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Servitisation of European manufacturing: Evidence from a large scale database

2014 , Dachs, B. , Biege, S. , Borowiecki, M. , Lay, G. , Jaeger, A. , Schartinger, D.

Manufacturing firms increasingly produce and provide services along with or instead of their traditional physical products. The goal of this paper is to provide new evidence for this servitisation of European manufacturing and test previous findings based on case studies with a large, firm-level data set. Empirical results indicate that service turnover of manufacturing firms is still small compared to the turnover with physical products. National differences play only a minor role in explaining the degree of servitisation. Firm size is of more relevance. Results reveal a U-shaped relationship between firm size and servitisation which points to advantages of both, small and large firms in servitisation. Moreover, servitisation is positively related to product complexity and the likelihood that the firm introduces product innovation.

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Stiefkind Service-Innovation?

2011 , Lay, G. , Biege, S. , Buschak, D. , Jäger, A.

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Business model innovation paths and success in the machine tool industry

2010 , Copani, G. , Marvulli, S. , Lay, G. , Biege, S. , Buschak, D.

Service-oriented business models are regarded as one of the main competitve priority for European machine builders willing to keep their global leadership, menaced by the growth of asiatic competitors and by the financial crisis. Despite the efforts of the research community and if industrial companies in the direction of servization, there is empirical evidence that only few companies succesfully innovated their business model. In this paper, the results of an European case study research are reported, aimed at the understanding of business model innovation mechanisms and succes in the machine tool sector. Companies resulted distributed in different clusters, each of them characterized by different business model innovation levels, strategic consciousness and achieved performance. Thh culsters suggest the existence of three alternative paths of business model innovation, which are described in paper, showing specific innvoation mechanisms that can be followed.

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Servicemärkte im Ausland systematisch erschließen

2010 , Lay, G.

Das Buch bietet in einem Forschungsprojekt evaluierte Entscheidungsinstrumente für die Beurteilung der Attraktivität von Auslandsmärkten für das Dienstleistungsgeschäft im Maschinenbau. Es führt in vier Schritten zu einer Analyse und abschließenden Bewertung.

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Servitization and networking: Large-scale survey findings on product-related services

2013 , Bikfalvi, A. , Lay, G. , Maloca, S. , Waser, B.R.

This research paper aims at analyzing the impact of servitization on networking in manufacturing industries. Based on a cluster analysis, four types of manufacturers have been identified representing different stages of servitization. By multifactorial regressions, the impact of servitization on service networking has been investigated. Servitization is positively linked with increasing service networking activities of manufacturing companies. This finding implies that problems in realizing service networking do not prevent servitizing manufacturers from establishing inter-firm collaboration for service operations management issues. However, the results indicate that the mere existence of service networks can not guarantee success in servitizing.

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Wechselwirkungen zwischen Produkt- und Serviceinnovationen

2011 , Biege, S. , Jaeger, A. , Lay, G.

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Early stage assessment of service-based business concepts

2010 , Lay, G. , Biege, S. , Buschak, D. , Copani, G. , Marvulli, S.

In literature the positive economic effects for suppliers and customers of Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) have often been described. However provider companies often struggle when it comes to realize win-win potentials. Therefore, an early stage assessment is needed to allow companies to forecast benefits, risks, costs and profits of the new business model in early stages of IPS2 planning. It will be shown how business plans can be used to describe and assess the process, requirements and pitfalls in creating added value via IPS2. The results of two case studies of machine tool manufacturers turning into solution providers are reported.

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Service-Innovationen in der Industrie

2011 , Lay, G. , Biege, S. , Buschak, D. , Jaeger, A.

Sachgüterproduzenten verstehen sich zunehmend auch als Erbringer von Dienstleistungen. Die Entwicklung neuer Dienstleistungsangebote unterscheidet sich jedoch von Produktentwicklungsprozessen. Der Fachbeitrag beleuchtet auf Basis einer Unternehmensbefragung, welche Informationsquellen als Impulsgeber für innovative Dienstleistungen dienen und wie die Serviceentwicklung in den Betrieben organisiert ist. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Praxis abgeleitet.

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Kundenmehrwert durch Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen

2011 , Lay, G.

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Betriebe erfolgreich zur Exzellenz führen

2010 , Neuhaus, R. , Schat, H.-D. , Lay, G. , Jäger, A. , Müller, T.