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Agent-based Simulation for Market Diffusion of Passenger Cars and Motorcycles BEV in Greater Jakarta Area

2024 , Nugroho, Rizqi Ilma , Gnann, Till , Speth, Daniel , Purwanto, Widodo W. , Hanafi, Jessica , Soehodho, Sutanto

Battery electric vehicles (BEV) present a promising approach to decarbonizing the transportation sector. This extends beyond electric passenger cars, such as electric motorcycles that hold significant potential in emerging markets with high population density and income disparities. However, providing access to infrastructure remains a challenge in increasing BEV adoption. This research endeavours to determine BEV passenger cars (BEV-PC) and motorcycles (BEV-MC) market diffusion within an emerging market city, focusing on the Greater Jakarta Area, utilizing an Agent-Based Model that considers charging infrastructure availability. Findings indicate that BEV-PC diffusion could attain about 9% of the total vehicle stock by 2030 and almost 75% by 2050 under the Current Policy. Similarly, BEV-MC adoption rates may reach 39% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. Introducing a vehicle purchase subsidy along with full abolishment of fossil fuel subsidies could amplify the diffusion of BEV-PC and BEV-MC to almost triple and double in 2030, respectively.

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Model coupling and comparison on optimal load shifting of battery electric vehicles and heat pumps focusing on generation adequacy

2024 , Misconel, Steffi , Zimmermann , Florian , Mikurda, Jennifer , Möst, Dominik , Kunze, Robert , Gnann, Till , Kühnbach, Matthias , Speth, Daniel , Pelka, Sabine , Yu, Songmin

The energy transition fosters a dynamic landscape marked by renewable energy, electrification, and complex interactions among actors and technologies. Employing model experiments and comparisons shows promise for exploring these connections and enhancing model clarity and precision. This study adopts a multi-model approach, integrating a model comparison to probe how the electrification of demand-side sectors and strategic load shifts of battery electric vehicles and heat pumps might impact Germany's generation adequacy by 2030. Specific demand models from the transport and heating sectors and a future load structure projection model are interlinked with three electricity system models. The comparative analysis of the three electricity system models unveils discrepancies in dispatch decisions for power plants, flexibility options' load shifts, and their effects on generation adequacy, directly tied to model attributes. The comparison underscores methodological variations (linear optimization versus agent-based simulation, myopic foresight versus perfect foresight) as pivotal, emphasizing the significance of considering load change and start-up costs for power plants. The results show that with optimized load shifting by electric vehicles and heat pumps, the adequacy of power generation is less strained despite increased electricity demand. Moreover, load shifts mitigate curtailment of renewables and consumers, reducing carbon emissions by lowering conventional power generation.

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Enhancing electric vehicle market diffusion modeling: A German case study on environmental policy integration

2023 , Van, Tien Linh Cao , Barthelmes, Lukas , Gnann, Till , Speth, Daniel , Kagerbauer, Martin

In order to reduce national and global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many countries worldwide have committed themselves to a more sustainable development of their transport sector. Promoting the use of electrical vehicles (EVs) rather than combustion engine cars is one political strategy to achieve a reduction in GHG emissions. To implement targeted and effective promotion measures governments can refer to market diffusion models for EVs. However, in our study we identify that in existing models the consideration of environmental measures is underrepresented. Hence, this paper addresses this gap in current market diffusion models for EVs by particular focusing on environmental effects as additional influencing factors of the market diffusion. Results are drawn for the German car market with a market diffusion simulation until 2050 applying the market diffusion model ALADIN considering the introduction of distinct CO2 tax trajectories. The results are analyzed based on scenarios, where (i) no CO2 tax, (ii) the current governmental plan for a CO2 tax, and (iii) a considerable high CO2 tax is applied. Additional insights when incrementally increasing the CO2 tax are provided. The scenario analysis shows that the market diffusion is highly dependent on the evolution of external factors. A CO2 tax considerably higher than the current governmental plan by 2030 (such as 150€/t, based on its monetary value by 2020) is required to have a meaningful impact on the market diffusion of EVs. Moreover, applying a considerable high CO2 tax leads to a slower growth of BEV and PHEV from 2040 onwards that is compensated by a growth in FCEV vehicles.

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Diskussionsbeitrag. Eine kritische Diskussion der beschlossenen Maßnahmen zur E-Fuel-Förderung im Modernisierungspaket für Klimaschutz und Planungsbeschleunigung der Bundesregierung vom 28.3.2023. Diskussionsbeitrag

2023 , Wietschel, Martin , Plötz, Patrick , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Neuner, Felix , Tröger, Josephine , Gnann, Till

Günstigere Alternativen, hoher Energiebedarf zur Herstellung, fragwürdige Umweltbilanz und mögliches Hindernis für die Verkehrswende: Die Gründe, die gegen den Einsatz von mit Strom hergestellten synthetischen Kraftstoffen bei Pkw und Lkw sprechen, sind mannigfaltig. Zu diesem Schluss kommt ein neues Diskussionspapier des Fraunhofer ISI. Es nimmt kritisch und auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse Stellung zur jüngsten Entscheidung der Bundesregierung, die vorsieht, dass E-Fuels künftig eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erreichung der Klimaneutralität im Verkehr spielen sollen.

