Now showing 1 - 10 of 150
  • Publication
    Development of 5G - Identifying organizations active in publishing, patenting, and standardization
    ( 2022)
    Buggenhagen, Magnus
    Publications, patents, standard-essential patents (SEPs), and standard contributions are important indicators for the drivers in the technology development of 5G. However, current 5G technology reports predominately draw on patent data to identify technology developing organizations, ignoring the importance of publications and standard contributions. Therefore, we identify 5G technology developing organizations in publishing, patenting, and standardization and compile a unique dataset to identify leading organizations per category and to identify possible correlations and interdependencies. We find that for companies offering fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing conditions related to standard-essential patents, their publication, patent, and standard contribution counts highly correlate. Our findings suggest that 5G technology developing companies holding a high number of patents declared to 5G manage the three contributing factors of publishing, patenting, and standardization to optimize their impact on 5G technology development. Furthermore, we show that patenting and standardization are dominated by a few large companies from the United States, China, Korea, Japan, Finland, and Sweden, while publishing is much more globally distributed and not as concentrated. Our research suggests that scientific findings can be more easily published via scientific journals and that barriers might hinder filing patents and participating in standardization committees focusing on 5G, which only large companies overcome.
  • Publication
    Metastudie Wasserstoff. Was lässt sich aus Energiesystemstudien schlussfolgern?
    Im Auftrag des Nationalen Wasserstoffrats haben die drei Fraunhofer-Institute ISI, ISE und IEG in einer Metastudie die potentielle Nachfrage nach Wasserstoff sowie Wasserstoffderivaten bis 2050 analysiert. Hierzu wurden aktuelle Systemstudien für die EU und für Deutschland mit Szenarien für einen ambitionierten Klimaschutz analysiert. Die ausgewerteten Studien haben eine (stark techno-ökonomische) Systemsicht aus einer Energieperspektive heraus. Nicht alle Aspekte eines Transformationspfades (z. B. heimische Arbeitsplätze und Wertschöpfung, bestehende Regulierung, beschlossene Fördermaßnahmen etc.) werden dabei berücksichtigt. Diese Studien arbeiten mit Szenarien, die keine Vorhersagen darstellen, sondern die möglichen Entwicklungen und techno-ökonomische Pfade unter verschiedenen Annahmen abbilden.
  • Publication
    Rationelle Energieverwendung
    In dem vorliegenden Artikel werden ausgewählte Entwicklungen des zurückliegenden Jahres 2020 im Bereich der rationellen Energienutzung dargestellt. Einführend geht es um die Analyse allgemeiner Veränderungen im Bereich Energieproduktivität in Deutschland. Darauf aufbauend werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Energieeffizienzpolitik in Deutschland und Europa vorgestellt, sowie anschließend aktuelle Entwicklungen für den Bereich der Produkte und Geräte, der Industrie und den Gebäudebereich vorgestellt. Bei allen Themen stehen neben aktuellen Entwicklungen auch längerfristige Trends zur rationellen Energieverwendung im Fokus.
  • Publication
    Produktion in Deutschland zu Corona-Zeiten
    ( 2021) ;
    Jäger, Angela
    Aufgrund des Lockdowns im Frühjahr 2020 mussten viele Teile der industriellen Produktion heruntergefahren werden. Zahlreiche Betriebe erlitten Produktionseinbrüche und zeigten Kurzarbeit an. Um die Auswirkungen auf das Produktionsgeschehen analysieren zu können, wurde die Betriebsbefragung "Folgen der Corona-Pandemie in der Produktion" durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche Produktionsstrukturen besonders betroffen waren, aber auch, welche potenziellen Chancen sich aus der Pandemie ergeben.
  • Publication
    Rationelle Energieverwendung
    In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden ausgewählte Entwicklungen des zurückliegenden Jahres 2019 im Bereich der rationellen Energienutzung dargestellt. Einführend werden die allgemeinen Veränderungen im Bereich Energieproduktivität in Deutschland analysiert. Darauf aufbauend werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Energieeffizienzpolitik in Deutschland und Europa vorgestellt. Anschließend werden aktuelle Entwicklungen für den Bereich der Industrie, Produkte und Geräte und denGebäudebereich vorgestellt. Bei allen Themen werden neben aktuellen Entwicklungen auch längerfristige Trends zur rationellen Energieverwendung vorgestellt.
  • Publication
    Customer economics of residential PV-battery systems in Thailand
    ( 2020)
    Chaianong, Aksornchan
    Bangviwat, Athikom
    Menke, Christoph
    The currently high upfront costs of batteries and the low retail electricity prices of households make investments in PV-battery systems not yet economically feasible. However, the experiences/learning curves of renewable generation technologies lead to the assumption that battery prices will rapidly decline with increasing diffusion. Furthermore, projected retail electricity rates are expected to increase with rising electricity demand. This study investigates the returns to residential customers using PV-battery systems under decreasing battery prices in Thailand. The impacts of four additional parameters have been included. The analysis is based mainly on net present values (NPV) and levelized costs of electricity (LCOE). The results show that battery size and its cost, and retail rate design have significant impacts on the returns, whereas buyback incentives for excess electricity have the lowest impact. In addition, to increase the power system flexibility by using PV-battery systems, the Thai government should provide the appropriate financial support, by which the savings incurred by the grid extension investments compensate for the costs.
