Now showing 1 - 10 of 2584
  • Publication
    The potential of osmotic energy in the EU - Final report
    (Publications Office of the European Union, 2024-05-23) ;
    Sandt, Meike Marie
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    Haendel, Michael
    Seigeot, Virginie
    In the context of renewable energy supply in the Member States of the European Union, energy generation using osmotic power plants represents a future possibility. The first part of this study therefore examines osmotic energy technologies in terms of their technical state of development, a technical comparison of osmosis technologies with each other and other energy systems, as well as an economic overview. In the second part of the study, the potential for osmotic energy generation in the EU Member States is determined. The aim of the study is thus to provide an overview of the technology systems and the general energy potential. Information regarding the energy potential from osmosis was gathered through a combination of literature searches and interviews with experts in the field.
  • Publication
    Methods to define indicators on research and innovation in the bioeconomy
    (Publications Office of the European Union, 2024) ; ;
    Ronzon, Tévécia
    M’barek, Robert
    Lasarte Lopez, Jesús
    The innovation in the bioeconomy sectors is a key enabler for transitioning towards a carbon-neutral economy and complying with the objectives of the EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy. Consequently, the EU-Bioeconomy Monitoring System places significant emphasis on indicators of research and innovation activities in the bioeconomy sectors, and some placeholders within this field were foreseen in its current structure. In order to retrieve relevant data on bioeconomy innovation and make methodological choices, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) contracted recognized experts in the field. The experts assessed the feasibility of implementing the planned indicators and proposed complementary ones. This report presents the results of the experts' analysis of the evaluation of the indicators foreseen in the EU-Bioeconomy Monitoring System, and offers an operational description of the methodologies to retrieve, transform, and display data for research and innovation in the bioeconomy sectors. The final list of proposed indicators is as follows: - Private Sector investment in research and development - EU Public Sector investment in research and development - Public Sector investment in research and development (member states) - Number of students/graduates in fields relevant to the bioeconomy - Number of research outputs in the field of bioeconomy - Total number of patents for the bioeconomy - EC-Sponsored Pilot Plants opened in a given year (number/investment) The report concludes that some indicators, such as private sector investment in research and development, number of students/graduates in bioeconomy-related fields, and research outputs in the bioeconomy field, are almost readily implementable. However, other indicators, such as public sector investment in research and development, market volume in bioeconomy relevant areas, and total number of patents for the bioeconomy, may require a moderate or resource-intensive investment for implementation.
  • Publication
    Missions with Impact
    (Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2024) ; ;
    Posch, Daniel
    A mission-oriented policy approach can effectively contribute to achieving the transformative change needed in economies and societies targeting holistic sustainability. Formulating a clear mission is crucial to maximizing the transformative impact of such missions. Aiming to support such efforts, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and Fraunhofer ISI have co-authored a practical guide on how to formulate missions with impact.
  • Publication
    Innovation without growth? Exploring the (in)dependency of innovation on economic growth
    For more than a decade, advocates of both green growth and degrowth have argued about the role of economic growth for the transformation towards a societal system that ensures social well-being on a global scale without transgressing planetary boundaries. Given that such a transformation needs innovations of various kinds, this article explores the question of how dependent innovation is on economic growth and what effects a potential long-term economic stagnation or decline may have on innovation processes and systems. We approach the subject from different angles using mixed methods. First, we present a quantitative analysis of the linkages between economic growth and innovation activities on a sectoral level, based on data of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) for Germany. Here, we find two sectors (petroleum and advertising industries) showing negative growth rates but still a higher than average share of innovative enterprises. Subsequently, we present an in-depth qualitative case study of the international pharmaceutical sector, which allows us to include a qualitative evaluation dimension. Here, we investigate different innovation approaches and find that both the amount of capital needed to finance research and development activities and the added health benefit of novel drugs vary greatly. We finally conclude that economic growth is not a necessary condition for all kinds of innovation and reflect on some implications for innovation policy. If in a post-growth era financial resources are limited, a shift to less capital-intensive types of innovation and a concentration on innovations which address prioritised societal or ecological needs seem feasible.
  • Publication
    European standardisation panel survey
    (Publications Office of the European Union, 2024) ;
    Kromer, Luzie
    Rosenberg, Daniele
    Baldan, Federica
    Tardos, Gergely
    The survey aims to identify the demand from industry and other stakeholders for standards as potential results of research and innovation (R & I) projects, to assess how EU R & I framework programmes could tackle them, and generally to raise awareness of the importance of standardisation as a knowledge valorisation channel. A Europe-wide survey revealed that policy initiatives, including regulations and customers’ requirements, particularly for industry, as well as organisations’ own and collaborative research, are the most relevant sources for standard development. Research input is most important for measurement and testing standards, followed by quality and environmental standards. The most significant advantage of research as input for standardisation is free access to scientific content and the ability to keep track of scientific progress. Recommendations are derived for industry, higher education institutes and public research organisations, standard development organisations, research funding organisations and other innovation policy areas.
  • Publication
    Megawatt-Laden im Lkw-Fernverkehr: Erste Erkenntnisse zu Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen
    Im Projekt "HoLa - Hochleistungsladen im Lkw-Fernverkehr" werden an fünf Standorten insgesamt acht Hochleistungsladepunkte mit dem sogenannten Megawatt Charging Systems (MCS) sowie zehn mit dem Combined Charging System (CCS) aufgebaut, betrieben und im realen Logistikbetrieb angewandt. Das Projekt dient der realen Erprobung dieses neuen Systems und unterstützt den flächendeckenden Ausbau von Ladeinfrastruktur für Lkw. Ziel des vorliegenden Berichtes ist es, die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus der ersten Hälfte der Projektlaufzeit darzustellen. Aus den bisherigen Projekterfahrungen, Analysen und Ergebnissen ergeben sich Handlungsempfehlungen (1) zur zukünftigen Rolle von MCS und Ladenetzwerken, (2) zu Netzanschluss, Eichrecht und Planung, (3) zu einem möglichen Standardlayout an Rasthöfen und der Flächenverfügbarkeit sowie (4) zur Datenverfügbarkeit für zukünftige Analysen.
  • Publication
    Benchmarking International Battery Policies
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2024)
    Endo, Chie
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    Die Studie Benchmarking International Battery Policies: Eine länderübergreifende Analyse der internationalen öffentlichen Batteriestrategien mit Fokus auf Deutschland, die EU, die USA, Südkorea, Japan und China vergleicht die Batteriepolitik der führenden Länder in der Batterieforschung und -industrie. Der Bericht analysiert ihre politischen und technischen Ziele, Leistungsindikatoren und Förderstrategien mit Schwerpunkt auf Lithium-Ionen-, Festkörper- und alternativen Batterien und gibt einen Überblick über den Status quo und die Entwicklung der globalen Situation.
  • Publication
    Access to archives in the digital age
    (Council of Europe, 2024) ;
    Székely, Iván
    Two decades after the adoption of the Recommendation, this study explores and evaluates the situation regarding access to archives in Council of Europe member states. The publication summarises the most important results of a Europe-wide survey on the situation of access to archives in general and on the implementation of Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 in particular. It highlights current and future challenges arising from digitisation and changing user expectations, thus providing background knowledge for civil servants and decision makers, archive authorities and archivists, the scientific community and civil society organisations.