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Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3

2024 , Gnann, Till , Speth, Daniel , Krail, Michael , Wietschel, Martin

Die Langfristszenarien zur Transformation des Energiesystems zeigen Perspektiven zu einem treibhausgasneutralen Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2045 auf. In diesem Teilbericht wird auf den Verkehrssektor fokussiert, der auch bis 2045 ohne Kohlendioxidemissionen auskommen muss. Die Entwicklung der Energienachfrage in den verschiedenen Verkehrsbereichen (Pkw, Lkw, Bus, Bahn, Schiffe, Flugzeuge) wird in drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlichem Fokus beschrieben: Direktelektrifizierung (T45-Strom), direkter Einsatz von Wasserstoff (T45-H2) und vornehmliche Nutzung flüssiger oder gasformiger Kohlenwasserstoffe (T45-PtG/PtL). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Minderungziele im Klimaschutzgesetz bis 2030 und 2045 sehr schwer zu erreichen sind und vor allem im Pkw- und Lkw-Bereich in den kommenden Jahren mehr Geschwindigkeit notwendig ist. Im Pkw, bei kleinen und mittleren Lkw (bis 12t) sowie im Kurzstreckenverkehr schwerer Lkw ist die Zukunft klar elektrisch. Im Lkw-Langstreckenverkehr gibt es noch verschiedene Optionen, deren Zukunft maßgeblich durch Energieträgerpreise und den notwendigen Infrastrukturaufbau geprägt werden. Im Schiffs- und Luftverkehr werden biogene und synthetische Kraftstoffe aufgrund der Energiedichte nach heutigem Wissensstand unumgänglich sein.

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Transformatinsprozess für die kommunale Energiewende - Sektorengekoppelte Infrastrukturen und Strategien zur Einbindung von lokalen Akteuren (TrafoKommunE). Abschlussbericht

2023 , Hotz, Christian , Wayas, Louis , Mohan, Jithin , Merz, Lisa , Isik, Volkan , Köppel, Wolfgang , Glaser, Christian , Kleinebrahm, Max , Jongh, Steven de , Gräfenhorst, Simon , Förderer, Kevin , König, Michael , Stelzer, Volker , Oberle, Stella , Stute, Judith , Wietschel, Martin , Speth, Daniel , Gnann, Till , Hettesheimer, Tim , Powilleit, Marion , Ulmer, Nico , Gewiese, Bernd , Schmalzing, Claus , Studt, Julian , Hettig, Simon , Schmelzer, Martin , Müntefering, Tim , Frankenhoff, Frederic , Benthin, Jörn , Albus, Rolf

Das Projekt TrafoKommunE untersucht den anstehenden Transformationsprozess im Energiesystem mit Fokus auf die kommunale Energiewende. Dabei spielen lokale Energieversorger und Kommunen eine Schlüsselrolle. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird der lokale Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energiequellen, die Nutzung alternativer Technologien (z. B. Wärmepumpen und batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge) und Sanierungsmaßnahmen untersucht. Die leitungsgebundene Energieinfrastruktur wird auf die daraus resultierende notwendige Transformation analysiert. In TrafoKommunE werden neben den technischen Maßnahmen auch mögliche Geschäftsmodelle für lokale Energieversorger betrachtet sowie Fragestellungen bezüglich der Akzeptanz von Stakeholdern. Darüber hinaus wurden die aktuellen politischen Rahmenbedingungen untersucht und es fanden Aktivitäten statt, die zur Aktivierung von Energieversorgungsunternehmen beitragen, eine aktive Rolle bei der lokalen Energiewende einzunehmen.

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Expansion Strategies for Electric Road Systems (ERS) in Europe

2023 , Hacker, Florian , Jöhrens, Julius , Gather, Matthias , Hartwig, Matthias , Gnann, Till , Göckeler, Katharina , Plötz, Patrick , Lehmann, Michael

The market development of alternative powertrains in European road freight transport will only be successful, if a network of alternative energy supply infrastructure is available. Electric road systems (ERS) powering battery electric trucks are one of the discussed alternative propulsion systems. They enable electric driving and dynamic battery charging and thus form a synergetic supply system to be combined with stationary charging of trucks. The ERS technology has been tested in several countries and its potential has been examined in further studies for other European countries. Against this background and in view of the current market situation with a strong focus on battery-electric trucks, a centrally coordinated ERS expansion plan in Europe is yet not to be expected in the near future. It is therefore all the more interesting to look at national ERS actions and to examine possible expansion strategies that can be derived from national or bi-national activities. The analysis of studies of eight European countries on application potential of ERS shows a high overlap of the prioritized routes at the national level with the European TEN-T core network and a relatively coherent connection of the national routes to cross-border, European corridors. Based on data on traffic volumes in European road freight traffic, particularly promising ERS corridors can be identified for early network development. These represent important north-south and east-west connections in European road freight transport and are concentrated in Central Europe. The analysis of the planning aspects of a bilateral implementation of ERS shows possible implementation options that can be carried out relatively independently of European coordination and are also used for other types of cross-border transport infrastructure projects. The economic analyses based on possible cross-border example corridors show that the refinancing of an ERS infrastructure via the users requires a high proportion of ERS vehicles on ERS routes. International projects along TEN-T corridors would ideally serve as "flagship projects" enforcing interoperability by limiting technical varieties. Assuming the success of such flagship projects they could stimulate a market driven pull for a joint European approach. This would then ultimately pave the way for a full electric European road freight network that synergistically combines ERS and stationary charging.

