Now showing 1 - 10 of 321
  • Publication
    Pillar D - Access to Markets
    ( 2024)
    Moiso, Carlotta
    Wurster, Simone
    Ivarsson, Daniel
    Pillar D examines the progress made by Eastern Partner countries regarding SMEs’ access to both domestic and foreign markets. The chapter starts by looking at policies and tools in place to allow SMEs better access to public procurement markets, focusing on the legal frameworks and the strategies developed to support SME participation. It then reviews recent improvements in standards and technical regulation, looking at overall co-ordination and general measures, level of harmonisation with EU acquis, SME access to standardisation, and digitalisation of standards and technical regulations. Finally, this chapter investigates efforts to boost SME internationalisation through support for export promotion, SME integration into GVCs, and the use of e-commerce, as well as through the adoption of trade facilitation measures. For each one of these three areas, a set of dedicated policy recommendations is provided to guide EaP countries in their strategic actions for the forthcoming years.
  • Publication
    The role of funders in shaping the UK research landscape
    ( 2024)
    Bone, Frederique
    Sherbon, Beverly
    Starting with some background literature about research directionality and impact, the chapter explores how the roles of research funders have been tackled in the literature. Secondly, the chapter characterises the funding landscape within the UK, accounting for its variety of players (i.e., research councils, large and smaller funders from the charitable sector, etc.). Thirdly, the chapter then explores the diversity of research funders in this landscape, the variety of funding instruments they use, and how they collaborate to deliver their respective strategies. The chapter ultimately reflects on the positioning of research funders as a collective and their broader role as part of the academic system, and how their funding decisions may more broadly influence the directionality of research.
  • Publication
    Intangibles. A Challenge to Policy Decision Makers
    ( 2024)
    Gadepalli, Sarada Devi
    Lampel, Joseph
    In this study, we seek to highlight the necessity of policies for intangibles. While the extant literature on policies, especially science and technology-related policies, has drawn attention to policies for R&DI, other forms of intangibles specific to the organisation have received scant attention. We describe in detail the characteristics of intangibles and draw attention to the challenges these present for policymakers.
  • Publication
    Entwicklung des Produktionshochlaufs der Brennstoffzellen weltweit
    Die Entwicklung von Brennstoffzell-Technologien ist eng verknüpft mit der Vision eines nachhaltigen Energiesystems. Der drohende Klimawandel drängt akut zur Abkehr von fossilen Energieträgern. In der Öffentlichkeit ist dieses Ziel fest verankert, aber über den Weg dorthin wird weiter heftig debattiert. Das zeigt sich auch beim Thema Wasserstoff: Auf Basis erneuerbarer Erzeugung (‚grün‘) wird er eindeutig eine wichtige Rolle spielen im künftigen Energiesystem. Charakter und Umfang werden in der Politik allerdings noch kontrovers diskutiert. Derweil zeichnen sich am Markt bereits deutliche Signale ab: So führt das Monitoring des Fraunhofer ISI zur Industrialisierung von Brennstoffzell-Technologien im Rahmen des Nationalen Aktionsplans Brennstoffzellproduktion (H2GO) diverse Indikatoren zusammen. Anhand derer verfolgen wir nicht nur die Entwicklung relevanter Forschung und Technologien, sondern aggregieren auch die Markterwartungen der Fachwelt. Wir verbinden die Auswertung und Analyse bestehender Innovationsindikatoren mit dem Aufbau spezifischer Datenbanken zum Produktionshochlauf.
  • Publication
    Limits of Sufficiency Strategies in Business Practices
    ( 2024)
    Gossen, Maike
    Frick, Vivian
    This chapter discusses the limited effectiveness of sufficiency-promoting communications as a result of larger structural causes that prevent companies from implementing effective sufficiency approaches in their communications as well as in their overarching business strategies - namely, pro-consumption advertising and the growth-oriented economy.
  • Publication
    Potentials and limitations of program-based research funding for the transformation of research systems
    This chapter analyzes the opportunities and limitations of program funding for the transformation of science systems. For this purpose, we review the existing literature on transformative research and corresponding research funding approaches, using sustainability research as an example. We use the German funding framework to promote sustainability research as empirical illustration for the role of research funding for changing research processes. We conclude that transformation cannot be expected from individual project-based programs, but an adaptation of the science system on all levels is needed. This involves a shift in mindset and also in the practices of individual researchers; the commitment of the research performing organizations, including an altered orientation towards the impact of science; the need to overcome the still existing disincentives to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work; and finally a new "Leitbild" for excellent research, which accounts for the need to direct research towards global challenges without compromising academic rigor.
  • Publication
    Energy system modelling of renewable energy and related energy infrastructure needs
    ( 2023)
    Resch, Gustav
    Schöniger, Franziska
    Hasengst, Florian
    Suna, Demet
    Totschnig, Gerhard
    In recent decades, renewable energy has stepped out of its niche as a key option for decarbonising the energy supply. It has gained attention in energy system modelling as well as in real-world energy sector developments. This chapter aims to describe past developments in the energy system modelling of renewable energy and related energy infrastructure prerequisites. Illustrative snapshots are provided, offering a chronological survey of energy system models with a focus on renewable energy and the main related thematic fields. Geographically, these snapshots refer to Europe and illustrated topics of interest as well as approaches used in corresponding model-based assessments. That journey offers fruitful insights on how the energy policy debate has emerged as well as how energy system modelling has advanced to provide substance and support decision making in accordance with emerging policy needs.
  • Publication
    Handbook of Innovation and Regulation: introductory chapter
    ( 2023)
    Braunerhjelm, Pontus
    Andersson, Martin
    Eklund, Johan E.
    The objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with basic definitions, give a brief account of the dominant perspectives in regulatory economics, and describe how regulations in different policy areas are associated with innovation. In addition, a short summary is provided of each of the 17 contributions to this Handbook, organized in five different subsections.
  • Publication
    Missionsorientierung in der Forschung. Kann universitäre Außensteuerung Anreize für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Forschung schaffen?
    Die gesteigerte Bedeutung der Missionsorientierung in der Forschungspolitik ist für die Universitäten mit der zusätzlichen Aufforderung verbunden, die eigenen Aktivitäten stärker auf gesellschaftlich relevante Probleme, insbesondere mit Blick auf nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Themen, zu konzentrieren als dies in der Vergangenheit geschah (Bauer et al. 2018; Wickson et al. 2006). Während noch vor einigen Jahren die Legitimation durch wissenschaftliche Exzellenz im Vordergrund stand, legen nun immer mehr Fördermittelgeber und Evaluatoren den Schwerpunkt auf den Beitrag der Universitäten zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme und Nachhaltigkeit.