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  • Publication
    Study on Energy Storage
    (Publications Office of the European Union, 2023)
    Hoogland, Onne
    ; ; ; ; ;
    Antretter, Michelle
    Koornneef, Joris
    Weijde, Harry van der
    Satish, Aravind
    Battistutta, Elisa
    Veum, Karina
    Gorenstein Dedecca, João
    Doorman, Anniek
    Nuffel, Luc van
    Cerny, Ondrej
    Flexibility of energy supply and demand becomes increasingly important with increasing shares of intermittent renewable electricity generation. Energy storage is one of the candidates to provide the required flexibility to the electricity system. Against this background, the Energy Transition Ex-pertise Centre was asked to deliver a study on energy storage to improve the understanding of energy storage technologies, their business case, and best practices for enabling the development of energy storage capacities.