Now showing 1 - 10 of 2380
  • Publication
    Forms of financial participation and acceptance of the energy transition - are there any relations?
    ( 2024) ;
    Keil, Julia
    Scheller, Fabian
    This study investigates the connection between financial participation and acceptance of the energy transition. It applies an extended concept of acceptance and financial participation. The analysis of the online survey suggests that there is a positive correlation between the two.
  • Publication
    Künftige Wasserstoffpreise und Auswirkungen auf die Nachfrage
    In der deutschen Wasserstoffstrategie wird von einem schnellen Anstieg von Angebot und Nachfrage ausgegangen. Doch die künftigen Wasserstoffpreise sind mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet und werden eher unterschätzt. Deshalb sollte eine Konzentration auf die Bereiche erfolgen, die den Wasserstoff und seine Derivate unbedingt benötigen.
  • Publication
    Was bewegt die regionalen Energieversorger? Eine Marktanalyse von Strom-, Gas- und Wärmenetzbetrieben
    ( 2024)
    Friedmann, Annabel
    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der aktuellen Marktsituation von Strom-, Gas- und Wärmenetzbetrieben. Mittels einer Umfrage unter 1.024 Netzbetrieben in Deutschland sowie insgesamt 11 Expert*inneninterviews zeigt die Studie neben den Synergien und Konkurrenzsituationen auch Chancen sowie Herausforderungen sowie unterschiedliche Organisationsstrukturen auf.
  • Publication
    When manufacturers turn into digital platform providers: A transformation model to understand the platformization pathway
    ( 2024) ; ;
    Jasny, Johannes
    Platformization has arrived in manufacturing. However, to enter the digital platform business manufacturers need to make a fundamental shift from product thinking to platform thinking. To master this shift, firms have to take the platformization pathway, which describes the process when manufacturers turn into digital platform providers. However, little is known about platformization on the firm level from a transformation perspective. Our study attempts to close this gap and develops a transformation model that frames the platformization pathway when manufacturers become digital platform providers. For this purpose, we adopt the concept of ambidexterity and develop a theoretical framework to conceptualize and investigate the transformation process as a result of sequential transitions and balancing between explorative and exploitative activities. Moreover, we use interviews from 29 manufacturers and conduct an inductive case study analysis to identify the different stages, the contextual factors and the dynamics of transformation. By combining the theoretical framework and the results of our case study analysis, we develop a formal transformation model that contributes to understanding the manufacturers' platformization pathway. Our results also aim to support manufacturers in designing their strategies so they can turn into digital platform providers.
  • Publication
    Survey of drug use and its association with herd-level and farm-level characteristics on German dairy farms
    ( 2024)
    Abdallah, M.
    Bethäuser, J.
    Hein, A.
    Hamann, M.
    Die Verwendung von Tierarzneimitteln ist bei der Bewältigung von Gesundheitsproblemen von ähnlicher Bedeutung wie die von Humanarzneimitteln. In diesem Zusammenhang gelangen Arzneimittel und ihre Metaboliten in unbekannten Mengen in Boden und Wasser. In dieser Studie werden Arzneimitteldaten aus dem Jahr 2020 für 50 Milchviehbetriebe in Deutschland gesammelt und analysiert. Die am häufigsten verwendete Substanzgruppe sind Antibiotika (40,13%), gefolgt von Antiphlogistika (18,86%), Antiparasitika (13,09%) und Hormonen (9,29%). Die Behandlungshäufigkeit erfasst die Anzahl der Tage pro Jahr, an denen ein durchschnittliches Tier in einem Betrieb mit einer Substanz behandelt wurde. Die berechneten Werte liegen zwischen 0,94 und 21,69 Tagen pro Jahr und sind über die Betriebe heterogen verteilt. In dieser Studie wurde eine Kuh im Jahr 2020 durchschnittlich an 6 Tagen behandelt: 2,34 Tage mit Antibiotika, 1,07 Tage mit Antiphlogistika, 0,76 Tage mit Antiparasitika und 0,41 Tage mit Hormonen. Neben der individuellen Betriebsführung hängen weitere Faktoren mit der Behandlungshäufigkeit zusammen. Betriebe mit einem tierärztlichen Betreuungsvertrag setzten mehr Hormonpräparate ein als Betriebe ohne Betreuungsvertrag. Darüber hinaus geht eine höhere Milchleistung mit einer häufigeren Behandlung mit entzündungshemmenden oder hormonellen Mitteln einher. Weitere Faktoren, die damit zusammenhängen, sind Weidegang, Langlebigkeit, Betriebsgröße und der Einsatz eines Klauenbades. Unsere Studie ist ein wichtiger erster Schritt zur Beschreibung der Menge und der Bestimmungsfaktoren des Tierarzneimittelverbrauchs in der Tierhaltung. Solche Erkenntnisse über Größenordnungen und Betriebsparameter sind unerlässlich, um mögliche Umweltauswirkungen abzuschätzen und Strategien zur Verringerung des Tierarzneimittelverbrauchs abzuleiten.