  • Publication
    Forecasting residential electricity consumption: A bottom-up approach for Brazil by region
    ( 2020)
    Maçaira, Paula
    Oliveira, Fernando C.
    Souza, Reinaldo
    Fernandes, Gláucia
    In this paper, we forecast residential electricity consumption in Brazil considering the variability in consumption behavior in different regions. In order to do so, we use a bottom-up approach to estimate long-term electricity consumption that considers three technology-driven scenarios: one assuming reference efficiency development, another one based on the Brazilian government's predictions, and the third one assuming high efficiency. The results show an increase of residential electricity consumption due to the increasing appliance ownership rate, especially air conditioning, as well as the increasing number of households. In addition, it is shown that 96 TWh of electricity could be saved in the highest efficiency scenario due to significant efficiency gains between 2016 and 2050. Further, the results indicate the southeast of the country has the highest potential for consumption reduction: by 27% in the most efficient scenario. This work is the first to use a bottom-up approach to forecast the residential electricity consumption by region and by technology-driven scenarios in Brazil. With this methodology, it is possible to indicate which types of appliances should be targeted by policy makers when designing energy efficiency incentives. Hence, this model can be used as a roadmap to achieve the desired efficiency gains in Brazil.
  • Publication
    The future need for flexibility and the impact of fluctuating renewable power generation
    ( 2020)
    Brunner, Christoph
    Braun, Sebastian
    Zöphel, Christoph
    A power system with 80% renewable energy sources (RES) requires significant provision of flexibility to balance the deviations of fluctuating solar and wind power. This paper focuses on how a smart mix of renewable generation technologies can reduce the demand for flexibility and therefore the overall system costs. To measure the demand for flexibility in systems with high RES generation, the term flexibility is defined and described using predictable indicators such as the difference between the highest and the lowest residual demand or the number of hours with negative residual load during a year. This definition is required to determine the optimal mix of RES installations. Optimization is performed for Germany based on the grid development plan of the transmission system operators. In contrast to most studies of the future energy system that foresee a further expansion of onshore wind, this paper shows that higher shares of offshore wind and, to some extent, photovoltaic are better suited to reducing the demand for flexibility and thus the cost of integrating fluctuating RES into the system.
  • Publication
    Data portability effects on data-driven innovation of online platforms: Analyzing Spotify
    ( 2020)
    Florez Ramos, Esmeralda
    The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduces a new right to data portability, which allows users to move their personal data to other platforms, potentially affecting competition between rival platforms offering similar (homogeneous/substitute) products or services within the European Union. However, it is still unclear what effects this new regulation could have on competition and, consequently, on innovation in digital markets. Therefore, this paper analyzes the effect of data portability driven by competition on the data-driven innovation response of online platforms such as Spotify, Google, and Facebook. We conduct an empirical analysis of Spotify, which is an online platform facing competition within the EU, and perform a comparison between data portability to number portability of the telecommunication sector to predict the future impact of the new regulation. Finally, we compare the observations on Spotify with Facebook and Google, which are companies in winner-takes-all markets. We argue that online platforms like Spotify, which face competition within the EU, will invest in two forms of data-driven innovation due to the effect of data portability. These types are 'exploitation-innovation,' by improving the existing technology, and 'exploration-innovation' by developing new technology. In 'exploitation-innovation,' firms, like Spotify, will increase investments in data-driven innovation to enhance users' engagement and retention to avoid churn. In 'exploration-innovation,' these firms will invest in data-driven innovation to develop new algorithms to include data from customers acquired from their competitors. On the contrary, online platforms, like Facebook or Google, which do not face real competition, will not have a substantial need to invest in data-driven innovation solely due to data portability.
  • Publication
    Policy strategies for achieving large long-term savings from retrofitting existing buildings
    ( 2019)
    Sebi, Carine
    Nadel, Steven
    Steinbach, Jan
    In order to achieve long-term targets for energy savings and emission reductions, substantial savings will be needed from existing buildings. For example, a recent analysis for the USA examines aggressive strategies to cut carbon emissions in half by 2040 and finds that in order to achieve this emission reduction target, more than half of existing buildings will need comprehensive energy efficiency retrofits. Germany is targeting an overall primary energy consumption reduction of 50% in 2050 including increasing building renovation rate to 2% per year. In France, ambitious targets have also been set for existing buildings: 50% reduction of primary energy consumption in 2050 compared to the 2012 level. Multiple countries have realized the importance of comprehensive building retrofits and have begun to adopt policies to spur these improvements. For example, Germany is emphasizing grants and loans through the KfW Development Bank, complemented with building and heating system labels, a new ""heating check"" programme, and possible technical renovation requirements. France has established a goal of bringing all buildings up to ""A"" performance level (on their A-G scale) by 2050 in order for them to be sold or leased, with lower performance levels required as soon as 2020. In the USA, the focus has been on a combination of rating and disclosure of energy use, financing, and technical assistance. Focused community approaches show promise. This paper summarizes the efforts, successes and challenges, future directions, and savings of building retrofit policies in the three countries. We conclude by contrasting the three countries and discussing areas of opportunity for these and other countries.