Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten. Impulspapier
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2022) ; ;
    Fragoso García, Joshua
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    Löschel, Andreas
    Biesewig, Lars
    Thiel, Zarah
    Voglstätter, Christopher
    Nunez, Almudena
    Quitzow, Rainer
    Kunze, Robert
    Stamm, Andreas
    Strohmaier, Rita
    Lorych, Ludger
    Der Angriffskrieg von Russland auf die Ukraine hat auf vielen Seiten zur Erkenntnis geführt, dass die bisher geltende Gewissheit, dass enge Handelsbeziehungen zu einer stabilen Energieversorgung führen, zu hinterfragen ist. Das Zukunftsthema Wasserstoff ist davon in besonderem Maße betroffen. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich das Impulspapier unter anderem mit neuen Ansätzen der Bewertung von Partnerländern beim Wasserstoffimport, der Entwicklung von Importkosten und den Potenzialen für eine Wasserstoffherstellung in der EU. Zudem geht das Papier auf die künftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Ukraine durch die Erzeugung und den Transport von Wasserstoff ein.
  • Publication
    Metastudie Wasserstoff. Was lässt sich aus Energiesystemstudien schlussfolgern?
    Im Auftrag des Nationalen Wasserstoffrats haben die drei Fraunhofer-Institute ISI, ISE und IEG in einer Metastudie die potentielle Nachfrage nach Wasserstoff sowie Wasserstoffderivaten bis 2050 analysiert. Hierzu wurden aktuelle Systemstudien für die EU und für Deutschland mit Szenarien für einen ambitionierten Klimaschutz analysiert. Die ausgewerteten Studien haben eine (stark techno-ökonomische) Systemsicht aus einer Energieperspektive heraus. Nicht alle Aspekte eines Transformationspfades (z. B. heimische Arbeitsplätze und Wertschöpfung, bestehende Regulierung, beschlossene Fördermaßnahmen etc.) werden dabei berücksichtigt. Diese Studien arbeiten mit Szenarien, die keine Vorhersagen darstellen, sondern die möglichen Entwicklungen und techno-ökonomische Pfade unter verschiedenen Annahmen abbilden.
  • Publication
    Deutschland auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität 2045. Ariadne-Report. Zusammenfassung
    ( 2021)
    Luderer, Gunnar
    Günther, Claudia
    Sörgel, Dominika
    Benke, Falk
    Auer, Cornelia
    Koller, Florian
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    Ueckerdt, Falko
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    Strefler, Jessica
    Merfort, Anne
    Rauner, Sebastian
    Siala, Kais
    Schlichenmaier, Simon
  • Publication
    Import von Wasserstoff und Wasserstoffderivaten: Von Kosten zu Preisen
    Nach heutigem Kenntnisstand wird Deutschland zur Erreichung seiner ambitionierten Ziele auf den Import von Wasserstoff und Wasserstoffderivaten angewiesen sein. Vor dieser Problemstellung wird hier erstmals ein Ansatz vorgestellt, wie man sich eine künftige Marktentstehung vorstellen kann und wie man von Herstellkosten zu Preisen kommen könnte. Hierzu wird die Entwicklung eines partiellen Gleichgewichtsmodells skizziert mit preiselastischen Angebots- und Nachfrage-funktionen und den Einbezug von Transportkosten. In diesem werden auch die Länderrisiken und der Einfluss der Regulierung berücksichtigt.
  • Publication
    Interaction of energy storage technologies and synthetic fuels in long-term decarbonization scenarios
    With the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the international community has reaffirmed its commitment to tackle anthropogenic climate change with the goal of limiting the global average temperature increase below 1.5 °C, but to a maximum of 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. Against this background, we examine scenarios for a complete decarbonisation of the European energy supply. Since such scenarios are based on a high expansion of weather-dependent renewable energy sources, the question arises, which flexible technologies are necessary to balance supply and demand in such energy systems. In this paper, a scenario analysis shows which capacity or volume of energy storage, power interconnectors and synthetic fuels are needed in decarbonization scenarios. To address this research question three different energy system models are applied. These models cover Europe and Germany, respectively, and are able to explain different results of the single models based of the corresponding model characteristics. The paper concludes that the power sector is able to cover a considerable share of the energy demand in the heat and transport sector with the help of flexible sector coupling technologies such as heat pumps and electric mobility. All considered models manage to find solutions for a deep decarbonization if flexibility and storage option are available.
