Now showing 1 - 10 of 2380
  • Publication
    Innovationen im Wissenschaftsmanagement: "Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung stärken"
    Welche Rahmenbedingungen Forschende brauchen, um den gestiegenen gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen gerecht zu werden, und welche Unterstützungsangebote es hierfür gibt, skizzieren zwei Experten vom Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung.
  • Publication
    Current and future roles of the automotive and ICT sectoral systems in autonomous driving - Using the innovation system approach to assess value chain transformation
    In this paper, we assess the current and future roles of the automotive and the information and communication technology (ICT) sectoral systems in the provision of autonomous driving and draw conclusions on the potential configuration of the corresponding value chains. We approach the question of value chain transformation from an innovation system perspective, combining sectoral, national and technological perspectives on innovation systems. We introduce a supplementary function at the intersection of the sectoral and technological innovation systems that describes the interactions between the automotive and the ICT system. By choosing indicators that allow for the sectoral and national differentiation of activities, we are able to identify differences and similarities in engagement between the automotive and ICT sectors and countries. Furthermore, we find various and changing types of interactions and relationships, such as competition, cooperation or spill-over, between the sectoral systems. Our findings underline the relevance of contextual factors to the dynamics and design of innovation systems, based on which we propose an approach for integrating different perspectives into one study. We find the strength of the innovation system perspective in its structuring and holistic characteristics and demonstrate its applicability to the assessment of value chain transformation.
  • Publication
    Pathways for enhancing sustainable mobility in emerging markets: Cost-benefit analysis and policy recommendations for recycling of electric-vehicle batteries in Thailand
    ( 2024)
    Chaianong, Aksornchan
    Pharino, Chanathip
    Limthongkul, Pimpa
    Kunanusont, Nattanai
    To transition towards sustainable mobility in emerging economies, fostering the use of electric vehicles (EVs) is required. This necessitates the development of an efficient management system for end-of-life (EoL) EV batteries under a circular economy principle. Using Thailand as a case study, this paper provides a holistic analysis by developing a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and deriving policy implications from the CBA results that consider stakeholder perspectives at the micro level and the uncertainties of future development. The findings suggest that the economies of scale (plant centralization) and the share of cathode chemistries play pivotal roles. In some cases, investment incentives may be required depending on the inflow of EoL batteries, technological advancements, and market volatility. A policy mix combining EoL volume-focused (i.e., enhancing battery collection rates/imports and establishing a clear policy roadmap for scaling up recycling operations) and monetary measures (i.e., taxes and financial subsidies) is essential to establish recycling facilities.
  • Publication
    Understanding career transitions of applied researchers to universities: evidence from Germany
    This paper analyses the conditions and factors influencing non-university researchers’ career transitions back into academia. Using affiliation data in publications of German researchers, their cross-sector career transitions from the public research organisation Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and industry to universities are analysed. Although the rate of transitions is small, there are distinctive windows of opportunity at a junior career stage, especially for Fraunhofer researchers. Researchers who publish more and in more acclaimed journals, Fraunhofer researchers who co-publish with universities, and women are more likely to gain a university affiliation over the course of their career. These results indicate the influence of institutional proximity for cross-domain career transitions. The quality and impact of academic knowledge could be improved if the higher education sector was more open to recruitment of researchers from other sectors. Policy needs to target the barriers that preclude applied researchers from pursuing university careers.
  • Publication
    Commentary: transitions research and sustainable tourism
    This commentary discusses the growing connections between sustainable tourism research and the sustainability transitions literature. The common ground between sustainability transitions and sustainable tourism starts from the problem definition of unsustainability in tourism and the consequent need for system change. Research into sustainable tourism engages with several areas discussed in the recent sustainability transitions research agenda. These include: understanding radical innovation for sustainability that involves (socio-technical) system level change; the politics and power struggles in transitions processes; organisational and industrial aspects of sustainability transitions; the geography of transitions; and ethical/just transitions. The papers in this special issue also show that evolutionary economic geography (EEG) views on sustainability transitions in tourism are in line with the concepts of innovation and change in the multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions (MLP). This should enable a fruitful interaction between the two fields of sustinability transitions and sustainable touism.
