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Coal, power and coal-powered politics in Indonesia

2022 , Ordonez, Jose Antonio , Jakob, Michael , Steckel, Jan C. , Fünfgeld, Anna

Indonesia is among the countries with the largest planned coal power capacity additions worldwide, thereby posing a substantial challenge for global climate change mitigation goals. To understand the underlying political drivers, we carry out expert interviews and examine how individual actors and their objectives, as well as the country context, influence energy policy formulation. We find that under President Joko Widodo, energy policy formulation has been driven by the development of public infrastructure, while securing popularity for the presidential election in 2019. State-owned enterprises represent a source of political patronage and are employed to achieve those goals. Diminishing export markets have incentivized the politically well-connected and highly concentrated Indonesian coal industry to lobby for the construction of coal-fired power plants in order to raise domestic demand. There is also a strong incentive to sustain coal mining as a key economic activity, as associated royalties significantly contribute to local and national public budgets. Local pollution and climate change mitigation are of low priority. Despite the government's documented awareness of the energy sector as the biggest contributor to future emissions, climate protection is narrowly framed as a forestry and land-use issue.

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Scenario storyline in context of decarbonization pathways for a future European energy system

2021 , Herbst, Andrea , Schreiber, Steffi , Poganietz, Witold-Roger , Martino, Angelo , Möst, Dominik

This chapter presents a qualitative description of the scenario storylines for the REFLEX project. The scenario descriptions provide the overall qualitative framework for the modeling activities by setting-up two holistic socio-technical scenarios based on different storylines: the moderate renewable scenario (Mod-RES) as reference scenario and the (de-)centralized high renewable scenarios (High-RES) as ambitious policy scenarios. The chapter highlights the definition of main techno-economic framework parameters, macro-economic and societal drivers as well as of the considered political environment.

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Mixed-Method-Design: Ineinandergreifen der Untersuchungsebenen

2020 , Diekmann, Janis , Jäger, Angela , Kötter, Wolfgang , Zanker, Christoph

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Innovationen für den Mittelstand

2020 , Beyer, Daniela , Busch, Malte , Heine, Thomas , Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.

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Disruptive demand side technologies: Market shares and impact on flexibility in a decentralized world

2021 , Heitel, Stephanie , Klingler, Anna-Lena , Herbst, Andrea , Fermi, Francesca

Electricity demand is expected to increase strongly as electrification and the use of hydrogen are promising decarbonization options for the demand side sectors transport and industry. In a decentralized system with volatile renewable energy sources, flexibility potentials will play an important role for secure and cost-efficient electricity supply. On the demand side, decentralized PV-battery systems and electric vehicles as well as hydrogen production by electrolyzers could provide the necessary flexibility. Energy demand over time is calculated based on assumed and simulated market shares of these and other low-emission technologies. Impacts on the system and residual load are analyzed, with a focus on the contribution of load shifting as a demand-side measure. Results indicate that load shifting can contribute significantly to integrate RES electricity.

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Small electric vehicles in commercial transportation: Empirical study on acceptance, adoption criteria and economic and ecological impact on a company level

2021 , Hettesheimer, Tim , Moll, Cornelius , Jeßberger, Kerstin , Franz, Saskia

Small electric vehicles (SEVs) in commercial transportation have the potential to reduce traffic and its impacts, especially in urban areas. Companies, however, are still reluctant to implement SEVs. Therefore, the aim of this contribution is to shed light on the acceptance of motives for and obstacles to the use of SEVs in commercial transportation. Since the use of SEVs is often discussed in the context of innovative city logistics concepts, such as micro-hubs, our aim is also, to explore the acceptance, economic, and ecological potentials of SEVs in combination with micro-hubs. We use a multi-method approach and combine an online survey with in-depth interviews as well as a total cost of ownership (TCO) and CO2 calculation. Analyzing 350 responses to an online survey revealed that around half the companies surveyed have no knowledge of SEVs. This implies high unexploited potential, since 25% of these companies can imagine using them. In-depth interviews with logistics service providers (LSPs) or logistics departments from different sectors revealed that six of the 13 interviewed LSPs would be willing to implement this concept.

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Knowledge extraction from scholarly publications: The GESIS contribution to the rich context competition

2020 , Otto, Wolfgang , Zielinski, Andrea , Ghavimi, Behnam , Dimitrov, Dimitar , Tavakolpoursaleh, Narges , Abdulahhad, Karam , Boland, Katarina , Dietze, Stefan

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Summary, conclusion and recommendations. The future European energy system

2021 , Möst, Dominik , Herbst, Andrea , Jakob, Martin , Poganietz, Witold-Roger , Schreiber, Steffi , Zöphel, Christoph

This chapter summarizes insights and measures to decarbonize the European energy system until the year 2050, as analyzed in the previous 15 chapters, and emphasizes the considerable efforts required to coordinate and govern the targeted energy transition. With increasing aspiration regarding the targeted climate policy the more marked are the required efforts. The reference scenario Mod-RES seems to be well achievable from today's perspective, while much more additional efforts have to be taken to achieve the more ambitious High-RES scenarios. However, even the High-RES scenarios are less aspiring compared to the aims defined in the European Green Deal. Finally, this chapter highlights conclusions and policy recommendations for a cross-sectoral decarbonization as well as for its resulting environmental, social and health impacts.

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Future energy demand developments and demand side flexibility in a decarbonized centralized energy system

2021 , Herbst, Andrea , Klingler, Anna-Lena , Heitel, Stephanie , Manz, Pia , Fleiter, Tobias , Rehfeldt, Matthias , Fermi, Francesca , Fiorello, Davide , Martino, Angelo , Reiter, Ulrich

European final energy consumption mainly stems from five sectors: transport, households, industry, residential, and agriculture using fossil fuels as dominant energy carriers. In order to achieve the climate targets, emissions in the demand sectors must be drastically reduced. Due to different characteristics and challenges each sector needs its own strategy how to achieve such decarbonization until 2050. In the following chapter, the impacts of an ambitious mitigation scenario on future energy demand and CO2 emissions for transport, industry, residential, and tertiary are analyzed discussing sector specific decarbonization strategies and mitigation options. Implications of such strategies for demand-side flexibility and its future need are analyzed.

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Quantitative Erhebung zu GPS: Stand der Forschung, Operationalisierung und Durchführung

2020 , Diekmann, Janis , Jäger, Angela , Zanker, Christoph