  • Publication
    Gesamtsystemtransformation und Emissionspfade zur Klimaneutralität
    ( 2021)
    Luderer, Gunnar
    Günther, Claudia
    Sörgel, Dominika
    Blesl, Markus
    Haun, Matthias
    Kattelmann, Felix
    Pietzcker, Robert
    Rottoli, Marianna
    Schreyer, Felix
    Sehn, Vera
  • Publication
    Integrating methods and empirical findings from social and behavioural sciences into energy system models - motivation and possible approaches
    ( 2020) ;
    Dobbins, Audrey
    Kockel, Christina
    Steinbach, Jan
    Fahl, Ulrich
    Wille, Farina
    Globisch, Joachim
    Wassermann, Sandra
    Droste-Franke, Bert
    Hauser, Wolfgang
    Hofer, Claudia
    Nolting, Lars
    The transformation of the energy system is a highly complex process involving many dimensions. Energy system models help to understand the process and to define either target systems or policy measures. Insights derived from the social sciences are not sufficiently represented in energy system models, but address crucial aspects of the transformation process. It is, therefore, necessary to develop approaches to integrate results from social science studies into energy system models. Hence, as a result of an interdisciplinary discourse among energy system modellers, social scientists, psychologists, economists and political scientists, this article explains which aspects should be considered in the models, how the respective results can be collected and which aspects of integration into energy system models are conceivable to provide an overview for other modellers. As a result of the discourse, five facets are examined: Investment behaviour (market acceptance), user behaviour, local acceptance, technology innovation and socio-political acceptance. Finally, an approach is presented that introduces a compound of energy system models (with a focus on the macro and micro-perspective) as well as submodels on technology genesis and socio-political acceptance, which serves to gain a more fundamental knowledge of the transformation process.
  • Publication
    Plug-in electric vehicles' automated charging control: iZEUS Project
    ( 2017)
    Dallinger, David
    Mierau, Michael
    Marwitz, Simon
    Wesche, Julius P.
    This chapter examines how plug-in electric vehicles can be managed to balance the fluctuation of renewable electricity sources. The evaluations of this chapter were object of the iZEUS Project ""Intelligent Zero Emission Urban System"" funded by the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy. In this context, different control strategies are introduced and, in order to investigate indirect control via electricity tariffs, an electricity market analysis of a system with a high share of generation from renewable electricity sources has been conducted. The analysis uses driving data collected from battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in a research project which means that real charging and driving behavior can be considered. The results show that it is difficult to implement smart charging based on economic arguments because the incentives from day-ahead electricity markets are relatively small. In addition, a novel, autonomous control approach is being discussed for plug-in electric vehicles. While measuring the voltage at the grid connection point, plug-in electric vehicles are able to fully independently generate operation schedules that can avoid load peaks and integrate fluctuating power outputs from distributed renewable generation sources. The results reveal that combining indirect, price-based control to consider the system level with autonomous voltage-based control to consider the situation in distribution grids is a very promising control approach that allows electric vehicles to benefit from sustainable renewable generation and avoids load peaks due to simultaneous charging.
  • Publication
    Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe - scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure in 2030 and 2050
    ( 2016) ; ;
    Bohn, Sven
    Agsten, Michael
    Bretschneider, Peter
    Snigovyi, Oleksandr
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    Westermann, Dirk
    Climate change and limited availability of fossil fuel reserves stress both the importance of deploying renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity generation and the need for a stronger integration of regional electricity markets. This analysis focuses on North African (NA) countries, which possess vast resources of renewable energy but whose electricity supply is still largely dependent on fossil fuels. An analysis of cost-optimized deployment scenarios for RES is conducted in five NA countries in 2030 and 2050. Three electricity models are combined to derive results covering trans-regional to sub-national level, including a detailed analysis of grid capacities and future transmission challenges. Further, opportunities for integration of European and NA electricity markets are evaluated. Results confirm that, by 2050, high RES shares - close to 100% - are possible in NA. Wind energy is the dominant technology. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants also play an important role with rising RES shares due to the possibility to store thermal energy. Electricity exports to Europe gain particular importance in the period after 2030. Substantial transmission grid reinforcements on AC-level and the construction of a high voltage DC overlay grid are prerequisites for the forecasted scenarios.