make profitable potentials visible; (2) the joint network targets for efficiency and emissions increase the motivation of energy managers, decision-makers, and other staff members; (3) the meetings and site visits of the network participants act like an intensive training course to increase the knowledge of efficient solutions, change decision routines, and lead to trust among the participants; and (4) network participation reduces transaction costs. In our data, we find support for the first, the third, and the fourth explanations, i.e. the audits make profitable potentials visible and networks function as a training course to increase knowledge. And, from the point of view of participants, transaction costs are reduced. The impact of network goals, on the other hand, appears to have both up- and downsides. We conclude that there is the need for further research in order to capture these mechanisms in more detail.

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A bottom-up estimation of heating and cooling demand in the European industry

2016 , Rehfeldt, Matthias , Rohde, Clemens , Fleiter, Tobias , Toro, Felipe , Reitze, Felix

Energy balances, e.g. the one provided by Eurostat, are usually aggregated at the level of subsector and energy carrier. In the context of transformation of energy systems and policies targeting energy efficiency as well as security of supply, more detailed information about the end-uses of energy is needed. While heating and cooling makes up for half the energy demand of the EU28 plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland (EU28+3), balances aligned to Eurostat for the industrial sector, including process heat temperature level and end-use, are not available today. Here we present a methodology to disaggregate Eurostat's energy balance for the industrial sector and add these dimensions. Results show that though a stable overall pattern can be observed, considerable differences among countries in terms of temperature distribution, energy carrier use and their cross-references exist. These differences are mainly caused by heterogeneous economic structures of the countries in scope, highlighting that approaches on process level yield more differentiated results, which subsector level approaches cannot. We calculate the EU28+3 industrial process heating demand to 1,035 TWh, 706 TWh and 228 TWh at the respective temperature levels >500 °C (e.g. iron and steel production), 100-500 °C (e.g. steam use in chemical industry)and 100 °C (e.g. food industry). We expect the results presented here to contribute to policy design regarding energy efficiency and security of supply, by providing a deeper insight in the requirements and particularities of industrial heat demand.