Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Globalisation of R&D and Technology Markets: Consequences for National Innovation Policies
    (Physica-Verlag, 1999)
    Meyer-Krahmer, F.
    On the threshold of the 21st century, an intensive debate about globalisation of R&D and technology markets is of cucial importance. Globalisation will carry on changing the framework for compmany strategies and subsequently for public policies. These conference proceedings contain the papers presented at the international conference "Globalisation of R&D and Technology Markets - Consequences for National Innovation Policies" which was organised by the BMBF and FhG-ISI. In the first part, following the introduction, the policy perspectives are formulated. In the second part the trends, issues and policy impications of the technological globalisation are presented. The third part focusses on international R&D strategies and the promotion of competence centres from the viewpoint of enterprises.
  • Publication
    Umweltverträgliches Wirtschaften - Modelle, Grenzen und Konflikte
    (ISI, 1994)
    Meyer-Krahmer, F.
    Eine grundlegende und breite Entkopplung von Ressourcenverbrauch und Wirtschaftswachstum kann wohl nicht erreicht werden. Notwendig sind daher neue industrielle Leitbilder, die ein umweltverträgliche Wirtschaften unter marktwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen attraktiv machen. Neben den bisher schon praktizierten Leitgedanken "Einsatz additiver Umweltschutztechnologie" und "Schließung von Stoffkreisläufen" bietet vor allem das neue Leitbild "Ganzheitliche Produktpolitik und -nutzung" die Chance, eine substantielle Umweltentlastung bei Beibehaltung der Innovationsfähigkeit unter marktwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen zu erreichen. Notwendig zur breiten Durchsetzung dieses Leitbilds sind die Internalisierung externer Kosten des Ressourcenverbrauchs, staatliche Regulierungen und Verhaltensänderungen der Verbraucher.
  • Publication
    Modelle des Technologie-Transfers
    (ISI, 1993)
    Meyer-Krahmer, F.
    Walter, G.H.
  • Publication
    Die Innovationsproblematik aus Sicht der angewandten Innovationsforschung
    (ISI, 1993)
    Meyer-Krahmer, F.
    The paper starts with an overview over the present status of indicator research and an assessment of current developments and weaknesses therein. Recent results in the dynamics of main areas of research and development and technology stategies of firms demonstrate that an analysis based on industrial sectors is not adequate to portray the recently ascertainable dynamics of technology strategies of firms and the development of their technological competence profiles. Finally, reference is made to an area of innovation research presently emerging, which concentrates on the interfaces in systems of innovation. The functional links between science to the research into industrial networks. These approaches make possible not only microeconomic analyses, including strategic company planning, but also macroeconomic studies into the influence of the degree of networking between research infrastructure and industry on international competitiveness.
  • Publication
    Technology Policy Evaluation in Germany
    (ISI, 1991)
    Meyer-Krahmer, F.
  • Publication