Now showing 1 - 10 of 3626
  • Publication
    Standardization in the context of transdisciplinarity
    ( 2024-07-03)
    Transdisciplinarity is an integrative approach that includes different scientific disciplines as well as stakeholders and researchers to tackle both societal and scientific challenges. Since standards are jointly developed by science, business, and other stakeholders, standardization can be perceived as a specific mode of transdisciplinarity. In the discussion on knowledge transfer as a further performance dimension for researchers, participation in standardization procedures is now also being considered as a further channel, albeit without a sound conceptual and empirical basis. The paper thus aims to provide a conceptual base of standardization as a transdisciplinary knowledge production mode and transfer channel but also gives an outlook on its empirical implementation. The literature review on transdisciplinarity helps us to put standardization into the context of transdisciplinary research and to present a conceptual model of standardization as transdisciplinary knowledge production and transfer. Further, we present the first methodological approaches for the empirical analysis of the transdisciplinary character of standardization. Finally, we conclude with a summary, a number of recommendations derived from transdisciplinary research for standardization, and an outlook toward future research to be tackled with the proposed methodologies.
  • Publication
    Report on long term effects of sufficiency lifestyles and governance approaches for diffusion. FULFILL Deliverable D 3.3
    This deliverable outlines the second round of representative citizen surveys in the FULFILL project, focusing on sufficiency lifestyles at the micro level in five European countries. The objectives include understanding the persistence of sufficiency lifestyles, exploring the acceptability of policy measures and investigating potential diffusion pathways. The study includes a second survey wave, interviewing the same respondents as in a previous deliverable (D3.1), and three experimental surveys in the areas of housing and diet. All of the experiments use framing effects, in which participants are randomly provided with different information. Statistical analysis is used to test whether the different types of information affect the acceptability of the policies. The experimental surveys also include components that explore the diffusion pathways of sufficiency lifestyles. The longitudinal study reveals stability in lifestyles between 2021 and 2022, despite the ongoing energy crisis in Europe, with overall higher carbon footprints in 2022, making transitions to lower carbon footprints challenging. The housing survey reveals low acceptability of strict sufficiency policies, such as banning the construction of new single-family homes or taxing above-average living space. When the policy was presented as a means of 'overcoming' rather than 'punishing' unsustainable housing choices, acceptability ratings were higher. The dietary studies show generally high acceptability for climate labelling and a meat-free day in canteens, and generally low acceptability for a meat tax. A combined climate risk and health framing showed little effect, while an effectiveness and acceptance framing had an impact on policy acceptability. Acceptability for the meat tax was higher when combined with information on effectiveness and acceptance, but lower for climate labelling and meat-free days. The analysis of diffusion pathways suggests that sustainable diets enjoy more widespread awareness and discussion compared to sustainable housing. Overall, respondents with more favourable attitudes towards sustainable diets or sustainable housing and higher environmental concern report a greater likelihood of engaging in discussions about the topic. Limitations of all surveys and experimental studies include the possible influence of crises, limited familiarity of respondents with the issues studied and variations in sample size. The exploration of gender difference has unearthed various patterns that merit further investigation. In conclusion, despite challenges and country differences, the findings provide valuable insights for promoting sufficiency lifestyles.
  • Publication
    The possible future of electric road systems in Europe - time to decide and act
    ( 2024) ;
    Andersson, Matts
    Johansson, Erik
    Electrification of road transport is crucial to limit global warming. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) with stationary charging infrastructure have received considerable attention in the scientific literature for both cars and trucks, while dynamic charging via Electric Road Systems (ERS) has received much less attention and their future role in low-carbon road transport is uncertain. Here, we envision three potential scenarios for the future of ERS in European low-carbon transport. We sketch a potential European ERS network and discuss the political, technological, and market steps needed to realize these. We argue that existing field trials, tests, and research projects have collected sufficient evidence to make the next step: Decide and act. Decision-makers will never have perfect information about all aspects of ERS or competing technologies, but the urgency of the climate crisis requires a commitment one way or the other. A clear decision with respect to ERS would send a clear directive and would help focus time, effort, and money on the necessary infrastructure and policies to implement ambitious GHG abatement targets in road transport.
  • Publication
    Megawatt-Laden im Lkw-Fernverkehr: Erste Erkenntnisse zu Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen
    Im Projekt "HoLa - Hochleistungsladen im Lkw-Fernverkehr" werden an fünf Standorten insgesamt acht Hochleistungsladepunkte mit dem sogenannten Megawatt Charging Systems (MCS) sowie zehn mit dem Combined Charging System (CCS) aufgebaut, betrieben und im realen Logistikbetrieb angewandt. Das Projekt dient der realen Erprobung dieses neuen Systems und unterstützt den flächendeckenden Ausbau von Ladeinfrastruktur für Lkw. Ziel des vorliegenden Berichtes ist es, die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus der ersten Hälfte der Projektlaufzeit darzustellen. Aus den bisherigen Projekterfahrungen, Analysen und Ergebnissen ergeben sich Handlungsempfehlungen (1) zur zukünftigen Rolle von MCS und Ladenetzwerken, (2) zu Netzanschluss, Eichrecht und Planung, (3) zu einem möglichen Standardlayout an Rasthöfen und der Flächenverfügbarkeit sowie (4) zur Datenverfügbarkeit für zukünftige Analysen.
