Now showing 1 - 10 of 1845
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Nachhaltigkeitstransformation der urbanen Infrastruktur in Deutschland

2024 , Hohmann, Claudia , Bieker, Susanne

Die Umsetzung blau-grüner Infrastrukturen (BGI) als Ergänzung konventioneller Stadtentwässserungsmaßnahmen gilt als vielversprechend für die urbane Anpassung an Klimafolgen. BGI umfassen unterschiedliche Maßnahmen, beispielsweise Gründächer, Mulden oder Rigolen. Je nach Maßnahme ist die Umsetzung unterschiedlich komplex. Durch die Integration von BGI verändern sich oftmals die Rollen von Akteur:innen aufgrund von neuen Schlüsselaufgaben, Ressourcen, Möglichkeiten der Wertgenerierung und Kostenentstehung, und es können neue Anforderungen an die Art der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Akteur:innen entstehen. Diese Veränderungen müssen bei der Planung und Implementierung sowie im Betrieb von BGI frühzeitig berücksichtigt werden, um Umsetzungshemmnissen aufgrund dieser Veränderungen vorzugreifen. Dafür bietet das Infrastructure-Transition-Canvas wertvolle Unterstützung

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Pillar D - Access to Markets

2024 , Moiso, Carlotta , Wurster, Simone , Blind, Knut , Ivarsson, Daniel

Pillar D examines the progress made by Eastern Partner countries regarding SMEs’ access to both domestic and foreign markets. The chapter starts by looking at policies and tools in place to allow SMEs better access to public procurement markets, focusing on the legal frameworks and the strategies developed to support SME participation. It then reviews recent improvements in standards and technical regulation, looking at overall co-ordination and general measures, level of harmonisation with EU acquis, SME access to standardisation, and digitalisation of standards and technical regulations. Finally, this chapter investigates efforts to boost SME internationalisation through support for export promotion, SME integration into GVCs, and the use of e-commerce, as well as through the adoption of trade facilitation measures. For each one of these three areas, a set of dedicated policy recommendations is provided to guide EaP countries in their strategic actions for the forthcoming years.

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Renewable energy auctions: an overview

2023 , Anatolitis, Vasilios

Auctions have become one of the main support schemes for renewable energies (RE), with more than 130 countries using auctions to determine the support levels for RE projects. In this chapter, we start by presenting the history of RE auctions. We continue by describing how RE auctions work, their main advantages (e.g., efficient control of RE deployment and lower support expenditures) and their drawbacks (e.g., potentially low realisation rates of projects). Moreover, we present several policy objectives that can be pursued with auctions, among others, support cost efficiency and effectiveness. We provide an exhaustive overview of auction design elements and their effects on these policy objectives. Furthermore, we discuss the emergence of zero-price bids in offshore wind auctions and approaches to effectively select winners. We conclude with a discussion of the future of RE auctions and the role of auctions in related sectors, such as the support of green hydrogen.

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Spezifika von Innovationssystemen für Nachhaltigkeit und Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen

2023 , Walz, Rainer

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The role of funders in shaping the UK research landscape

2024 , Bone, Frederique , Sherbon, Beverly

Starting with some background literature about research directionality and impact, the chapter explores how the roles of research funders have been tackled in the literature. Secondly, the chapter characterises the funding landscape within the UK, accounting for its variety of players (i.e., research councils, large and smaller funders from the charitable sector, etc.). Thirdly, the chapter then explores the diversity of research funders in this landscape, the variety of funding instruments they use, and how they collaborate to deliver their respective strategies. The chapter ultimately reflects on the positioning of research funders as a collective and their broader role as part of the academic system, and how their funding decisions may more broadly influence the directionality of research.

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Intangibles. A Challenge to Policy Decision Makers

2024 , Gadepalli, Sarada Devi , Edler, Jakob , Lampel, Joseph

In this study, we seek to highlight the necessity of policies for intangibles. While the extant literature on policies, especially science and technology-related policies, has drawn attention to policies for R&DI, other forms of intangibles specific to the organisation have received scant attention. We describe in detail the characteristics of intangibles and draw attention to the challenges these present for policymakers.

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Die neue Governance von Innovationssystemen

2023 , Botthof, Alfons , Edler, Jakob , Hahn, Katrin , Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut , Weber, Matthias , Wessels, Jan

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Entwicklung des Produktionshochlaufs der Brennstoffzellen weltweit

2024 , Döscher, Henning

Die Entwicklung von Brennstoffzell-Technologien ist eng verknüpft mit der Vision eines nachhaltigen Energiesystems. Der drohende Klimawandel drängt akut zur Abkehr von fossilen Energieträgern. In der Öffentlichkeit ist dieses Ziel fest verankert, aber über den Weg dorthin wird weiter heftig debattiert. Das zeigt sich auch beim Thema Wasserstoff: Auf Basis erneuerbarer Erzeugung (‚grün‘) wird er eindeutig eine wichtige Rolle spielen im künftigen Energiesystem. Charakter und Umfang werden in der Politik allerdings noch kontrovers diskutiert. Derweil zeichnen sich am Markt bereits deutliche Signale ab: So führt das Monitoring des Fraunhofer ISI zur Industrialisierung von Brennstoffzell-Technologien im Rahmen des Nationalen Aktionsplans Brennstoffzellproduktion (H2GO) diverse Indikatoren zusammen. Anhand derer verfolgen wir nicht nur die Entwicklung relevanter Forschung und Technologien, sondern aggregieren auch die Markterwartungen der Fachwelt. Wir verbinden die Auswertung und Analyse bestehender Innovationsindikatoren mit dem Aufbau spezifischer Datenbanken zum Produktionshochlauf.

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Limits of Sufficiency Strategies in Business Practices

2024 , Gossen, Maike , Tröger, Josephine , Frick, Vivian

This chapter discusses the limited effectiveness of sufficiency-promoting communications as a result of larger structural causes that prevent companies from implementing effective sufficiency approaches in their communications as well as in their overarching business strategies - namely, pro-consumption advertising and the growth-oriented economy.

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A conceptual framework for the analysis of policy mixes on the Circular Economy

2023 , Río, Pablo del , Kiefer, Christoph P. , Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier

The main objective of this chapter is to provide a conceptual framework for analysing the most effective and efficient policy mix in the transition to CE. Given that this is a recent public objective, we are witnessing a stage of "experimentation" in policy practice, with a wide diversity of measures of different geographical, sectoral and temporal scopes, among which there are likely to be inconsistencies, overlaps and neglected areas. The conceptual framework used in this chapter builds on the sustainability transitions literature and in particular on the macro-meso-micro levels, in combination with the so-called "R-processes" of the Circular Economy. The framework is applied to and tested on 3 national policy cases. Finally, the chapter closes with a discussion of the inter-case comparison, and a series of conclusions and implications for the redesign of policies already in place and the design of future ones.