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  • Publication
    Innovation-based regional change in Europe: Chances, risks and policy implications
    (Fraunhofer Verlag, 2019) ;
    Graffenberger, Martin
    Lang, Thilo
    Vonnahme, Lukas
    Marlow, David
    Blazek, Jirí
    Uhlír, David
    Kveton, Viktor
    Marek, David
    Santos, Domingos
    Antonioli, Davide
    Montresor, Sandro
    This edited volume focusses on innovation-based regional change at the European level. The contributions deal with change in different European types of regions, innovation opportunities outside agglomerations, regional case studies from England, the Czech Republic and Portugal as well as with the additionality effects of an Italian regional funding programme. This thematic spectrum describes and explains various facets of regional change in Europe.