  • Publication
    European Hydrogen Infrastructure Planning
    ( 2024) ;
    Ausfelder, Florian
    Ditz, Daniel
    Ebner, Michael
    Engwerth, Veronika
    Fragoso García, Joshua
    Genge, Lucien
    Greitzer, Maria
    Haas, Sofia
    Haendel, Michael
    Hauser, Philipp
    Heneka, Maximilian
    Hildebrand, Jan
    Isik, Volkan
    Köppel, Wolfgang
    Harper, Ryan
    Klaassen, Bernhard
    Malzkuhn, Sabine
    Kuzyaka, Berkan
    Mielich, Tim
    Maghnam, Ammar
    Müsgens, Felix
    Pleier, Amanda
    Müller-Kirchenbauer, Joachim
    Isbert, Anne-Marie
    Ruprecht, David
    Sadat-Razavi, Pantea
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    Mohr, Stephan
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    Solomon, Mithran Daniel
    Voglstätter, Christopher
    Ausfelder, Florian
    Förster, My Yen
    The white paper was developed by a selected authorship of the TransHyDE Project System Analysis. The contents of the TransHyDE publications are produced in the project independently of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
  • Publication
    Exzellent forschen in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung
    (KIT, 2024)
    Kopfmüller, Jürgen
    Die Wissenschaft sieht sich zunehmend komplexeren Fragestellungen gegenüber, verbunden mit steigenden Wissens- und Handlungsunsicherheiten. In der ihr zuge-schriebenen „Doppelrolle” als zugleich Verursacherin und potenzielle Löserin von Problemen ist sie mit „flüchtigem“ Vertrauen der Gesellschaft konfrontiert, aber auch mit wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Ansprüchen, möglichst rasch Beiträge zur Lösung drängender Probleme zu liefern. Die wissenschaftsinternen Diskussionen über ihre „Mission“ und die zu bewältigenden Herausforderungen betonen daher zunehmend die Notwendigkeit, die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Wissenschaft zu stärken. Dabei geht es um die Frage, wie das Wissenschaftssystem gesteuert werden kann, um die Schwerpunkte zwischen Freiheit der Wissenschaft, ihrer Orientierung an Wettbewerb und Effzienz, ihrer gesellschaftlichen Wirkung sowie ihrer Rolle in Transformationsprozessen auszutarieren und zu realisieren.
  • Publication
    Can behavioral interventions optimize self-consumption? Evidence from a field experiment with prosumers in Germany
    ( 2024) ; ; ;
    Chappin, Emile
    Vries, Laurens de
    Aligning prosumers' electricity consumption to the availability of self-generated electricity decreases CO 2 emissions and costs. Nudges are proposed as one behavioral intervention to orchestrate such changes. At the same time, fragmented findings in the literature make it challenging to identify suitable behavioral interventions for specific households and contexts-specifically for optimizing self-consumption. We test three sequentially applied interventions (feedback, benchmark, and default) delivered by digital tools in a field experiment with 111 German households with rooftop-photovoltaics. The experiment design with a control-group, baseline measurements, and high-frequency smart-meter-data allows us to examine the causal effects of each intervention for increasing self-consumption. While feedback and benchmark deliver small self-consumption increases (3-4 percent), the smart changing default leads to a 16 percent increase for active participants. In general, households with controllable electric vehicles show stronger effects than those without. For upscaling behavioral interventions for other prosumers, we recommend interventions that require little interaction and energy literacy because even the self-selected, motivated sample rarely interacted with the digital tools.
  • Publication
    The long term price elastic demand of hydrogen - A multi-model analysis for Germany
    Hydrogen and its derivatives are important components to achieve climate policy goals, especially in terms of greenhouse gas neutrality. There is an ongoing controversial debate about the applications in which hydrogen and its derivatives should be used and to what extent. Typically, the estimation of hydrogen demand relies on scenario-based analyses with varying underlying assumptions and targets. This study establishes a new framework consisting of existing energy system simulation and optimisation models in order to assess the long-term price-elastic demand of hydrogen. The aim of this work is to shift towards an analysis of the hydrogen demand that is primarily driven by its price. This is done for the case of Germany because of the expected high hydrogen demand for the years 2025-2045. 15 wholesale price pathways were established, with final prices in 2045 between 56 €/MWh and 182 €/MWh. The results suggest that - if climate targets are to be achieved - even with high hydrogen prices (252 €/MWh in 2030 and 182 €/MWh in 2045) a significant hydrogen demand in the industry sector and the energy conversion sector is expected to emerge (318 TWh). Furthermore, the energy conversion sector has a large share of price sensitive hydrogen demand and therefore its demand strongly increases with lower prices. The road transportation sector will only play a small role in terms of hydrogen demand, if prices are low. In the decentralised heating for buildings no relevant demand will be seen over the considered price ranges, whereas the centralised supply of heat via heat grids increases as prices fall.
  • Publication
    Benchmarking International Battery Policies
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2024)
    Endo, Chie
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    Die Studie Benchmarking International Battery Policies: Eine länderübergreifende Analyse der internationalen öffentlichen Batteriestrategien mit Fokus auf Deutschland, die EU, die USA, Südkorea, Japan und China vergleicht die Batteriepolitik der führenden Länder in der Batterieforschung und -industrie. Der Bericht analysiert ihre politischen und technischen Ziele, Leistungsindikatoren und Förderstrategien mit Schwerpunkt auf Lithium-Ionen-, Festkörper- und alternativen Batterien und gibt einen Überblick über den Status quo und die Entwicklung der globalen Situation.