Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    The Potential of Alternative Fuel Technologies and of Efficiency Technolgies for Heavy Goods Vehicles
    ( 2012) ;
    Kühn, Andre
    One of the main challenges of the freight transport sector is the reduction of GHG emissions. Conventional drives are already very efficient but different studies confirm that there is still a significant potential for improving fuel efficiency of ICE in trucks. On the other hand, the progress in research and development of alternative fuel technologies is visible. Trucks with CNG drive or electric drive are already on the roads in Europe for last mile delivery. The paper presents an approach to estimate the future potential of alternative fuel technologies for three different types of road freight transport. Additionally, it highlights the potential of ICE trucks for reducing GHG emissions and the cost development of the technologies by applying learning curves.
  • Publication
    Solar hydrogen energy management - results of a long term projection for the Federal Republic of Germany
    ( 1992) ;
    Masuhr, K.P.
    Assuming that by the middle of the next century in West-Germany a CO2-reduction of over 60% may be necessary, the implementation of a hydrogen based economy is not only consistent with the condition of using the most economic energy supply; besides the use of other competitive technologies (energy conservation and renewables) the CO2-reducation targets actually force the introduction of hydrogen technologies. To achieve the Toronto target of an 80% CO2-reduction by the year 2050, the potential share of hydrogen in primary energy consumption could be about 30%. In West-Germany the annual cash-flow for such a scenario would be about 150 mrd ECU higher than today. But taking into account the increasing GNP, the total relative costs of the energy systems will not be higher.
  • Publication
    Chances and limits of solar hydrogen in the Federal Republic of Germany
    ( 1992) ;
    Masuhr, K.P.
    Assuming that by the middle of the next century in West-Germany a CO2-reduction of over 60% may be necessary, the implementation of a hydrogen based economy is not only consistent with the condition of using the most economic energy supply; besides the use of other competitive technologies (energy conservation and renewables) the CO2-reducation targets actually force the introduction of hydrogen technologies. To achieve the Toronto target of an 80% CO2-reduction by the year 2050, the potential share of hydrogen in primary energy consumption could be about 30%. In West-Germany the annual cash-flow for such a scenario would be about 150 mrd ECU higher than today. But taking into account the increasing gross national product (GNP), the total relative costs of the energy systems will not be higher.
  • Publication
    The future role of solar hydrogen to reduce the CO2 emissions in the FRG
    ( 1992) ;
    Masuhr, K.P.
    Assuming that by the middle of the next century in West-Germany a CO2-reduction of over 60% may be necessary, the implementation of a hydrogen based economy is not only consistent with the condition of using the most economic energy supply; besides the use of other competitive technologies (energy conservation and renewables) the CO2-reducation targets actually force the introduction of hydrogen technologies. To achieve the Toronto target of an 80% CO2-reduction by the year 2050, the potential share of hydrogen in primary energy consumption could be about 30%. In West-Germany the annual cash-flow for such a scenario would be about 150 mrd ECU higher than today. But taking into account the increasing gross national product (GNP), the total relative costs of the energy systems will not be higher.