  • Publication
    Declining costs imply fast market uptake of zero-emission trucks
    Zero-emission trucks will benefit from rapidly falling costs of batteries and fuel cells, which will enable their fast market diffusion. Industry and policy must prepare for battery-electric trucks with respect to their manufacturing and supply, adequate charging infrastructure and electricity grid expansions, as well as regulation.
  • Publication
    How R&D Subsidies Influence High-tech SMEs' Knowledge Creation through Universities
    ( 2024)
    Yuchen, Gao
    Yang, Peipei
    Hu, Yimei
    The study examines the effect of public research and development (R&D) subsidies on the knowledge creation of high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through universities. It also tests two mediating pathways: R&D collaboration with universities and the recruitment of highly educated human resources. We use exclusive panel data from a survey of high-tech firms in Jiangsu Province, China, spanning the years 2010 to 2014. Our findings reveal that R&D subsidies can promote high-tech SMEs' knowledge creation through universities, and we further find that recruiting highly educated R&D human resources has a partial mediating effect. When subsidized SMEs are located in science parks, the effects of R&D subsidies on SMEs' knowledge creation are strengthened. Our research contributes to innovation policy studies and innovation systems research. Several important policy implications are also derived from this study.
  • Publication
    Was bewegt die regionalen Energieversorger? Eine Marktanalyse von Strom-, Gas- und Wärmenetzbetrieben
    ( 2024)
    Friedmann, Annabel
    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der aktuellen Marktsituation von Strom-, Gas- und Wärmenetzbetrieben. Mittels einer Umfrage unter 1.024 Netzbetrieben in Deutschland sowie insgesamt 11 Expert*inneninterviews zeigt die Studie neben den Synergien und Konkurrenzsituationen auch Chancen sowie Herausforderungen sowie unterschiedliche Organisationsstrukturen auf.
  • Publication
    Facilitating the transition to sustainable propulsion in the shipping industry: An agent-based modelling analysis of retrofitting
    ( 2024)
    Mahmoudi, Morteza
    Saboohi, Yadollah
    In response to growing concerns about the environmental impact of the shipping industry, this study examines the potential impacts of retrofitting on the shipping industry and the barriers and incentives that may affect the adoption of low-emission technologies. The MATISSE-SHIP agentbased model of transitions is extended to include retrofits. The results suggest that retrofitting can lead to a rapid decline in the use of high-sulphur fuel oil, with wind-assisted technology emerging as a competitive and cost-effective option for shipowners. Additionally, retrofitting can accelerate the transition to a diverse and low-carbon portfolio of propulsion technologies. The findings indicate that the success of decarbonization efforts in the shipping industry depends on a range of factors, including reliable supply that affects the accessibility and affordability of alternative fuels. Policymakers should consider these factors when developing policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of low-emission technologies in the shipping industry.
  • Publication
    Regional eco-innovation trajectories
    ( 2024) ;
    Losacker, Sebastian
    Given that eco-innovations and the associated renewal of regional economic structures are pivotal in addressing environmental challenges, regional research is increasingly focusing on their spatio-temporal dynamics. While green technological and industrial path developments in specific regions have received considerable attention, little effort has been made to derive general patterns of environmental inventive activities across regions. Drawing on unique data capturing both green incumbent and green start-up activities in the 401 German NUTS-3 regions over the period 1997-2018, this paper sheds light on how eco-innovation activities unfold in different regional contexts. For this purpose, we introduce sequence analysis methods into the research toolkit of research on regional development. These novel methods allow us to understand to what extent regions engage in eco-innovation activities, how these activities change over time and to what extent similar or unique eco-innovation trajectories (co)evolve. Based on this empirical approach, we distinguish different types of regional eco-innovation trajectories and find a strong persistence and path dependency in green regional development.