Now showing 1 - 10 of 174
  • Publication
    Digitalisation of energy flexibility
    (European Union, 2022)
    Antretter, Michelle
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    Singh, Mahendra
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    Boer, Jordy de
    Rolser, Ole
    Hernandez Diaz, Diego
    Fitzschen, Franziska
    Garcerán, Andrés
    Reina, Ricardo
    Stemmer, Stefanie
    Steinbach, Jan
    Popovski, Eftim
    In 2019, the European Commission announced its European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives to curb CO2 emissions across the economy by 2050, and in summer 2021 the Commission presented the Fit for 55 package, which set an intermediate target to reduce emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. Additionally, Fit for 55 would, among other initiatives, increase the target share of renewables in the overall energy mix from 32% to 40% by 2030. Currently, 20% of all energy in the European Union comes from renewable sources; achieving the Fit for 55 goal would mean a doubling of renewable energy sources in the next nine years. For the energy sector, achieving this target will entail shifting from conventional to renewable energy sources at an increased pace. Most renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, are fluctuating and non-dispatchable; that is, they cannot be controlled by grid operators or market needs but instead are weather-dependent. This fluctuation in supply can create mismatches between generation and demand that requires additional flexibility to equilibrate the power system. This report, researched and written by the Energy Transition Expertise Centre (EnTEC) under the auspices of the European Union looks at topics related to energy transition and focuses on potential solutions for enabling a renewables-based power system that are primarily at least strongly digital. It mainly examines digitally enabled flexibility solutions that leverage existing infrastructure, and does not include purpose-built non-digital flexibility solutions such as utility-scale batteries and gas power plants. EnTEC will support the transformation of the EU energy system by monitoring and analysing trends in technologies and innovations and their impacts on the ongoing energy transition. It will provide the European Commission with recommendations for policy responses and triggering the debate regarding societal changes required to achieve the European Green Deal targets.
  • Publication
    Die Digitalisierung aus Innovationsperspektive
    Die Corona-Krise hat der Digitalisierung einen Schub verliehen - vorhandene Pläne mussten schneller als gedacht umgesetzt, Testphasen abgekürzt oder übersprungen werden und dort, wo es keine Pläne gab, galt es zu improvisieren.
  • Publication
    Bewertung der systemischen Auswirkungen der C/sells-Anwendungsfälle
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2021) ; ; ; ; ;
    Sarfarazi, Seyedfarzad
    Nienhaus, Kristina
    Bruckmeier, Andreas
    Springmann, Elisabeth
    Köppl, Simon
    Guthoff, Felix
    Qussous, Ramiz
    Ritter, David
    Flachsbarth, Franziska
    Heinemann, Christoph
  • Publication
    Emergence of digital and X-as-a-service (XAAS) platforms in German energy sectors
    Business models in the energy sector in Germany experiencing a profound transformation due to the evolution of digital services. Over the recent years, various digital technologies have been adopted and are supporting this transformation. Typically a gap between technological advancement and business value capture can be observed that is often filled by startups offering innovative business models, products and services based on new technologies. State-of-the-art digital technologies facilitate companies to collect and process huge amounts of consumer data which allow them to sense consumer trends and future value proposition opportunities. In practice, such startups are aiming at the final consumers by focusing on the consumer-specific part of the energy value chain. By this, they are disintegrating the conventional energy value chain with its linear business models that dominated in the past (Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Consumer (B2C) models). In this work, we had analysed the business activities of 240 active German energy startups founded in 2014 to 2020 (April). The data is collected from multiple sources including company databases, web-scraping and professional data collection services. The underlying focus of this analysis is centered on the digital platform and X-as-a-Service (XaaS) business models. The finding reveals that most of the innovative energy startups are early adopters of digital technologies such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Digital-twin (DT), etc. Along with, to respond to the scalability challenges a significant number of startups have adopted or in the transition to adopting a platform-driven economy. These startups are privileged by the increasing Network Externalities (NE) among the consumers, which improves the startup's value proposition and profitability by targeting a large number of consumers. The finding also covers the geographical distribution of startups implementing multi-sided platform business models in Germany.
  • Publication
    Making energy-transition headway: A data driven assessment of German energy startups
    This paper explores the linkage between ongoing clean energy-transition, technology and business model emergence in the German energy sector. The speed of energy-transition is often led by innovative startups. Startups with innovative products, services, or value propositions are a key indicator, supporting successful energy-transition. Though, commercial databases cover comprehensive details to understand startup's financial activity and stakeholder relation, but without considering their innovation and business activity. Measuring the actual activities of energy startups is pivotal to capture the impact of energy-transition. To put this into perspective, a hybrid approach of data collection combining structured and unstructured data has been proposed in the following work. A list of 240 innovative startups belonging to different categories and technology focus are examined. Furthermore, data-driven analysis is performed over the data collected from multiple sources. Renewable technologies are yet the most preferred technology focus among German entrepreneurs and stakeholders. 24.6% startups are identified in this category followed by 17.5% in energy management and 16.2% in energy storage. The evidence from this study suggests a clear shift in technology and the value proposition of successful innovative startups in Germany. Digitalisation of the energy sector is fostering the development of multi-sided digital platform driven business models. The result suggested that 8.0% of startups have implemented purely platform based services while 15.7% are experimenting with platform business models along with traditional business to business (B2B) and business to customer (B2C) business models. Findings could guide policymakers and federal agencies to provide a vision for future technology and business model adaptation in the German energy sector.
  • Publication
    Sector coupling technologies in gas, electricity, and heat networks. Competition or synergy?
    Current investment in distribution networks for electricity, gas, and heat is high, and the distribution networks play a prominent role in the necessary transformation of the energy system. This paper provides insights into the relationship between residential end-user decisions on heat supply and their effect on infrastructure planning. Therefore, the gas, electricity, and heat networks are analyzed together. After a review of the characteristics of the networks, the most common sector coupling technologies are compared economically and environmentally. The results show that, under the assumptions made, heat pumps are the cheapest option for residential end-users in the long run. This raises the question of whether a parallel development of three different infrastructures for the heat supply of buildings is the best path to a successful energy transition.