Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Drivers and barriers to the CE: A micro-/meso-level analysis
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    An appropriate analysis of the adoption of CE innovations (CEIs) should be based on the application of an analytical framework which takes into account the wide array of determinants which influence their uptake. As mentioned in a previous chapter, CE innovations are a subset of all eco-innovations which, in turn, are a subset of all innovations. Therefore, such an analytical framework should consider the barriers and drivers of innovation in the general innovation literature, but also take into account the particularities of eco-innovations and CE innovations.
  • Publication
    Defining the CE: A review of definitions, taxonomies and classifications
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    This chapter provides a thorough literature review on existing definitions, classifications and taxonomies of the CE. This is a necessary exercise, as most researchers and practitioners recognize that the CE is an ""umbrella concept"". There are different approaches to circularity, and a commonly agreed definition of the CE currently does not exist. Precisely determining the concept is a difficult task.
  • Publication
    At the crossroad: The circular economy within the broader picture
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    Although the CE has emerged as an important concept in current debates about sustainability and also in policy-making at the public sector and company levels, it has certainly not emerged from scrap. On the contrary, it builds on several previous approaches and, in turn, overlaps, contributes and interacts with them.
  • Publication
    The micro-level approach to the circular economy
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    The CE is a multidimensional and multi-level concept. This multidimensionality is addressed by most authors in the CE literature.
  • Publication
    Drivers and barriers to circular practices at the micro-level: Case studies
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    In order to illustrate the drivers and barriers to the adoption of CE innovations at the micro-(firm) level, in this chapter, we present case studies of firms in different sectors.