  • Publication
    Strategic Foresight: Die Marke für die Zukunft wappnen
    Wie können Entscheider heute eine robuste Zukunftsstrategie entwickeln, die den langfristigen Erfolg einer Marke sichert? Eine existentielle Frage angesichts der Polykrise, rasantem Wandel sowie zahlreichen Unwägbarkeiten, mit denen wir zu tun haben.
  • Publication
    Intensification of moisture separation in the pulp convective drying process with ultrasound-assisted method
    ( 2024)
    Kong, Lingbo
    Li, Jiahao
    Traditional pulp convective drying (CD) is time-consuming and energy-intensive. This study aimed to assess the drying performance of pulp using ultrasound-assisted drying (UAD) and compared it with CD to intensify moisture separation. UAD was found to be fast and efficient with high effective moisture diffusivity of 2.77 × 10–10 ∼ 3.20 × 10–10 m2/s, low activation energy of 20.2 kJ/mol, and short drying time of 21.0 ∼ 16.5 min. It demonstrated that applying ultrasound could promote moisture separation with 26 %∼42 % reductions in drying time and 42 %∼22 % savings in energy consumption. The constant rate period was not presented and no significant differences in drying rates were observed when the moisture ratio was below 0.43 under the investigated conditions. The kinetics modeling results indicated that the Page model was the best to predict the pulp drying kinetics for both methods. It may lead to an alternative efficient approach for decarbonizing the drying process in pulp and paper production.
  • Publication
    The machinery value chain in Brazil: mapping for upgrading
    ( 2024)
    Reis, Cristina Froes de Borja
    This paper aims at mapping machinery value chains in Brazil to check the validity of the smiling curve and the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, investigating opportunities for upgrading. The empirical methodology is based on qualitative research among 50 machinery manufacturing companies in three steps: online survey, interviews, and poll. The main conclusion is that the executives in our sample are sceptical about the smiling curve in Brazil. The COVID-19 crisis seriously impacted most of the consulted machinery companies, and it has caused significant disruptions in their value chains. Companies that reduced their chain’s dependence on suppliers, relying on local networks and verticalization, had more hedge against those ruptures. The executives have shown eight fields of opportunities to upgrade in value chains. The paper contributes to the international literature on Management through its innovative methodology and insights for companies from developing countries.
  • Publication
    Regional eco-innovation trajectories
    ( 2024) ;
    Losacker, Sebastian
    Given that eco-innovations and the associated renewal of regional economic structures are pivotal in addressing environmental challenges, regional research is increasingly focusing on their spatio-temporal dynamics. While green technological and industrial path developments in specific regions have received considerable attention, little effort has been made to derive general patterns of environmental inventive activities across regions. Drawing on unique data capturing both green incumbent and green start-up activities in the 401 German NUTS-3 regions over the period 1997-2018, this paper sheds light on how eco-innovation activities unfold in different regional contexts. For this purpose, we introduce sequence analysis methods into the research toolkit of research on regional development. These novel methods allow us to understand to what extent regions engage in eco-innovation activities, how these activities change over time and to what extent similar or unique eco-innovation trajectories (co)evolve. Based on this empirical approach, we distinguish different types of regional eco-innovation trajectories and find a strong persistence and path dependency in green regional development.
  • Publication
    Facilitating the transition to sustainable propulsion in the shipping industry: An agent-based modelling analysis of retrofitting
    ( 2024)
    Mahmoudi, Morteza
    Saboohi, Yadollah
    In response to growing concerns about the environmental impact of the shipping industry, this study examines the potential impacts of retrofitting on the shipping industry and the barriers and incentives that may affect the adoption of low-emission technologies. The MATISSE-SHIP agentbased model of transitions is extended to include retrofits. The results suggest that retrofitting can lead to a rapid decline in the use of high-sulphur fuel oil, with wind-assisted technology emerging as a competitive and cost-effective option for shipowners. Additionally, retrofitting can accelerate the transition to a diverse and low-carbon portfolio of propulsion technologies. The findings indicate that the success of decarbonization efforts in the shipping industry depends on a range of factors, including reliable supply that affects the accessibility and affordability of alternative fuels. Policymakers should consider these factors when developing policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of low-emission technologies in the shipping industry.