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Faster, greener, scooter? An assessment of shared e-scooter usage based on real-world driving data

2024 , Krauß, Konstantin , Gnann, Till , Burgert, Tobias , Axhausen, Kay W.

In recent years, few transportation modes have gained so much attention so quickly as shared e-scooters. Debates focus on usage patterns over shift effects to environmental impacts. Previous research has mainly been conducted in Asia and North America and in metropolitan areas. Potential interdependencies have been analysed mostly towards public transport (PT). Surprisingly, investigations concerning the usage of shared e-scooters and other shared mobility services have been scarce. However, understanding possible (inter-)dependencies and potentials for inter- and multimodality is crucial for policymakers and transport planners to design efficient and sustainable transportation systems. This is why we draw on an original data set of 118,047 shared e-scooter trips in Karlsruhe, a non-metropolitan city in southwest Germany and add information about carsharing and PT. Apart from station information for both modes, we add departure information for tramways, and weather data. Shared e-scooter data is retrieved via the local providers from November 2020 to April 2021, information about the stations of carsharing and PT is added via OpenStreetMap, and tramway service data is retrieved via the local authority. We find an average trip distance of 1.40 km and substantially less usage on Sundays. The potential of combining shared e-scooters is higher for PT than for carsharing. Shared e-scooter trips show longer distances in times of lower or none PT service. Negative binomial regression models with fixed effects for the PT or carsharing stations show that the number of tram departures positively affects shared e-scooter usage, particularly at off-peak times. Applying mode shift scenarios and focusing on the usage phase, the energy consumption effect of shared e-scooters is found to be between -5 to +0.5 TWh. However, it requires providers to revisit their operations and policy to rethink regulation to get even close to the multimodal or energy consumption potential.

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BOLD - Accompanying research for overhead line trucks in Germany

2023 , Gnann, Till , Jöhrens, Julius , Hacker, Florian , Biemann, Kirsten , Burghard, Uta , Helms, Hinrich , Göckeler, Katharina , Kräck, Jan , Mottschall, Moritz , Plötz, Patrick , Scherrer, Aline , Speth, Daniel

Unter der Leitung des Fraunhofer ISI bildete Projekt BOLD die wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung von drei Feldversuchen und zwölf weiteren Forschungsprojekten zu Oberleitungs-Elektro-Lkw. Gemeinsam mit dem ifeu und dem Öko-Institut und gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz analysierte das Fraunhofer ISI die Akzeptanz der Technologie, die Chancen und Barrieren in der Industrie und der Politiklandschaft sowie die Klima- und Umweltauswirkungen von Oberleitungs-Lkw. Wesentliche Erkenntnisse waren dabei, dass es derzeit mit Scania nur einen Lkw-Hersteller mit klar positiver und mit Daimler einen mit negativer Einstellung zur Technologie gibt, während die anderen uninteressiert sind. Während zahlreiche Bürger v.a. entlang der Teststrecke in Baden-Württemberg eine ablehnende Haltung an den Tag legen, ist auch von politischer Seite kein klares Commitment zu erkennen. Aus ökologischer Sicht schneiden Oberleitungs-Lkw auch leicht besser als stationär beladene Batterie-Lkw ab, da sie eine geringere Umweltwirkung aufgrund kleinerer Batterien induzieren. Für eine erfolgreiche Markteinführung ist jedoch ein staatlich koordinierter, initialer Infrastrukturaufbau mit anhaltender Subventionierung notwendig, wie es auch für andere Technologien der Fall wäre

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Greenhouse gas emission budgets and policies for zero-Carbon road transport in Europe

2023 , Plötz, Patrick , Wachsmuth, Jakob , Sprei, Frances , Gnann, Till , Speth, Daniel , Neuner, Felix , Link, Steffen

Following the Paris Agreement, virtually all countries worldwide have committed themselves to undertaking efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. Within the European Union (EU), the recent ‘Fit for 55’ policy package proposes ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation policies for all sectors as part of the EU's contribution to limiting global warming. Yet, it is unclear whether the proposed policies are sufficient for the EU to limit global warming to 1.5 °C and it remains an open policy problem how to translate global temperature targets into sector-specific emission budgets and further into sector-specific policies. Here, we derive GHG budgets for transport in EU27 and obtain GHG mitigation pathways for Europe consistent with 1.5 °C global warming. We do not provide a comprehensive assessment of the ‘Fit for 55’ transport package but we discuss the main policies for road transport in light of the GHG emission budgets, their level of ambition, and suggest amendments to these policies as well as improvements to the ‘Fit for 55’ package. Our results suggest that parts of the ‘Fit for 55’ for transport are still not ambitious enough to align with a 1.5 °C scenario.